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Everything posted by Escapism

  1. For me, it's not that I dislike it (I actually love the album) but the songs don't feel as personal to me as they did with TFJ and EH. Hence why the main songs I listen to on the album still are Happy, Solitaire, and Immortal. I also jam to FROOT a lot, but idk I feel like the rest of the songs have something missing. Maybe I just need to listen to the album in full again or something. But, I think the hate for the album is a bit much.
  2. I don't even know what to say, this is terrifying and it saddens me to think about all the people who just lost a family member or a good friend that they will never see again due to someone believing that an act like this will prove something- but prove what exactly? They just wasted their own life and the lives of others those of which they don't even know, what is there to prove? It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. And personally, I am already paranoid enough as it is. I suppose the fact that death can come so easily by the hands of another person scares me the most, but the fact that guns are so easy to get to worsens it.
  3. Stupid question, but are we sure PWYC had a full video and what she posted wasn't just something to "promote" (idk what else to call it) the song?
  4. I'm glad she cut her hair, now new, more healthy hair can grow in. And unsurprisingly she looks super cute
  5. Since the LFL album cover was supposed to be a recall back to BTD, I really wish she would have chosen to work with Nicole again (and nicole takes some of my favorite lana-smiling pics) it would be much more fitting than Chuck. Also the HM photoshoot is really underrated there are some gorgeous photos in that set. But some of Neil's photos this era are really...underwhelming to say the least at least compared to UV's and HM's.
  6. Honestly I probably won't buy any of the merch this era, unless she releases another lyric book. I mean, some of the stuff is cute (or the concept of it is) but it's either pricey or it's something I just wouldn't wear often. Even then, her stores are confusing as hell since there's like 3 or 4 different ones.
  7. I feel like for almost every album photoshoot, the one that gets chosen as the coverart is never the best photo.
  8. I think it'll depend on where you get it. OU for sure will have the clear one as for other places like Barnes and Noble will probably have the black one.
  9. I was going to buy the racing jacket, but I'm actually thinking of just buying a cute vintage racing jacket off of ebay or buying a varsity jacket- either way I can get custom patches and put them on there Also the vinyls are beautiful can't wait until I can go pick one up from the store.
  10. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    The ending only makes sense to me if the next album takes place in like a mental hospital (hence why the nurse is there) or it representing that she's becoming more of a citizen in crybaby's town (or wherever the next album is supposed to take place) and seeing through their eyes than being an "outcast" if you will. Idk it kinda makes sense in my head.
  11. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    Decided to watch it a couple more times and well, it's pretty good HOWEVER definitely not worth a 9 month wait. I wish it were a little more action packed and dark. And the crazy face she makes is honestly cringey and redundant at this point. Glad this era is finally over, isn't she supposed to announce her able title tho?? Also I loved her attire in this MV the hair is wonderful
  12. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    um its ok could've been better
  13. I love the racer jacket, but I wish it were in red tbh and it's probably going to cost a ton I'm guessing around $100+. :/ But, I'm probably gonna buy the wind breaker I don't mind the cost that much even with the album (I actually haven't bought it yet because my signed vinyl order got cancelled so I decided to wait until it's in-store ) plus I've been needing to get a windbreaker for a while now but pushed it back because I was lazy lol. Overall a lot of this stuff is pretty cute and I'm really happy she's going out of her way with the merch this era. Wish she would have done that with UV and HM.
  14. I listened to it last night and have had it on repeat non-stop this is FANTASTIC. I'm in love
  15. I actually love the Paradise EP and if it were it's own full length album, it'd probably be my favorite (although my favorite album just depends on my mood and if I overplayed another one). I also wish Paradise's album cover had her with dark hair since that's what she mostly wore throughout that era, so it kinda bugs me lol. Although, the background and color scheme really suit the album well.
  16. I'd rather have Roses Bloom For You than Yosemite.
  17. Born to Die - 13 Off to the Races - 13 Blue Jeans - 13 Video Games - 18 National Anthem - 8 Dark Paradise - 17 Radio - 4 Carmen - 13 Million Dollar Man - 29 Summertime Sadness - 12 Without You - 11
  18. FROOT as an era had a potential to be so much better. The album itself is nice not her best imo, but I feel like I can't relate to quite a few of the songs which kinda draws me away from it. But, visually it was really disappointing the videos are really forgetful (apart from blue). Also, I wish she'd officially release an acoustic album/ep from each era. I wouldn't mind spending the extra coins to listen to them on vinyl. And I don't mean just 2 songs either (FROOT and TFJ) maybe like at least half of each album. I'm not counting acoustics from radio sessions either.
  19. She doesn't have to dress like 2012 lana del rey to look like she actually cares about giving a performance. She's had other casual outfits that still have a laid back but dressy essence to them (Isle of Wight for example) and others ones that don't look like she woke up late and did a stress run around the block. It won't ruin the show and I'm happy that she's comfortable, but I wish she'd put more of an effort in her attire for shows.
  20. I have to agree with a lot of you on how Lana has been dressing for her shows lately. I think looking back at some of her older performances or tours don't help either, perhaps our expectations are too high, or perhaps it actually is upsetting when you have people paying to see you, going out of there way to drive miles or even take a plane, willing to stay out in terrible weather for hours on end, and only to come out like you had to run and go get milk from the grocery store at the last second. Anyways, that's just my food for thought. If this didn't seem like it was becoming a habit, I wouldn't care nearly as much. She's had casual looks before, like the Itunes Festival one and various others, but they didn't overpower her more get-up looks like they're doing this era.
  21. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    melanie's fandom is one of the cringiest and worst ones out there and i don't think i can be convinced otherwise. i have met 2 of her fans that glamorize the shit out of psychopathic behavior/relationships and they both referenced mad hatter. even apart from that, her fans are still a mess. it's like dark soft grunge flower crown tumblrinas but worse. i really hope she doesn't overdue the swearing thing she did in CB on her next album, it just sounds super tryhard it's the equivalent of an elementary schooler who just learned the word "fuck" and "shit" and repeats it throughout the day to seem cool to their friends or something lol. i have a tendency to swear a lot too, but when half your songs on your album contain unneeded swear words it's just...yikes worthy.
  22. https://twitter.com/daiisywright/status/656361101907505152 imagine sitting next to that an entire concert anyways, these snippets are not thirst quenching enough, i need the full song please! i'm assuming it's being traded around, so it's probably likely we're not getting it that soon which is unfortunate but understandable. but like i really hope no one is going to be pretentious enough to tease snippets with no intentions on ever leaking it and keeping it exclusive only to themselves.
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