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Peppa Pig

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Peppa Pig already solidified her main pop girl status with her debut single 'Bing Bong Zoo', and she continues to prove that she's here to stay with her highly anticipated debut album 'My First Album', which will be available at midnight.


The album starts with 'It's Peppa Pig', in this intro track she let's people know, she is Peppa Pig. She gives insight on her life and her family's life. It's the perfect intro track, it's honest, it's personal and it captures the mood of this body of work perfectly.


With the track 'Rainbow, Rainbow' she's showing her allyship with the LGBTQ community. As she chants out "Rainbow, Rainbow Red, and orange and yellow, and green, and purple, and blue!" she's showcasing all the different colors of the rainbow, representing the different types of people of the LGBTQ community individually. She then chants out "And indigo too!" showing that each member of the community is seen and valid, even the members who might be overlooked, just like the color indigo. She ends the first verse with "We love indigo!". She sees you, she supports you and she loves you.


With tracks like 'Festival Fun!' and 'Peppa Party Time' she sings about being young, having fun and partying. She's living life carefree.


The album ends with 'Peppa's Lullaby', a slower song to wrap up the album. This is a song where you can truly appreciate her vocals. She ends the song on a motivational note. "Dream together, one and all.'


Make sure to stream 'My First Album' at midnight. 



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Just found out she's signed to the same label as Azealia Banks. What we truly need is a Bing Bong Zoo remix feat. Azealia, but it'll probably end up with beef and Azealia hexing miss Peppa


whaaaaTTT :lmao:


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songs like that they are stories that people can IDENTIFY with, children were singing this song at weddings at graduations at funerals



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