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Everything posted by lazybooklet

  1. There are possibilities that the video shoot is for Life is Beautiful though.
  2. Am I the only one who thinks My pussy tastes like Pepsi-Cola is gold? To quote one of the Paradise reviews: One of the rare songs that talks about sex without making it sound vulgar.
  3. To fuel up the jazz/not really jazz debate: As we've all seen from Ultraviolence, Lana will do whatever she likes to any type of music she feels like it. My best prediction is that she won't go 100% jazz but still influenced by it. Best example would be The Other Woman cover - she incorporated her unique style into the song, made it a lot different to Nina's version. She has always not been fit into a particular type of music, and made up her own name for them (Surf Noir, etc.) so it would probably the same for Honeymoon. @@leaked_version: Being a spontaneous artist, I don't think you can't expect Lana to go mainstream, she will do whatever she likes. To be honest I think the fact that she is with Interscope is just faith. (EDITED: or maybe Interscope thinks that indie is the new mainstream)
  4. But if she listened to Ben in the first place (which she did) - scrape everything to 'reinvent' with BTD (which had great success), then what happened after that - shouldn't Ben make her do some more promotion or something? Shouldn't Interscope make her do some promo to increase album sale? (businesses need profit right?) Even with indie labels full of artists that lazier than Lana at promoting they still at least do something decent.
  5. Who is to blame for Lana's lack of promotion: Ben or Interscope ?
  6. Most likely Lana chose it herself. Along with the palm tree and (honey)moon
  7. Notice how the hyphen is placed, very typical Lana. However it could still be a fan trolling.
  8. She has mentioned in a interview in UV era that she listens to that particular station KJazz 88.1 often.
  9. Too early but I'm too excited for this Ultraviolence Mind me for being delusional but this album is one of the best album of all time. Everything is perfect: melody, theme, lyric, music style. This is what Lana called future jazz and I have to agree with that. There are a lot of 5 to 6 minute songs, but for some reason it doesn't sound boring and repetitive like some other artists' works. Dan Auerbach's work on this album is brilliant - all the reverb, the guitar, the ghostly sound effect, etc. which complements well to how rock Lana wanted the album to be. I do have to say that they are a good match. The coherence of this album is very good as well, it transitions, almost you can't feel any significant difference when listening to the whole piece, even if some songs were not produced by Auerbach. I have listened to this album constantly since it was released last July (10 months already!) and this is the only album to date of Lana that I haven't get bored yet. The only thing that I don't like about this album is that Money Power Glory & Fucked My Way Up to the Top seems to be a little bit out of place - both lyrically and melodically, but I don't mind that much. One thing that worth mentioning is that The Other Woman, as every other cover Lana did, is of a high quality - she expresses herself in the songs, and make it fit her style. That's why I have always preferred Lana's cover to any of the original version. Overall, this album is so exceptional to the point that I am not too sure if Lana can ever make an album this good again. 97/100 Favourite tracks: I like all of the songs but if I really have to pick then: Sad Girl, Old Money, The Other Woman
  10. Many critics said that Lana seems to repeating herself over the same theme, same imaginary (red dress, bad boy, etc.). Some seems to like it, some don't. I personally find that having a recurring theme is what inspires the artist, and I truly don't mind Lana sings about the same thing again and again, as long as she keeps improving her lyrical skill and her poetry. I actually prefer her to sings about sad love and nostalgia all the time, unlike many other artists who is trying to put some philosophy and current affair / political opinion in their works which sounds like propaganda.
  11. Paradise A continuation of Born to Die as Lana said so, but perhaps this is an 'improvement' in a similar style? When you listen to the album again and again it feels so different, but the same time it seems so familiar. When this was released I remembered myself listening to this album again and again and again without getting bored like Born to Die. The first single, Blue Velvet, is both my most favourite song on the album and of her whole discography (before Ultraviolence released). Ride is another one of my favourite, what an epic song. American could have been a brilliant single but unfortunately never considered as one. The coherence of this piece is hugely improved from Born to Die, and it ends perfectly at Bel Air. The reproduced version of Yayo isn't as good as the AKA one, however it fits perfectly with the album - when you listen to the whole album in one go. The three songs that featured on Tropico enhanced her vision of Paradise significantly. Overall, this is one of the best piece that Lana has ever written. 85/100 Favourite track: Ride, Blue Velvet
  12. Born To Die: A good album that lived up to its hype and to the general public. There are many brillant songs that, despite 'pop' production from Emile Haynie, still very high quality and perhaps bring out the unique elements of Lana that certainly applies to whoever produce Lana's music: Off to the Races, Diet Mtn Dew. I really like how over-the-top the production is. Overall, I feel mixed about this album because its coherence is not very good and how 'pop' it is, i.e. it gets boring after a while. 65/100
  13. Love who this photoshoot goes hand in hand with other Another Man's photoshoots - very similar style. Lana looks exceptionally good and the front cover is brilliant!
  14. Remove Fucked My Way to the Top and Money Power Glory off Ultraviolence. These 2 songs kills the coherence of the album - both melodically and lyrically. Can be replaced with anything that doesn't break the coherence but I have no idea at the moment. (Is This Happiness? Filpside?). Oh and the album should ends at The Other Woman, no bonus tracks bullshit - you gotta admit Black Beauty and Florida Kilos sounds so different to be able to be on UV (they are good songs though). For Paradise, I prefer the tracklist she got on her THE PARADISE EDITION video (might that have been the initial tracklist?) - it kinda flows better - Ride, Cola (Pussy - yes I prefer Cola to be named Pussy), American, Gods and Monsters, Body Electric, Blue Velvet, Bel Air, Yayo
  15. Dan Heath or Dan Auerbach? You are giving me a heart attack
  16. To be fair Lana did treat Paradise as a separate work, and if we can assume (as there technically isn't another single) I would say Ride was the title track? Lana usually name the album initially before working on it as well (UV + Honeymoon announcements), so perhaps the title tracks existing are just coincidental?
  17. 1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey: Video Game. still remember waiting for BTD to out... 2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music: Off to the Races 3: Favorite Lana hairstyle: Blue Velvet video / H&M adverts 4: Favorite live performance: None tbh 5: Favorite lyric: Blue velvet, bluer than velvet was the night hahaha it is Blue hydrangea, cold cash divine, cashmere cologne, and white sunshine....... 6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? Prefer Francesco's hand 7: Favorite facial feature?: Lips - of course - no wonder why everyone thought it might be fake 8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana? Being American. American did influence her art in a good way, but it does with the whole package which I can't be bothered to explain here 9: Have you ever met Lana? No, after she become so famous her concert is packed so don't really want to. Wish I had attend her concert before she was famous or something 10: Who's your favorite artist after Lana? A lot, mostly varies. Lana is certainly one of my most favourite - it has been more than 3 years now - quite very long. 11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? A fan of her art I must say 12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? As long as she makes good art then yeah
  18. We can't really deny how good his work were on BTD (just realised he basically produced the whole BTD just now) - all the loons, the over-the-top sound effects, etc. However I can't really see him producing Lana's music in the same old way in the future. Lana showed us that she changed a lot for each of her album, particularly Ultraviolence. If Emile works with Lana for Honeymoon the sound will not be similar to BTD
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