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Everything posted by Escapism

  1. Escapism

    Steven Universe

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DPvMTZvq1k phew!
  2. I honestly don't think that she looks that bad, her fillers seem to be fading as others have mentioned (I hope she's letting them fade and that they'll be gone for good lmao, that's up to her though), but she's in some casual attire, with no makeup, and picking up food. Not really expecting much, but good to see she's alive.
  3. I really miss her nostalgic old Hollywood glamour days, not to say I want her to go back to that but songs like Hollywood’s Dead are lovely, plus I adored her iconic 50s and 60s inspired looks; the curls, the bouffant, the make up were all really gorgeous.
  4. I really miss her homemade videos, like Video Games esque ones. There's just something about them that I can genuinely enjoy despite them not being high production or whatever.
  5. Escapism

    Steven Universe

    Okay, but the animation for Can't Go Back and Lapis' song were wonderful! Shame it got outshined. I also appreciate some of the development she got, but they sill stayed true to the idea that she has a form of PTSD (and likely other mental illnesses such as depression) , it felt much more realistic than her just getting over her fear and trauma. However, I do wonder how they're going to reintroduce her back into the plot. As for A Single Pale Rose.... phew! I've read and watched theories before surrounding that idea, although I was never really for or against it since it did have PLENTY of foreshadowing and evidence. But, I was still a little surprised to say the least. There are things I like and dislike about it though, trying to avoid details for spoiler reasons, but I feel so much was lost, it's just odd due to the whole build up and development to it from certain characters like Steven. Although, then again, it's likely more development can be attributed from this.
  6. Escapism

    Steven Universe

    Hey guys don't forget about the episodes tonight! Cant Go Back and a Single Pale Rose airing 7:30 PM (EST)!
  7. Escapism

    Steven Universe

    May 7th we'll be getting a 2 episode special with the titles Can't Go Back and A Single Pale Rose. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqtv2vqzafU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z8hKLDa7VM Can't Go Back clips and leaked images: https://imgur.com/a/NWKDLGC Clips (i'll try to find a HQ and translated one later). Leaked part of song A Single Pale Rose clips and leaked images: https://imgur.com/a/Ir0dR2H Clips
  8. honestly she can do what she wants, but what is the point of her getting cheek fillers? are they supposed to make her look younger or something?
  9. Escapism

    Tour Poll

    Sure, I believe it's apart of Paradise though http://lanadelrey.wikia.com/wiki/Paradise_Tour, but the Paradise tour was very long and the 2014 setlist was a change.
  10. Escapism

    Tour Poll

    Since LA to the Moon's tour had ended (or is ending? I'm not sure if I should count the 2 festival dates coming in the summer lol) I decided it'd be fun to make a poll of her best tour and discuss your favorite tour moments, looks, performances, stage sets, or ramble about what you like and didn't like about this tour or her other ones.
  11. Honestly, this is sweet but I'm surprised nobody was mauled when she gave that jacket out lmao.
  12. Alright, but I hope we get an actual boxset that's similar to UV's or Paradise's (or even better, a mix of both).
  13. Honeymoon 38 God Knows I Tried 24 Salvatore 28 The Blackest Day 41
  14. I kinda hope we get a new photographer for the next album. I love Neil's work and Chuck... can be unpredictable (as in sometimes she has good shots and others... not so much lol), but I think it's about time to switch it up again. I mean, back when Lana switched from Nicole to Neil, it felt fresh and well, it was really nice. Although, I'm sure it would be difficult to find another photographer that can capture Lana's essence as well as Nicole, Neil, and Chuck have. Speaking of Nicole, I wouldn't mind Lana bringing her back considering it's been around 5 years since they last worked together, it'd be a nice homage - although, I think that would have worked better for LFL considering it's connection with BTD. Anyways, I'm excited to see what Lana's putting together whether it be an EP or an LP and the sound she's going for.
  15. I'm not sure what I want in terms of sound as Lana has proven she can do well with various genres, although I still hope we get RBFY as a song. However, I really hope we start getting iconic and memorable videos again. Her past couple of eras have been pretty bland and well, forgettable in that area. Perhaps BTD and Paradise set the bar too high (not counting UV even though we got SOC). -HM does have it's moments and I have a high appreciation for it's aesthetic, it's all very pretty when it comes together but that's it. If someone were to bring up her videos, they wouldn't be the first thing that comes to mind. - When it comes to LFL though.. lmao... I mean a lot of the photoshoot preview videos (Idk what to call them, but think that Steven Klein w/ Cherry) are more interesting than some of what we got, same with the Album trailer. Although, I'll give credit to the Love video for having a really pretty looking space setting. Maybe it has just come down to Lana maturing more and finding a comfort zone.
  16. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    i mean ok cool I still have no idea where I stand with her tbh it's not just about the rape accusation- although thats a pretty big part (even though timothy seems off in a lot of ways), there's that yunglita chick she hangs out with who has quite an interesting history with fetishisizing some of the things melanie's been accused of, some of her old pals she's had fall outs with speaking up (I mean melanie's fans are fucking vicious, i can see why they hadn't said anything before a major thing happened and more people are willing to listen). all in all it's just a mess lol. but what i do know for sure is i really like that blue wig.
  17. Escapism

    Steven Universe

    i was waiting until like mid-night to watch them and boy was I not disappointed. I was happy to see Garnet got so much love in these episodes and I enjoyed the gem to townie interactions a lot, Letters to Lars was definitely one of my favorites out of the four.
  18. Escapism

    Steven Universe

    Taken from reddit, but here's some preview images from the episodes: https://imgur.com/a/Cqose - the big show https://imgur.com/a/fxUap - Letters to Lars (?) https://imgur.com/a/MdnMK - Your Mother and Mine (?) https://imgur.com/a/Kp1nx - Pool Hopping (?) There's also a half hour special airing May 7th: http://www.geekgirlauthority.com/steven-universe-returns-april-9/
  19. Escapism

    Steven Universe

    So, new episodes 5 days away (on the CN app)! but fuck the flashbacks have me hyped
  20. I wouldn't be surprised if it was G eazy, she seems incredibly bitter about the entire relationship now - hence the shade (i.e the "G" sign and "the day your record dropped- and it wasn't even that good"). As for Fran, I just don't like him lmfao (but he did give us some good photoshoots!).
  21. HTBAH is one of the worst things she's ever done, Sorry! There are much better songs on the album that deserve justice that how to be a flop got!
  22. a very realistic reaction of mine when i saw katy perry's comment ...yipes.... odd to think i liked her when i was like 9! anyways i think its kinda cute that lana posts her fans edits
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