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Say Yes to Heaven

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Everything posted by Say Yes to Heaven

  1. That sounds bad, also do people not know how to mute notifications on Discord? Lol.
  2. Legit why bother coming in to hate lol like .. girl
  3. I made a TV Track (or just Karaoke with BGV) for Mad Hatter http://picosong.com/w5njJ/
  4. "Well I have a point. You keep trying to discredit me with no proof. I'm always right because I'm Eclipse of course and a God to you fags"
  5. https://www.instagram.com/p/BmgVL8ohkW9/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=4jgdo0ka5zgq
  6. Well, she only took the chorus. She confirmed this. More of a sample
  7. Here we go with the tired Taylor Swift bandwagon hate
  8. what is the point of being shady and rude to moderators trying to make this place less of a mess than it has been these past months. At some points there wasn’t even conversation happening, just pure spam. “leak this, leak that” *gif here, gif there* ..
  9. uhm why make a title longer when you can just do the general term “Italy”
  10. First spotted at an airport with a fan Then on a yacht Said to be staying in the most expensive hotel in Italy and eating at high end restaurants
  11. Omfg i’m sorry but I laughed siaoanwnemfgm
  12. I think i exhausted my last braincell trying to find out what blufne is
  13. It’s okay. Will only listen once We want Haunted
  14. Anyways, as long as it’s not out my pocket!!! Perched for Haunted
  15. let’s be real, some kid just stole their parent’s credit card
  16. i’m pretty sure he doesn’t have it
  17. Lol well someone is pressed for being penalized due to spamming after numerous warnings to not spam.
  18. I AM READY... for another boring mundane show with backing vocals taking over.
  19. I just said It’s a Poppy song
  20. Ok this is what the melanie leaker has Haunted Half Hearted Where Do Babies Come From? Guns & Gold (Poppy) (Leaked) Unhappy Meal Drama Club
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