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Everything posted by Monicker

  1. Now, i haven't seen it yet, but i'm a longtime fan of the writer/director Harmony Korine (his movies Gummo and Mister Lonely are two of my all time favorites), and i've been devilishly anticipating, since i first heard about the project about a year ago, seeing teenagers by the droves walk out of the theater within the first 20 minutes. From what i've seen, already, as was expected, a lot of people (who were obviously going to the movie to watch Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens shoot guns and act "slutty") are saying that it's the worst movie they've ever seen. I guess i shouldn't be too surprised that the film has not been talked about at all in the context of its auteur director. It's like he is completely detached from the movie. And i have yet to hear almost anything about this movie from his fans or usual followers. It's just all been a big hype machine and talk of Disney stars in bikinis, James Franco as a thug, and spring break debauchery. When i first heard about the project i realized it was going to be one of the greatest stunts pulled by a director in recent film history, a big budget act of trolling, and an ingenious, highly calculated ruse to get kids looking for a spring break escapist movie to go to a "slow" art house film. Again, i haven't seen it yet, but it's clear that there was an intention from the very beginning to craft a comically misleading discrepancy between the trailer/promotion/marketing of the movie and the film itself. You don't have to know anything here other than the fact that this is a Harmony Korine film. I just read this, which is simultaneously hilarious and sad: Anyway, this is my way of saying i'm excited to finally see the film. Let's just hold a little spot here for those of us who will eventually watch it and want to talk about it, eh?
  2. So the same as Brian Wilson. Not too bad sharing a birthday with the greatest composer/arranger/producer of pop music.
  3. It's "you're rollin'," an indication to her that they're recording and that she can start. It's an engineer's saying that originates from "tape is rolling."
  4. ^ That only applies to people who have been around for a while.
  5. ^ I was actually just watching the performances that MermaidTrailerHeaven posted in the Vocal Range thread, listening to how pitchy she can be, and for the first time having the thought that maybe she's just really high when she performs. I've heard some of the best singers butcher their songs while high and/or really drunk. It's probably just a combination of nervousness and awkwardness though.
  6. I, uhm, don't really know what to say. Stay gold, Ponyboy PrettyBaby.
  7. Why is it that in every picture of them he comes across as her chaperone? Also, is this his only job now, to escort her around? Also, does anyone else get mini panic attacks when they see these sort of pictures of fans enveloping a celebrity?
  8. I never got into CSN, CSNY, or Neil Young. I never really tried though either. You have been saying this for like half a year now. #NobodyCares #ILuvHashtags
  9. WHAT? How is this even possible? How did these words leave anyone's mouth? Am i alive? I feel like i'm legitimately losing my mind when i read stuff like this.
  10. I didn’t know about this CSNY song. I wrote a heavy, sort of end of the world, gospel sounding thing on organ today that i named Ohio. I’m not changing the name. Did anyone read this comment on the ABC article linked to in the OP? I don't know, that really stood out to me, coming from someone who's worked within that system. There doesn't seem to be an adequate solution with the binary we have of either life in prison or the death penalty. It's all incredibly depressing--the sort of stuff that leads to this, the tragedy and loss itself, the unfathomable emotions that the families and friends have to go through for the rest of their lives, the fear that this sort of thing leaves with the public (it seems school shootings are just going to keep happening because it's an easy thing for troubled people to mimic), and then...what, the prison system? That's fucked too. There is so much violence and abuse in that environment, both amongst inmates and towards inmates by the prison staff.
  11. Oh my god. Ohio. What is going on? I need to go to sleep.
  12. God, this is so heinous. This is from a kid that was at the party that night who was also caught on video saying atrocities. And this is only a few of the tweets. There's also a ton of text messages. When you read through this shit it sounds like these people are all clinically insane. I feel so hopeless after reading about this case over the last few days. How do you talk to people like this and to the people who defend this shit? How do you educate people who have been born into this terrifying way of thinking (or not thinking)? I see insane comments at the end of some of these articles or youtube videos and then the slew of comments in response to the idiocy, but, i don't know, it seems mostly futile, like it's only supplying the meatheads with fodder to laugh at. That is if they even listen in the first place. Those videos that PrettyBaby posted...am i being too cynical to think that people from that town in Ohio and most of the rape apologists across the country would just immediately laugh at the guy, mock him, call him a fag, and dismiss him after two seconds, accusing him of thinking too much, and that he doesn’t know how to have fun, and that he's just a pussy? I mean, i know that it’s a slow, frustrating process and that the change has to absolutely be a fundamental one, but i can't help feel that inevitable hopelessness. And i also hate that when i read stuff like this my anger leads me to start thinking an eye for an eye. What good is that.
  13. You have really touched on some of my exact (kind of conflicting and complicated) thoughts on Paradise and some the biggest issues i have with it as a whole. I wrote a ridiculously long post in the Paradise Reviews thread that goes into detail about most of what you've mentioned above, if you happen to be interested in your eyes glazing over from too many words about a 33 minute long album. Though, ultimately, i like the album despite all of its shortcomings.
  14. I don't have any links, sorry. I only have both albums on CD.
  15. Her first album, Brigitte Bardot Sings from 1963 is in my top albums of all time. Her music is pretty much dismissed as generic and uninspired, i'm guessing because she was mostly considered of value only for her looks. Her first album is really peculiar and covers so many genres--surf, vaudeville, mariachi, orchestral, big band, jazz, cartoon music, "novelty" songs, ballads, and more. How generic can her music be if her first of two albums covers that much musical territory in half an hour? Ye-ye albums of the period don't really sound like this, so i have no idea what people are talking about. As for her singing, she's not versatile and doesn't have a big range, no, but so what, that's not all there is to singing. She makes up for it with a playful and irresistible voice full of character and charisma. I will always defend her music.
  16. The girl received death threats from people in town when it became evident that she was going to prosecute. That mentality that fights to normalize this kind of thing is very real. Also, that CNN clip that foxgrl linked to really should be seen. Right there is as concrete of an example as you can get--in this case of a major news network--framing the rapists' verdict as the real tragedy (“What’s the lasting effect on two young men being found guilty in juvenile court of...rape, essentially?”) That was the focus of the entire segment. Sign that petition and pass it along. CNN apologizing for the way they covered the story would be huge. It would bring awareness to many Americans who don’t think about this stuff, who don’t even have it on their radar. Sure, if CNN goes through with it there will be a huge backlash. They and those who signed the petition will be criticized and ridiculed by those who want to discredit any movement that challenges the status quo. But any kind of progress begins with that kind of dismissive backlash.
  17. Oh man, i spent like an hour earlier today reading like 5 different stories on this even though it was really hard and upsetting to read. I was just seething the entire time. What an enraging and depressing story. Trent Mays seems like a straight up sociopath. But, the thing is, there's a whole town--the school, teachers, football coach, parents, store owners, etc.--behind this as well, and that's what makes it horrifying. In addition to everything that was reported happening that night, it's insane that the people who video taped the crime were given immunity. Oh and then the defense attorney, god. There's a video where he speaks briefly to a news source and he is claiming that the victim was, like, trying to get with Trent Mays that night! He looks like a bad actor playing a nervous part, his eyes are wandering all over the place. How do you live with yourself defending cases like this? Fucking sociopath too.
  18. Okay so Harlem Shake is literally 30 seconds of music repeated six times. I should have a glass of water right now. I realized that i once tried to listen to Call Me Maybe and i turned it off after the first chorus, which is rare for me because i almost always make it a point to sit through everything no matter how much i can't tolerate it. I got through it this time. This sounds like music that would be in an Old Navy commercial for pants or, like, an edgy shampoo commercial. What is going on? I wonder if the producer(s) told her to smile while singing. What is she doing? I am contributing to Vevo views like a good consumer. Now on to Baby by Justin Bieber. He looks like a hot lesbian. Am i supposed to think this? God, his pronunciation and inflection is gross, ugh. Is this kid going to hate his life in a few years? Why are they at a bowling alley? Why is Ludacris there? What am i doing? I don't have anything to say about this song, it feels like i'm staring at a white wall and someone is asking me to describe it. I think i'd rather listen to this than Call Me Maybe. Man, that fade is smooooth. Oh, he got the girl at the end and he did a cool handshake with Luda. Alright Biebz. No one is reading this, i'm about to start confessing some dark, vile secrets. Okay, on to Kiss You by One Direction (it's the first song that comes up when you start typing One Direction on youtube so i went with that one). I surprised you, didn't i? Pulled this one out of left field. I wasn't prepared for this. This sounds like an SNL sketch. Fuck, this one is easily the worst of the night. This is suicide. What if this was the only song you could listen to for the rest of your life? Wait, why is the song quoting 99 Luftballoons? I have to admit that i'm laughing a lot listening to/watching this. Why is this SO LOUD? And why do they have to sing LIKE THAT, ugh. Imagine one of these doofuses kissing you. There is no way that i will ever listen to this piece of shit again. I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time. What was the point of this thread again?
  19. So i heard (and watched) Gangnam Style, you guys. Uhm. I don't really have thoughts, my mind was kind of blank as i watched it. I think this is just too easy. It seems like the song is a sensation just because of the novelty of the video, that it's just a case of laughing at the Other-- ha ha ha look at this culture, that funny looking Asian man is doing things we don't expect him to be doing LOL. The song also just sucks, as was aptly noted by Limelight. Anyway, it turns out i am not that late at all, it's not even a year old, i thought it was like two years old, wtf is wrong with my concept of time. I'm going to listen to Harlem Shake now. Oh, and i'm also going to listen to Call Me Maybe. This thread has been inspiring done something to my mind. I've never heard a Justin Bieber song so i might do that too... After that i may or may not kill myself. Or do my laundry. Thanks for listening to the tales of my mundane existence in which i live under a cozy rock.
  20. Wait, are you, like, saying that Jay-Z is gay?? Because he’s black? You should be post-restricted.
  21. Just hold on a second, he'll be in here shortly to answer this question.
  22. Someone told me Ben has a huge cock. Has this been confirmed? All i know is he's a real wordsmith. La-di-da.
  23. Hmmm, what if, in an alternate universe, Lana had taken to sporting a John Deere jacket? Would fans be scouring the internet for John Deere jackets? Or what about an Ovaltine jacket?
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