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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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Oh god, the embarrassment I feel right now after reading those tweets. Being a Marina stan is such a pain in the ass sometimes omg.


As someone who has been suffering from a mental illness my whole life, all I can say is that that really hurt. If she had someone she cared about with a mental illness or if she learnt anything at all on those psychology classes she took awhile ago, she probably would have thought twice before posting this.


How can she be so tone deaf.


#gossipgirledit from you, me and the sea


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look at the photo reply to the vid 


u guys arent understanding.. its not about the people who say "i dont see color" and the people who dont see systematic racism and white priviledge


the video is saying how the concept of race and one race being superior to others shouldnt have ever been a thing.... that lady in the video is well known for her statements on racism lol


its not encouraging u to act oblivious to the racial shit going on NOW its saying how things shouldve been, no focus on peoples race 


many many people have a comprehension issue i am starting to notice

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look at the photo reply to the vid 


u guys arent understanding.. its not about the people who say "i dont see color" and the people who dont see systematic racism and white priviledge


the video is saying how the concept of race and one race being superior to others shouldnt have ever been a thing.... that lady in the video is well known for her statements on racism lol


its not encouraging u to act oblivious to the racial shit going on NOW its saying how things shouldve been, no focus on peoples race 


many many people have a comprehension issue i am starting to notice

You really love to band around the term "reading comprehension" huh...do you even know what it means? Blind stans like you are one of the reasons why Marina will continue regressing as an artist. This is not a comprehension issue in the slightest.


Most people are well aware of the groundbreaking work that Jane Elliot has done. The issue is that of ALL of the things M*rina could have talked about, she deliberately misquoting Ms Elliot and used the blatantly wrong "we are the HUMAN race" quote out of context. Why not talk about how Ms Elliot discussed how race is a construct built by slave owners to justify the displacement of millions of African individuals? Or what about some of the experiments Ms Elliot performed, teaching young children about racism? Coupled with her rather problematic tweet about mental health & cops, and with the statements she made a few months ago about fashion designers, it's very clear that M*rina is, at best, out of touch and at worst...


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You really love to band around the term "reading comprehension" huh...do you even know what it means? Blind stans like you are one of the reasons why Marina will continue regressing as an artist. This is not a comprehension issue in the slightest.


Most people are well aware of the groundbreaking work that Jane Elliot has done. The issue is that of ALL of the things M*rina could have talked about, she deliberately misquoting Ms Elliot and used the blatantly wrong "we are the HUMAN race" quote out of context. Why not talk about how Ms Elliot discussed how race is a construct built by slave owners to justify the displacement of millions of African individuals? Or what about some of the experiments Ms Elliot performed, teaching young children about racism? Coupled with her rather problematic tweet about mental health & cops, and with the statements she made a few months ago about fashion designers, it's very clear that M*rina is, at best, out of touch and at worst...

i agree w everything you said however her statement about fashion designers is extremely relevant and a huge issue. fast fashion is ruining our enviroment

however idfk what's crawled inside her head lately because she just ain't it w this political statements (other than the fashion one)




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i agree w everything you said however her statement about fashion designers is extremely relevant and a huge issue. fast fashion is ruining our enviroment

however idfk what's crawled inside her head lately because she just ain't it w this political statements (other than the fashion one)


The issue with her statements on fashion is that 

1) she doesn't realise that a lot of her fanbase don't have the money to be buying designer products, even at discounted price

2) once again, she acted as though she was enlightening us with new information...but most of her fanbase are aware of current social issues and she was preaching to the choir in a way that was neither new, beneficial, or useful


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You really love to band around the term "reading comprehension" huh...do you even know what it means? Blind stans like you are one of the reasons why Marina will continue regressing as an artist. This is not a comprehension issue in the slightest.


Most people are well aware of the groundbreaking work that Jane Elliot has done. The issue is that of ALL of the things M*rina could have talked about, she deliberately misquoting Ms Elliot and used the blatantly wrong "we are the HUMAN race" quote out of context. Why not talk about how Ms Elliot discussed how race is a construct built by slave owners to justify the displacement of millions of African individuals? Or what about some of the experiments Ms Elliot performed, teaching young children about racism? Coupled with her rather problematic tweet about mental health & cops, and with the statements she made a few months ago about fashion designers, it's very clear that M*rina is, at best, out of touch and at worst...


I do not stan Marina. Never have. I stand by what I said.

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The issue with her statements on fashion is that 

1) she doesn't realise that a lot of her fanbase don't have the money to be buying designer products, even at discounted price

2) once again, she acted as though she was enlightening us with new information...but most of her fanbase are aware of current social issues and she was preaching to the choir in a way that was neither new, beneficial, or useful

true. she should've (at the very least) went after companies like H&M and Primark

but yeah i still agree w you



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I'm obsessed with Purge the Poison and it isn't even out yet  :flutter:


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That purge the poison snippet she put out was one of the cringiest things I’ve ever heard.......

:hdu: Its literally the best song out of the 3 snippets she's teased.


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