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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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i'm technologically illiterate and don't have an instagram acct but he just replied to a miss yasmin gerrera saying yes it'll be buyable ww

Sweet, then I don’t have to worry about having to buy it from “fans” for double the price a few hours after release.

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Same. I hate to confess it, but I don’t care for streaming... because... idk what the point of it is when I can just buy the music that I want to keep. Lol

I have a Windows Media Player playlist and I'm not afraid to use it lol

Apart from CDs I refuse to pay for music. Like it still shocks me that people pay to download music, wtf is even up with that lmao

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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 I'm not sure but it's new to me lol


omg he commented it 26 minutes ago! he's still fighting the twinks... the hell


ngl this grown ass man arguing with the gays for hours has been my only real enjoyment this era, but damn he really came for LanaBoards... ATTACK!


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This is crazier than the fucking blizzard/storm that started outside all of a sudden like an hour ago when he was still arguing with fans... Wow it's actually pretty symbolic lol.

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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I’m screaming, not all of us do that. :toofunny:


Yeah, i've never downloaded any of her unreleased songs although I probably would if I seen the available to somewhere :eek:  :shh:

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