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Could have been a cute EP :true:

I wish she would have added Inside Out, Melt Into Me, BB, Uckers, Cleo & BDE to Alias and called it her debut album instead of this


My version:


1. Missin U

2. Firefly

3. Nike

4. Cum For Me

5. Slut

6. Poison

7. Honey




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I actually quite like it. Wildfire is the best (the dark electric piano and strings are so moody and perfect for this time of year) alongside woe ( popular opinion clearly).  I can see myself listening to this a lot. Heaven also top tier. The only ones I think aren’t great are Nike (kind of basic and repetitive) and I enjoy firefly I just think it’s a little too long. 

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but why did she choose this cover lmaooo the alias one was inconic


also sega's influence is soooo heavy on this album, some of these songs sound like romeo rejects to me (but i'm eating it up nevertheless, i just kind of miss the atmosphere of alias)



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May or may not have switched like a fag… but I’ve been streaming the hell out of this album, even the singles I initially hated

Single choices and album cover could have been better but it’s a solid piece of work

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On 10/6/2022 at 4:11 AM, Moloko Plus said:

May or may not have switched like a fag… but I’ve been streaming the hell out of this album, even the singles I initially hated

Single choices and album cover could have been better but it’s a solid piece of work

I’m playing it alot too tbh. I still don’t like Coochie though.

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22 minutes ago, Coney Island King said:

I’m playing it alot too tbh. I still don’t like Coochie though.

Right I am an ally to the Bi communtity but I do not really like that song!!! And I tolerate Come For Me.. But Woe, Poison, Shlut, Firefly, Honey are so good

Anyways can someone post the Rough Trade bonus Angel 

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7 minutes ago, pinkfuneral said:

yeah not really understanding the negative response to this - I think it's better than her EPs (which are both great) and has some outstanding highlights (Woe, Firefly, Wildfire, Come For Me). I love the garage influences. reminds me a bit of Burial in some places. a very UK-sounding album lol

You are right and you should say it

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