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Make me your Dream Life

God if you're near me send me: (3 Things)

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- the power to turn into a mermaid

- an affordable house by the beach (but please keep the hurricanes)

- a very long lifetime with my love

♬  ♥  .。.    .。.   ♥  ♬

There are violets in your eyes
There are guns that blaze around you
There are roses in between my thighs
And a fire that surrounds you

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~A credit card with an unlimited spending limit I never have to pay off


~ A decent boyfriend 


~ Exactly one pack of mango juul pods from 2017, 5%. 


"Baby you my Bugsy Malone 

  and I'm your Suicide Blonde"



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- a few trillion USD for the purpose of: my own house, my parents their own and my older sister her own (cos her kids need better than what they can afford now). To complete my CD and vinyl collections. Traveling often. Donate significant amounts of money to charities a la women's rights, LGBT+ rights, children in need and abused animals etc. 

- a lover or husband like Henry Cavill

- to be close enough to Kesha where I get to keep all of her vault :defeated:

Last.FM | Discogs | JOYRIDE




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