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Eat The Ducky Moss

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About Eat The Ducky Moss

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  1. LOL of course - happy to share! I’ll link their full NFR reaction in the NFR thread after I’m done with work for those interested as well.
  2. Dad and Son finally listen to Ocean Blvd, and the Dad literally cries throughout majority of the whole album. I paid $2 on their patreon to watch the full 2h30m reaction but here’s the YouTube cut:
  3. Hellooo! I’m not sure if this is the correct forum/thread to be discussing about this topic, but I recently found a very interesting video about the music industry - and it made me think about Lana and her situation(s). Video in spoiler: First off, this video talks about how artists can’t control their release dates (if signed to a label). It reminds me of SZA’s scenario with SOS. She had the album finished years ago, but TDE would not release it (until late 2022) for whatever reason. This also made me wonder if this has caused LDR’s release date of “Ocean Blvd” to be postponed (or any other pushed back projects she has done in the past). Is it out of Lana’s control? or has Interscope/Polydor given Lana the status to release projects whenever she wants to? I know we, the fandom, tends to make fun of Lana for not being truthful about her release dates, but is it in her control? (please correct me) Overall, I just think this business side of music is interestingly odd. lol Capitalism, amiright?
  4. I opened all of mine because I wanted to lol. I figured that I was never going to resell my LDR records, cause they mean so much to me. In the long run, whenever I’m not in this world anymore, whoever claims them can do whatever with them… I will say if you do plan to sell them in the near future (4-5 years+ from now), you can resell them and gain a good profit. Keep in mind a lot of collectors like the idea of “never played/spun, never opened, and true Mint conditioned” records. look at the NFR pressings for an example. They are going for $200+ after it’s 2019 release (and these are opened resell prices).
  5. Thank you! Yes, i fell for their foolery business, and regret my purchase
  6. some more of the lot of vinyl variants with obi strips … yes. i was bored and thought i’d share w my fellow ldr family
  7. i was bored af so i made some mockups of the vinyl w obi strips… I’m coming for you Assai Record!!! you and your lazily designed obi strips! [EDIT]: Oopsies forgot to censor mod note: don't post any nudity, you can censor it and re-upload if you want to
  8. I would think so, but he definitely mentioned something happened in his personal life. Hope he’s alright tho…
  9. I love these two girls, so yes before ppl watch just know they are HARDCORE Swifties, and they’ll make references. Very insightful analysis though.
  10. He wrote on Patreon that he had to delete the channel. This is his short message: “I know this is sudden, but I've got some pretty heavy personal stuff happening right now, and it's necessitating me putting an end to FWR. I'm very sorry. I appreciate you all being part of this journey with me, and I wish you nothing but the best. -Aaron” I’m also shocked and pretty sad to hear this news because he was such a good person at analyzing music. Also, it was so nice just waking up to a new FWR video. He’ll definitely be missed - i hope he likes the new Lana record. 😢
  11. Y’all are gonna get so triggered watching this twink blab about how the new album is a flop…
  12. Yes! I highly suggest collectors to NOT ever buy resell price of Assai. I looked up “Chemtrails” Assai edition on Discogs and saw some ridiculous resell prices. Ya’ll just print your own at that point 😂 Another thing I forgot to mention is that I dislike the idea of them opening up a sealed records. If I were running the business, I would slip the Obi strip on the newly sealed record. Also, it appears Assai did not include the hype sticker that says “Limited edition green vinyl + alternative cover” that comes with all indie exclusive pressings - based on the image shared. That’s a big no no for collectors. The album is no longer “mint” in that case. Also, I looked it up and it appears they sell these Assai exclusives at just the same price as retail, which is great to know! Again, not saying they’re ripping people off - but they can indeed do a lot better. It just takes more time, research, and most importantly passion to answer why they’re creating these Obi strips.
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