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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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i really don't know which track will be my fave:oic2: i've wanted yosemite since 2017, but white dress sounds excellent, but i love the title of not all who wander, but then there's tulsa, then there's wild at heart:krylie:


pls deliver COCC

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i mean, there is a possibility of Dealer on LDR8, isnt it?
TNBAR and Yosemite are from LFL, both were released in her next two albums, both of these tracks were hyped up by Lana and she was pretty excited for them and the same thing happened for Dealer! It's from COTCC, she was excited about it, but didn't know if it fits - so she decided to keep this one for the next releases. We will hear it one day. :oprah3:



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10 minutes ago, takeitdoen said:



Trust me, I'm not super thrilled about this either :toofunny: But I did promise a Pre-Pre-Release once there was indication another album was in the works.. I just wasn't anticipating it would be so soon again skkkk.

Pre-Release never dies! x


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47 minutes ago, saith said:


I have to disagree with you about the COCC video, it's really beautiful and it does make sense. It's just so strange and wild. I love it

But I the better than COCC quote deserved a like :ohmy::brows::thumb3:

Haha :D


I don't know, I feel like the videos concept is all over the place. There are a lot of pretty scenes, but they are just cut in such a hectic/ chaotic way that does not fit the flow and pace of the track at all. It's like they had too much material but really wanted to include all of it instead of prioritizing a certain concept. That way, the whole plot kind of gets lost cause the video is so flooded with pretty pictures that only last 2 secons. I'd prefered a "less is more" concept with a stronger guiding thread through the "story" of the video. And a better postproduction, where the cutting pace matches the architecture of the song.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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2 minutes ago, gsnlp said:
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so LDR8 is going to be her fully full country album



if she thinks that "COTCC" is a folk album and then puts Tulsa, WAH etc. on it, then i hope that her "country" abum will be full of Dance Til We Die bridge.




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4 minutes ago, Elle said:


Trust me, I'm not super thrilled about this either :toofunny: But I did promise a Pre-Pre-Release once there was indication another album was in the works.. I just wasn't anticipating it would be so soon again skkkk.

Pre-Release never dies! x

We really had more than enough vinyl-clour, flower-of-the-era and retirement discussions within the last months though :toofloppy:

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I am HYPED, I'll hear Yosemite and White Dress in like 12 hours or so (assuming it'll be out at midnight), I dreamt of playing the vinyl and the second song was so beautiful and my red vinyl is on its way aaaahhhh, I'm so close to hear it all!! :poordat:

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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31 minutes ago, Elle said:

Hey all, just wanted to give you guys a little update on what will be happening with this thread!

As you can see, our page count has increased significantly. 

I'm sure you all know that there was a little mishap with our Chemtrails Over the Country Club Pre-Release Thread a week ago, where a mod accidentally merged it with our Lana Discussion Thread.

Our mod team has been hard at work manually going through the 4400 page Frankenstein Thread to move the posts back into their respective threads. Within the past week, our team has been able to separate 932 out of the 4000 pages back into the Chemtrails Thread, and those pages have now been merged back into this one. We decided it was in best interest to move what we have completed thus far into our Temporary Thread now as Chemtrails will be released later tonight, and that way users can find some of their album reaction posts that they may like to copy into our Post-Release Thread once it's created. Of course, we still have ~3500 pages more to sort through, but some is better than nothing for right now. Even after this Pre-Release Thread is locked and the Post-Release Thread is created, we will continue separating posts so that way our COTCC Pre-Release Thread will finally be able to redeem itself in all its glory, along with our Random Lana Discussion Thread.

That being said, I'd like to announce to you all that the Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Thread will be arriving to you all at MIDNIGHT EDT (about 18 hours from now.) Furthermore, as talked about in Lana's recent interview with MusicWeek, there is indication that another album is in the works, so therefore a LDR8 Pre-Pre-Release Thread will also be created at midnight EDT. Additionally, the remaining COTCC lyric threads will also be created at midnight EDT. 

So please enjoy your final hours of the COTCC Pre-Release, and I look forward to beginning the Post-Release Era with you all later tonight!

Sending all my love! 



You said release so many times I feel like I've been saved.  

Great work Elle and mods. 

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1 minute ago, hip hop in the summer said:
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if she thinks that "COTCC" is a folk album and then puts Tulsa, WAH etc. on it, then i hope that her "country" abum will be full of Dance Til We Die bridge.



it will bitchhhhhhh i was talking about that specific sound :)



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29 minutes ago, Elle said:


No! For the first time, you will be completely, truly alive! Your lust for life will be eternally embodied in Track 8 on Chemtrails Over the Country Club arriving later tonight! Rejoice! Your time is finally here! x 

guys elle just said i have immunity Ur all fucked come post-release i will singehandedly keep that thread alive and not a single perosn on this godforsaken realm will ever wonder why it is such it just is now and unto forever i'm never dying 



roses bloom for you and dealer baby i'm reaching into the pits of hell to drag y'all corpses up here with the rest of eum Ur mine. @Clampigirl fire up the engines it's almost gogo time

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