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Say Yes to Heaven

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Everything posted by Say Yes to Heaven

  1. Did we ever get the instrumentals to the deluxe version of Cry Baby?
  2. supposedly Axl Rose Husband (2002) but I don't think so. If not it's Fordham Road (2005)
  3. YAS used her best photo!
  4. Oh lord, maybe it's called 'Everyday' and she what she means by album study is she's studying her album kiddinq but you raise a good point edit: that was the worst joke ive ever made oh wow
  5. I think she does, the format changes from documentary style back to regular AHS style in episode 6 also!
  6. I find myself to be very annoyed by Priscilla, like she has had no friends for God knows how long and the minute someone shows any interest in the ungrateful little bitch, she threatens to kill them. Fuck off Priscilla you fucking whiner, like why are you so HELL BENT on tormenting Flora she only tried to make friends with you you fucking idiot. I just find Priscilla to be the most annoying little bitch AHS has ever invented, like Lee is going through a lot of shit, yet Priscilla thinks it's perfectly okay to waltz in and lure her daughter into the woods. She better fucking pray that Lee does not get her hands on her, and Lee is such a lovely woman why is she fucking with her I hope Lee fucks her up. Like who the fuck does she think she is? Also, Shelby's vase or whatever Priscilla broke might be a family heirloom but NO, Priscilla the selfish little dickhead wouldn't even consider something like that she just breezes in leaving bonnets everywhere to drive Lee even more demented, trying to snatch dolls off of children as well. Fuck off. I fucking hate that little bitch.
  7. oh wow i'm dead (to me) pls send a link
  8. Oh Only Girl was never meant for Study Everyday! She replied and said it wouldn't be on the album, it was just an experiment song. Kali is in the studio as we speak, yet she is watching Daria on tv... sounds like a joke but it's not
  10. "sunnies" are her sunglasses she sells You'll have to look somewhere else missy, Kali is R&B and Soul
  11. When did Dead to Me instrumental leak
  12. I also read somewhere that Only Girl has been cut from the album?
  13. NEW INTERVIEW: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_57bdc4cfe4b006ccce4bb5a9?timestamp=1474141942980. She says 'I have just been working on my album “Study Everyday” so I’m just excited to be here and show my fans some of the new music'. We now have an official name for KU1!!!
  14. Say Yes to Heaven


    u r getting songs left & right, or ur making them urself!
  15. Say Yes to Heaven


    isn't it obvious Pomick209 is fake
  16. NN, It was such an easy find, I was just looking in the wrong places. Then I found a tumblr that said the magazine and I literally just searched 'Kali Uchis Rollercoaster Magazine' and found one BTS that lead to the rest
  17. FOUND THEM!! BEHIND THE SCENES! My favorite shoot from Kali, fucking fuck I love that outfit on her
  18. Can anyone help me find some more photos from this photoshoot? I know they exist, they're just in such random places on the internet (this one is actually from another time, she has bangs while in the other photos she doesn't) ignore where the first 2 pics came from, it's the highest quality I could find edit: seems like this photo comes from the same photoshoot as the first one (this photo is so uhq omg)
  19. So far we know she's reworking two songs for the album; What They Say Honey Baby I suppose that it will be a long tracklist and have at least one more reworked song! I hope it's Rich
  21. CONFIRMED: New version of Honey Baby will be on the album! (SNIPPET) Lyrics; Chasing sunshine, as we're chasing sunshine on the clouds, oh Honey Baby
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