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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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i understand that but happy is a song that said it all, it didnt need a bookend, and this surely doesnt cut it, its not a bad song but not her best


no I agree, I'm not a huge fan (lyrics are nice but production is...hmm). 


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Disconnect is a fine song, I don't even really consider it hers since all she did was provide vocals. Clean Bandit fucked around with it for 2 years before finally releasing it and it was certainly not worth the wait but whatever, it remains fine and doesn't really hurt either party.


edit: nvm ignore me I forgot she also wrote it. musically though I can't compare it to her other works since she was so heavily involved in the production of her own albums in comparison.



If she removes 'and the Diamonds' from her stage name for the release of her next album I won't mind, my library will though.

te deseo, cariño

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GP are...not going to care, lbr. it won't chart very highly, but oh well


IDK, just saying. LMAO, I just said it since that was a "mystery" to them.


well her band are fans of hers anyway so it works!


It's not the same, but nm  :P

giphy.gifTwitter: johndelferro

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After reading all of your comments, I thought this song would be a total mess but it's actually really good in my opinion! Definitely not her greatest and I doubt I'll listen to this that often but the production is actually really clean and her vocals sound amazing! I have missed her voice so much and getting new material from her is so exciting for me, even though I'd prefer something else. I think the live version was a bit "harder" whereas the studio version is more subdued and emotional, but I actually really like that change.


It's a shame it took so long for the song to be released, though. Even though I enjoy it, I have to admit that my hype for this song died down a lot after two years of waiting for it, so unfortunately, the experience of listening to this song for the first time was a bit anti-climactic seeing as I already knew all of the lyrics and the melodies.


I do think she is heading into a more pop direction for the next record of her own, though, going off the producers she's been working with and her presence on this Clean Bandit track. I trust that the songs she's making will be better than this (fingers crossed)  :biblio:

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when will her next album be released? And what does she mean when she always says "my life is a play" in Electra Heart?


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her life is like a theatre play

Is that album autobiographical or is Electra Heart just a character?


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when will her next album be released? And what does she mean when she always says "my life is a play" in Electra Heart?


It means that she is living her life like a fake, since plays are scripted and rehearsed. Her life appears perfect but underneath and put together that, there's a lot of hurt and troubles. That's my understanding, anyway. 

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So I've replayed Disconnect over 30 times already and it's actually a pretty decent song. Not the greatest she's ever released but exciting to get to hear something fresh with her voice on it nevertheless.


Excited to see what she's got in store for us in the future. I predict she won't release a full album until next year but I think she might just release a single or two by the end of this year (*hopefully*)

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So I've replayed Disconnect over 30 times already and it's actually a pretty decent song. Not the greatest she's ever released but exciting to get to hear something fresh with her voice on it nevertheless.


Excited to see what she's got in store for us in the future. I predict she won't release a full album until next year but I think she might just release a single or two by the end of this year (*hopefully*)


I am ready for new music but honestly FROOT was so good that I still listen to it and it never bores me...  :D


Is that album autobiographical or is Electra Heart just a character?


Is a fictional character that she created as if she was writing a novel or something and EH is the protagonist.


when will her next album be released? And what does she mean when she always says "my life is a play" in Electra Heart?

Apparently later this year, according to this site : https://hamadamania.com/2017/05/05/marina-diamandis-drafts-sarah-hudson-jason-evigan-for-new-album/


It's not 100% confirmed though...

tøp tumblr_ndboqjRRZ51tfi808o1_500.gif

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Marina wearing Lana's friendship bracelet @ Glasto makes me so happy :xcry: luv them.



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