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Neon Palmmm

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Everything posted by Neon Palmmm

  1. Does anyone know who did this cover? I can't find anything on it and it is so beautiful
  2. Neon Palmmm

    David Bowie

    I feel so sad watching the Diamond Dogs tour clips because he was SO dead looking but at the same time it's almost like another persona and the whole aesthetic works really well
  3. I think C-Note is the Hundred Dollar Bill demo.
  4. I think Gaga did more than justice to Bowie-- this coming from a Bowie fan, even if I'm a relatively new one. Sure, it didn't have all the technology promised, but that might have been a step too far, removing it from being a Bowie tribute. I think it had just enough flair to honor Bowie's own artistic sensibilities, but enough restraint to be respectful and focused on Bowie.
  5. While I'm not the biggest fan of Honeymoon, or the Honeymoon era in general, I certainly wouldn't say Lana is declining. It seems to be a natural phenomena in even the greatest artists' careers-- after a meteoric rise to fame, it's common for an artist to take some time to slow down. UV's release and heavy praise hasn't even been two years ago yet. Lana went from being a no-name singer with LDRAKALG in 2010 to a huge sensation in 2012 with BtD that continued into 2014 with UV. In essence, she hasn't slowed down since 2010-- if not longer. She's produced three flawless albums in 6 years (AKA, BtD, UV), a host of amazing music videos, and such a wealth of incredible unreleased material. I think we all forget that Lana's only been on the major music scene for such a short time, so isn't it understandable if she's producing some lighter fare? Yeah, HM and the HM videos may be a little insubstantial, (insubstantial, at least, in comparison to the past three albums/eras) but I think that it isn't a permanent decline she's on. She's taking an artistic breather. Give her space, give her time, and when she's ready, we'll get something great.
  6. It's incredible, Anne And, does anyone have a list of which songs by Lana have a "Lolita"-esque theme?
  7. Neon Palmmm

    David Bowie

    I've been finally getting into Bowie, going through the albums chronologically-- with the exception of Blackstar, which I already listened to before he died. The first album is pretty cringe-worthy, and the Space Oddity album is kind of hit-and-miss, The Man Who Sold the World is incredible, and by Hunky Dory, he's positively transcendent. Listening to Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust, and Aladdin Sane, they still sound fresh and exciting! I don't know how I missed getting into him for so long.
  8. Is there one place where all of the webcam selfies (esp. the Lizzy Grant era ones) have been collected?
  9. Aaaaaaah oh my god!!! I didn't really expect either of you to make one!! It's beautiful!! you are incredible and perfect
  10. (lyrics from Bel Air) Resurrection 1. Bel Air 2. Roses (leak it fat ) 3. Sunshine 4. Heaven's Door 5. Afraid 6. Shine 7. Wait Resurrection is Lana's follow-up to Honeymoon, melding the styles of May Jailer (hence the title "Resurrection") and Paradise into soft, melancholy pop with piano backings and sweeping instrumentation, similar to the sound of "Bel Air", but with more May Jailer-esque vocals. Serving as an introductory EP into this new era for Lana, Resurrection would feature the original version of "Bel Air" as the opening track, fading into the infamous "Roses" track on a repeat of the verse "Roses, Bel Air, take me there" in "Bel Air". "Roses", along with "Afraid", and "Wait", would be re-recorded versions of the unreleased tracks, produced to reflect the feel of the album. (@@Trash Magic & @@annedauphine, someone make a cover for this!!)
  11. Angelina is absolutely incredible-- I get chills everytime I listen
  12. Honeymoon - 20 Music To Watch Boys To - 18 Terrence Loves You - 19 God Knows I Tried - 20 Freak - 6 Art Deco - 20 Religion - 19 Salvatore - 15 The Blackest Day - 22 24 - 14 Swan Song - 23
  13. Neon Palmmm

    Song vs. Song

    Art Deco vs. Delicious
  14. How much do we know about the No Kung Fu EP, and what is speculated? Are there any receipts backing up its existence?
  15. Neon Palmmm

    Kate Bush

    Thank the lord that there's a thread for the ultimate queen
  16. On the West Coast issue with "____________ in the sky", I always thought she was saying "Javi's in the sky" but idk
  17. you make good points! but, adversely, how can we say that Lana's not parodying the stereotypes? I wouldn't put it past her to create an accessible album that's also a slap at the naysayers. LOOK I JUST DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE THAT SHE CAME OUT WITH SOMETHING I DON'T LIKE MUCH SO LET ME HAVE MY THEORIES TO JUSTIFY IT
  18. Honeymoon - 20 Music To Watch Boys To - 17 Terrence Loves You - 19 God Knows I Tried - 20 Freak - 7 Art Deco - 19 Religion - 20 Salvatore - 15 The Blackest Day - 22 24 - 15 Swan Song - 22
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