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Solar Fields

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Everything posted by Solar Fields

  1. Where’s the single at
  2. Solar Fields


    Arisen My Senses is still breathtaking after so many listens
  3. Watched this last night and it was really good. I’m honestly surprised that I didn’t cry lol
  4. the HM video was still better than Freak and White Mustang tho
  5. i love everyone that is in this thread speaking the truth #magnumopus #weluvHM
  6. Can’t believe someone made a song worse than Roachella The instrumental is bad and the lyrics make no sense. At least Roachella was about something. And don’t even get me started on the cheap gimmick of including Lana’s name as a featured artist
  7. Solar Fields

    Death Grips

    I’m starting to get into them I’ve listened to The Money Store and Bottomless Pit and a few songs from other projects and I love almost all of what I’ve heard
  8. Solar Fields

    Charli XCX

    Brooke Candy’s best part in I Got It is MISS CUPCAKKE IS ON THIS TRACK lolol
  9. Solar Fields


    I was scared that I would lose all you guys in this thread I’m so glad I didn’t
  10. Solar Fields


    Tbh i loved the video Very strange and beautiful
  11. Solar Fields


    I haven’t watched the Scream video since it came out but I remember I thought it was cute idk maybe I was just excited because we got so many videos all at once
  12. Solar Fields

    Charli XCX

    Wow Pop 2 is such a grower I’m obsessed now
  13. Solar Fields


    God bless this song deserves a video
  14. Solar Fields

    Charli XCX

    After first listen this is my ranking Porsche I Got It Unlock It Lucky Delicious Femmebot Tears Track 10 Backseat Out of My Head
  15. Solar Fields

    Charli XCX

    Same But I definitely agree that this song is waaay better than Out of My Head. I’m excited to hear the whole mixtape and hopefully it’s on par with N1A
  16. The SNL performances are incredible wow
  17. Solar Fields


    Tabula Rasa (Fav) Arisen My Senses Blissing Me Courtship Losss The Gate Body Memory Features Creatures Future Forever Utopia Saint Claimstaker Sue Me Paradisia (Least Fav)
  18. Solar Fields


    Tabula Rasa made me sob like a baby a couple nights ago. What a song.
  19. Solar Fields


    Rotate this matrix
  20. Solar Fields


    The album and the LB user Edit: someone pls insert a fitting gif im on mobile and this is hell
  21. Solar Fields


    Arisen My Senses (Fav) Tabula Rasa Courtship Blissing Me The Gate Body Memory Losss Future Forever Sue Me Utopia Features Creatures Claimstaker/Saint (Tie) Paradisia (Least Fav) There are some songs that are hard to place because I like certain elements of them but hate others. Overall I do enjoy this album a lot but I think it still needs to grow on me a lot. Edited bc I can’t make up my mind Even the lowest tracks are still listenable for me because I don’t dislike any of the songs now
  22. Solar Fields

    Charly Bliss

    I listened to Guppy a few months ago and I really liked it but I’m rarely in the mood for their style of music sadly But Westermarck is still /that/ song
  23. Solar Fields


    I think you’re the first person I’ve seen not like Arisen My Senses. What about the song do you dislike?
  24. Solar Fields


    Arisen My Senses is one of her best songs ever wow
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