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Everything posted by TRENCH



    yes. For example, this old lady says "NAUR, ITS THREW ITS THREW". That's "No, It's true! It's true!" in American English

    Kim Petras

    For me it’s up to the listener to pick and choose how to separate art-from-artist 🤷🏻‍♂️ And not even Doja Cat (who doesn’t care who gets mad at what she says) likes to talk about it at all… like read the room maam. You can still work with L*ke and keep it on the down-low, but I guess the controversy is part of the image

    Kim Petras

    Imagine scoring a #1 song in the United States and no one cares about your music and only the shit you tweet every two days. Regardless of your opinion on her artistic actions, we should agree on what I said a year ago: she’s f***ng Dr L*ke, Cz no way in hell would a person double-down on being a “ride-or-die” for a man that knows how to work GarageBand, and past collaborators don’t want to touch him with a ten foot pole. Like she expects respect bc her man can lay down some beats on a computer? Ohhh I’m so scared

    Azealia Banks

    “Festival Hall has unfortunately is being rescheduled” Not the cancellation post’s grammar being as messy as her
  6. Thankfully HM is her cemented magnum opus, so UV and NFR will have to fight it out or something , if Ocean Blvd does become her top 3
  7. not yall fighting over a feature no one remembers it even exist
  8. lowkey they would sell pretty well, I still hear people wanting to buy them in the US
  9. Reading the bits about plants being backed up (for a looong time now), I need big artists to stop releasing 20 variants of a mid album. I'm sorry but no one needs 12 variants of Special by Lizzo or 20 by Red Hot Chilli peppers newest album. Most of these variats arent even sold on independent record stores. Oh and the variants just give the labels an extra reason to sub-charge for mnaufcatrered rarity. The variants for this album show a bit of more purpose with the sleeve designs being specific to each record. anyways rant over, I'm loving the red variant
  10. Archetype: The Well of Thought Key Songs: 1. Get Free 2. Wildflower Wildfire 3. hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but I have it 4. 13 Beaches 5. Swan Song If I had to guess, you often find yourself perched in a small corner of your mind, turning over ideas simply for the sake of it. You might be prone to existential musings and have a reoccurring mental motif of “What if?” You’re likely a very fair individual, giving many belief systems and people an objective assessment before dismissing or accepting them. You might be inclined to think before acting, sometimes at a cost, but your thoughtful nature defines and supplements not only yourself but those around you. Song Suggestions: Ladder Song by Bright Eyes, Secret Garden by Bruce Springsteen, Dawn Chorus by Thom Yorke Holy fuck. Not 3 of the Key Songs being on my top 10 Lana tracks and the description being right
  11. I LOVE the pictures on the onther folds but theres something so clean about this one
  12. Does anyone know why she want back to that 2014 doo wop sound with Made You Look? sounds like a cheap knockoff of her debut.. Its clear her label pushed her to do it, she looks miserable every time she has performed the song
  13. doing my masters and starting my career after working in service jobs and taking 6 years to get my bachelors (with the added stress of being a first generation college student), and I'm so fkn burnt out and just delusioned with adulthood and the world. Lana's songs usually take a bit to hit me, but this one along with Wildfire Wildflower are hitting so hard right now
  14. She even posted the photo of her in front of capitol records, a label that has nothing to do with her or her music, so it definitely was a project in the pipeline
  15. TRENCH

    Charli XCX

    Lightning is one of the best produced pop songs in years. Its a world of its own, and takes you there; not many songs do that for me
  16. TRENCH


    a guy i follow from Dominican Republic was posting her show on his story when she toured there and she was laying it downnnn. She got skills, pop girls better take notes
  17. what was it? video is down
  18. My bf stumbled upon her music on YouTube and we're becoming fans. How does she get the budget for her music production and videos?! Spectacular art
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