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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,057 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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Please keep in mind that, from almost my first post, I HAVE BEEN ON THE RECEIVING END of that kind of language and other forms of aggressive trolling from 40 or more members here, without you or 99.99% of the rest of the '"community" stepping in or speaking up. Got that? Where are all your posts underscoring the constant trolling and bullying of others? Or are you just trying to suck up? 


Also, sometimes it is just the unvarnished fact that some members are willfully ignorant---they might as well be Flat Earth Believers or Holocaust Deniers, simply because they have decided to spit in the face of anything factual, actual or conventional. " "Einstein's Theory of Relativity--Ha! What a farce!" "President Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth--sure!" "Thanks to technology, we can now see photos of Pluto and Neptune! RIGHT."  


It's one thing to be uneducated and therefore potentially genuinely ignorant, and it's another thing to have a Neanderthal mentality by choice, and use it aggressively.


As I said, I couldn't be less interested regarding whatever happens between you or whoever on a personal level. Not taking part on that, just happened to see your comment and found it offensive and disgusting. Not trying to "suck up" on anybody, man, you can be sure about that.


I come here to enjoy an enriching discussion about the topics set to talk about, not to participate in or have to watch behaviours that are all but interesting, enriching or even civilisated, on what comes to human interaction. All the other matters (p.e, "people being ignorant") are subjective perceptions that I don't care about either. Just asking for a gentler way to communicate here between users, no matter the differences on the points of view exposed.

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i can't believe HIAB was like my least anticipated NFR! songs but it turned out to be one of my favourites. it's not your typical ballad; the subtle guitars really take it to another level and the "don't be a jerk don't call me a taxi" parts feel strangely kinda punk rock against the soft sad backdrop of the piano, i love the contrast. it doesn't have her greatest lyrics but i love the way the song kind of just sounds like a stupid drunken fight - don't call me a taxi i'm not too wasted! i just wanna dance w u! etc etc hahah and the one lyric i really love is "left the canyon, drove to the club; i was one thing, now i'm being another" - it reminds me of how sometimes i'll spend the day behaving myself, looking after my body and my mind, being a peaceful lady of the canyon until i decide 'screw it' and just go party and get drunk and be this totally different type of person.


edited to fix typos oops


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I'm not the least bit creative for usernames. :facepalm:


Someone asked me if my name was "Bart"... lol


that's alright bud. no one asked ya to b. hey tho, meet ya on the statuses instead. feels like we might b derailing the thread a bit?  *clink clink*  :smile4:  :dafuq:  ta ta ta tender  :giggle:  :facepalm:  :thumb3:


edit: @@Barttender hahahahahahahaha !! I mean- one letter away  :whine: :fact: :whatever2: :byeh8rs:   

i can't believe HIAB was like my least anticipated NFR! songs but it turned out to be one of my favourites. it's not your typical ballad; the subtle guitars really take it to another level and the "don't be a jerk don't call me a taxi" parts feel strangely kinda punk rock against the soft sad backdrop of the piano, i love the contrast. it doesn't have her greatest lyrics but i love the why the song kind of just sounds like a stupid drunken fight - don't call me a taxi i'm not too wasted! i just wanna dance w u! etc etc hahah and the one lyric i really love is "left the canyon, drove to the club; i was one thing, now i'm being another" - it reminds me of how sometimes i'll spend the day behaving myself, looking after my body and my mind, being a peaceful lady of the canyon until i decide 'screw it' and just go party and get drunk and be this totally different type of person.

ok ok, but like. isn't it fun tho  :creepna3:


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i can't believe HIAB was like my least anticipated NFR! songs but it turned out to be one of my favourites. it's not your typical ballad; the subtle guitars really take it to another level and the "don't be a jerk don't call me a taxi" parts feel strangely kinda punk rock against the soft sad backdrop of the piano, i love the contrast. it doesn't have her greatest lyrics but i love the way the song kind of just sounds like a stupid drunken fight - don't call me a taxi i'm not too wasted! i just wanna dance w u! etc etc hahah and the one lyric i really love is "left the canyon, drove to the club; i was one thing, now i'm being another" - it reminds me of how sometimes i'll spend the day behaving myself, looking after my body and my mind, being a peaceful lady of the canyon until i decide 'screw it' and just go party and get drunk and be this totally different type of person.


edited to fix typos oops



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As I said, I couldn't be less interested regarding whatever happens between you or whoever on a personal level. Not taking part on that, just happened to see your comment and found it offensive and disgusting. Not trying to "suck up" on anybody, man, you can be sure about that.


I come here to enjoy an enriching discussion about the topics set to talk about, not to participate in or have to watch behaviours that are all but interesting, enriching or even civilisated, on what comes to human interaction. All the other matters (p.e, "people being ignorant") are subjective perceptions that I don't care about either. Just asking for a gentler way to communicate here between users, no matter the differences on the points of view exposed.


So, like the original poster over the issue of the Golden Ratio, you don't want to know the specific context in which certain things were said, you just want to appear, read a few posts, make a judgment call and publicly find my response "offensive and disgusting."  You're being irresponsible to yourself and everyone else, which is your business, and choosing ignorance and tunnel vision because it suits your own purposes or mental laziness. You can't stand on legitimate 'higher moral ground' when you haven't bothered to read through the posts involved.  


There is no "personal" argument or relationship between me and the others who have been involved in the Golden Ratio discussion, nor do I care to engage in such here. So you're wrong about that too. If we're discussing the Milky Way and there's a disagreement, ugly or not, that doesn't make the subject matter the disagreement, the subject remains the Milky Way.  

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And if you say "The Holocaust never happened" or "the Earth is flat," those are NOT subjective perceptions--they're reflections of ignorance at best and stupidity at worst. If you deny the law of gravity or magnetism, those aren't subjective either. 


mod note: user was warned for this post

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So, like the original poster over the issue of the Golden Ratio, you don't want to know the specific context in which certain things were said, you just want to appear, read a few posts, make a judgment call and publicly find my response "offensive and disgusting."  You're being irresponsible to yourself and everyone else, which is your business, and choosing ignorance and tunnel vision because it suits your own purposes or mental laziness. You can't stand on legitimate 'higher moral ground' when you haven't bothered to read through the posts involved.  


There is no "personal" argument or relationship between me and the others who have been involved in the Golden Ratio discussion, nor do I care to engage in such here. So you're wrong about that too. If we're discussing the Milky Way and there's a disagreement, ugly or not, that doesn't make the subject matter the disagreement, the subject remains the Milky Way.  


Man, discuss about the Golden Ratio, the Milky Way or the American Constitution if you want, I truly don't care. I don't need to read all of your comments about random stuff to know that calling other users "parochian or provincian" is elitist and exclusionary, as I said from the beggining. You can think that I'm "irresponsible", "mentally lazy" "ignorant", "tunnel-vissioned" or an alien from the outer space, I don't care either as long as you stop relating to others in the toxic way you are showcasing here. Is not that difficult to understand, I think.


By the way, I can't understand why mods aren't getting involved regarding the levels of disrespect that are being reached sometimes here.

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And if you say "The Holocaust never happened" or "the Earth is flat," those are NOT subjective perceptions--they're reflections of ignorance at best and stupidity at worst. If you deny the law of gravity or magnetism, those aren't subjective either.

All the things you're quoting are objective. The fact the golden ratio is a thing is objective, no one is denying that. The fact that the golden ratio has been linked to beauty for millennia is also objective. But whether the golden ratio actually dictates all that is beautiful is very subjective, seeing as beauty is subjective. I feel like you're seeing what you want to see in people's arguments. Beauty isn't comparable to the milky way or gravity. The golden ratio is a guide, not a law.


Edit to add: first of all sorry to the mods for going off topic, second of all I think it's completely and utterly disgusting that the holocaust is being compared to the golden fucking ratio. Get some perspective. 

locals only

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Man, discuss about the Golden Ratio, the Milky Way or the American Constitution if you want, I truly don't care. I don't need to read all of your comments about random stuff to know that calling other users "parochian or provincian" is elitist and exclusionary, as I said from the beggining. You can think that I'm "irresponsible", "mentally lazy" "ignorant", "tunnel-vissioned" or an alien from the outer space, I don't care either as long as you stop relating to others in the toxic way you are showcasing here. Is not that difficult to understand, I think.


By the way, I can't understand why mods aren't getting involved regarding the levels of disrespect that are being reached sometimes here.


Your selective outrage is noted. As I said, I'd like to see all the posts where you challenged or commented upon the constant stream of bullies, would-be intimidators and endless trolls---what you're doing is defending them, when I am standing up for myself and reason, and I have been the attackee, not the attacker. You're just throwing yourself in, irresponsibly. 


The world is hieratical, and thus exclusionary and sometimes elitist. If it weren't, there wouldn't be movie and sports stars, and there wouldn't be moderators here on this board in the first place, who stand in some position above the average member. I don't have a problem with the fact that humans are not identical to one another, that individuals have different and varying degrees of intelligence, talent, skill, good looks, ethical character, discipline, insight, athletic ability, foresight, privilege, access, grace, taste and so on. We may be equal before for the law, but we're not identical in fact. Nothing in nature is, not even 'identical' twins. 

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@@Vertimus I don't think he was being irresponsible. I think he was trying to bridge his way towards common ground. I'm sorry that ur feeling misunderstood. Or at least that's what I'm reading.. at least.. I know what it's like to circle around when it comes to diff jargons and diction'd dialects too, and maybe the profoundness of ur examples might b saying something else? what's really on your mind man, can u meet everyone else halfway?  


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By the way, I can't understand why mods aren't getting involved regarding the levels of disrespect that are being reached sometimes here.

bc they have their hands full with *much* more important matters, like random arbitrary bans and making weird veiled borderline-gaslight-y jabs about users who dare agree with one another

it's just the way i feel

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what the fuck is happening here :biblio:

bc they have their hands full with *much* more important matters, like random arbitrary bans and making weird veiled borderline-gaslight-y jabs about users who dare agree with one another


I just woke up b


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