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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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As often tends to happen, again i'm addicted in listening to Marina's songs.

You know the problem with Marina... it keeps coming back like weeds.


I must say that Starring Role must be her best song, along with Teen Idle, Lies, Valley of the Dolls and Sex Yeah. Also, it's a shame I haven't heard the entire Froot album yet (that intro with Blue makes me switch to other album/artist) and The Family Jewels. I'll listen to then asap.

Would be pleased to see another album like Electra Heart, it's so damn good and iconic.


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it sounds like she's saying "Going Nowhere" but the first half of the word going got cut out so she's saying "-ing Nowhere"


I thought it sounded like she said that too. Glad I'm not the only one!


I can't contain how excited I'm getting for her next release. TFJ, EH and FROOT were all brilliant albums and I'm hoping she'll create something great again.

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