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Everything posted by Monicker

  1. Well, according to that 'Hollywood Sadcore' interview that was just linked above, she was considering it for BTD as well, no?
  2. deeth just stole lola's job. This thread is going to unravel now into madness.
  3. ...or, rather, shopped at trendy clothing sites that sell a manufactured version of that very look you just described Me too. I think she's the only one who can pull off that shit.
  4. This is so weird, it was this video that someone showed me which lead to watching the Snoop commercial! And the person who showed me loves Hot Pockets, but even more so loves...LEAN POCKETS???
  5. You have amazing hair. Very Anna Karina and also a particular '60s girl group member that i can't place and it's driving me crazy.
  6. Oh my god. My mind is melting, i have no idea what i just watched/heard. Can you imagine how surreal it must feel for Lana to see this? By the way, have you all seen the Snoop Hot Pockets commercial?? Someone showed me the other day and i think i felt a little bit of my brain leaking out of my ears.
  7. Man, why is this forum always talking about sexy things?
  8. evil, you have forgotten your customary old man hashtag in your last two posts. What's going on?
  9. It's funny (read: depressing), if you read through her Lana Del Rey twitter (which is quite a chore) chronologically, you can see just how quickly (almost, literally, over night) her life got so complicated and invaded--stuff leaking, rumors starting, harsh criticism from everywhere, everyone wanting a piece of her, even impostors. I can't seem to ever get over how insane fame is or comprehend how anyone can ever desire it. It seems to be, at least in part, some sort of mental disorder. It's like dying and becoming fodder for vultures to feast on
  10. Naw, i'm the kind of guy who bitches about boring, unimaginative set designers, and the kind of guy who realizes how many hundreds of beautiful, amazing-looking microphones have existed over the last century, and finds it lame that people continue to use that Shure 55S for fucking everything. Do you watch porn with story lines, evil? Because it looks stupid. But i'll answer your question with another question: Why is she even singing into it if she's singing to an empty room? Before y'all jump down my throat and tell me to relax and to stop being so picky about such an insignificant detail--i was just jokingly responding to someone's comment, and now here i am explaining my comment. My opinion of this video is not at all shaped by the microphone in the video. Trust me, that was the nicest thing i could say about this video.
  11. She knows how to work the most overused microphone in modern music videos, television, and film. And it's not even plugged in.
  12. But it certainly is fixated on vocal gymnastics/runs and over-emotive singing But Kate Bush was at her peak when people looked for something different than they do in a singer today. A singer could and did sing more "straight" back then. It was perfectly acceptable and even expected. We are amongst a mindset that equates good singing with diva type shit--overemphasizing technique and the ability to belt at the expense of emotion and nuance. Anyway, i am digressing, this is not the main point at all, but you got me thinking about this now. I totally agree. I want to see this sort of thing happen so badly.
  13. I know. Have you ever been somewhere, like a cocktail party, and you are standing by the punch bowl keg or maybe the bathroom door because you hate your life and everyone in the room and you just want to die and you don't know what else to do because you're socially inept and riddled with anxiety, and then some asshole comes up to you and is like, "Hey, man, i know you," and in your mind you're thinking FUCK THIS SHIT, and you say, "Oh, cool," and then the two of you strike up the most painful small talk of your life, and you are clenching your entire body and straining your brain trying to think of different ways out of this hell, and, inevitably, at some point, the person will say either "Call me sometime," or "We should hang out sometime," or, worst of all, "We should totally work on something together sometime" and you somehow manage, with remarkable quickness, to respond with a very convincing, "Oh, totally, yeah, yeah, definitely, for sure, for sure" while nodding your head like a moron? Has this ever happened to you, Hellion, or anyone else in this hopeless thread?
  14. I think people tend to forget that Lana Del Rey is incredibly polite. She also has her picture taken a lot and loves it.....
  15. I didn't know Jay-Z was tied to GG Allin! Gosh, i've secretly always wanted to mention GG Allin on a Lana Del Rey forum.
  16. Anyone get the impression that she’s a lot more religious than she leads on and that it may be a result of “cleaning up,” an AA/NA sort of thing? This one seems the most telling:
  17. I absolutely love everything you've written here. This is one of my very favorite descriptions i've ever read of her. You really hit the nail on the head on a lot of points. Definitely a Beat and stream-of-consciousness thing going on, but, of course, filtered through her very singular lens. Great point about how it seems she's always writing, good or bad. That's a big thing about her, that idea that we get so many different levels of quality from her, the warts and all. I love that in artists. It's not too precious or overly calculated. She's not afraid to try out things and maybe fall flat. I love that she can have this amazing song sitting right next to something awful and kind of perplexing. And, as you suggested, there's a quickness, a spontaneity to it, that whole approach of just getting it out no matter what. Don't think about it too much, just get it out and it'll sort of figure itself out. That's a really big factor in her work, i think. And i think a lot of her charm lies there. And, yes, very much using her own codes, i think that's the first time i've heard anyone really nail that aspect of her artistry. There's also the repetition. This is what i've alluded to before as a kind of neurotic obsessiveness almost. I like the down to earth artist descriptor. And the paradoxes--shy and reserved, yet confident, assertive. Matches the wild variance of her musical and fashion styles, too. Complex person, artist, persona, the whole package.
  18. Yeah, nicely put. Although i wouldn't say that it's not caring. More like not caring too much to the point where you've stifled your creation. Caring enough that you believe in what you're doing and seeing your vision through, but always letting your creation breathe a little and kind of take on a life of its own. Leave the life in there, and life is imperfect. You always hear a lot of artists talk about the creation guiding them rather than them guiding the creation. Like they're being taken along for a ride as this thing just flows out of them. Some people will even go as far as referring to it as feeling like they're a vessel for God's expression (Brian Wilson, for example, has said something similar before about creating Pet Sounds). I don't know that that sort of "divine" inspiration necessarily fits the character of Lana's work though just because she's so staunchly idiosyncratic that her stuff lacks the more "universal" appeal that is usually associated with works that are often described like this. There's something naive and awkward about her that i love and i think ties into this idea of the imperfect. Lana is all about a feeling. Imagine how terrible it'd be if she wasn't as resolute and confident, and she just allowed some record label dudes to iron out her quirks and sense of self, distilling her down to just a good singing voice, and stripping away all the nuances and weird little details that make her her. Or around ten forums (but only one good one)
  19. You know, no one ever talks about how her eyes are wide like cherry pies. Barrie probably told her that too, while fuc-- making her a nice dinner.
  20. I'd have to go through the whole album because i can't remember right now which songs it happens on or on how many songs (i don't listen to the album that much) but there are a few digital glitches throughout that sound like clicks or a tiny skip, they happen very fast. It sounds like maybe something that happened when the CD was ripped. I don't know, maybe i'm remembering more than there were and it only happens a couple of times, but next time i listen to the album straight through i'll write them down.
  21. 128 m4a. I doubt it, but just to ask, no one here has a copy of Sirens without those occasional, little digital glitches, right?
  22. Don’t know if this is exactly thread worthy and how much discussion it can really spur, but i thought it was worth sharing. Maybe we can just use this thread to collect the more interesting (positive!) opinions on Lana from non-celebrities from unlikely places? God, that’s a mouthful (i kind of feel like LDR crusader Love Lana Like Life right now). Anyway, i’m always interested in seeing how things that i’m really into are evaluated by those from other corners of the universe. I just think it’s fascinating to get the perspective of people who aren’t so on the inside like us obsessed freaks. I think it’s easy sometimes to forget about the more "casual" listener’s views. The subject of Lana in particular is of interest to me in this context because it still puzzles me how she seems to have totally eluded a less pop-culture-oriented audience. So when i see someone who's coming from another part of the music world and they “get” it, the geek in me gets excited. Anyway, the point to all of this is that i was on the Beach Boys messageboard when, to my delight, i see the name Lana Del Rey suddenly pop up. What was interesting to me was to see BTD’s production described in a way i’ve never heard before. I'll use spoilers because this is getting long.
  23. But i thought PrettyBaby was an avid Lanalysis reader? & stay pre$$ed @ not having the time 4 Lanalysis, evil...u r just a h8r!!!!
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