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what would you add to lana del rey iceberg? bottom version

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i would ad definitely china.palace her relationship with her teacher (i need more info so bad), her stalker and kidnapper, the blackest day theory and her degree 

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12 minutes ago, Lake Placid said:

сломанные ребра и ясновидящая в истории унитарной церкви


18 minutes ago, meIanchoIia said:

Мини-альбом Sugarbaby


Также, не могли бы вы рассказать мне больше о теории TBD?

“Lana wrote this song not about Barry, but about how she had a miscarriage” i personally don’t think it’s true but who knows 

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I think the Shiny Toy Guns lore is worthy of bottom tier on a Lana iceberg :true: If not that then the next one up


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Trigger Warning: SA


That really weird video Lana was in that surfaced in 2013 or 2014 depicting an SA scene. Eli Roth and Marilyn Manson were rumored to be involved, but Manson denied both him and Eli having any involvement.



Chemtrails Over The Country Club GIF by Lana Del Rey

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6 minutes ago, shadesofblue said:

Idk if this is bottom tier but the rich whores casette eBay auction :brigitte:

OMG tell me everything! i’ve never heard abt this? the selling their cds?

Just now, Ice Cream Ice Queen said:

Trigger Warning: SA

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That really weird video Lana was in that surfaced in 2013 or 2014 depicting an SA scene. Eli Roth and Marilyn Manson were rumored to be involved, but Manson denied both him and Eli having any involvement.


OMG yes 😭

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1 hour ago, DemonMic2003 said:

The lfl bsides ep

omg i’ve never heard abt this before! lana said that l4l has its own timeline and it should’ve been longer so upits abt the ending of l4l?

7 hours ago, jimmyjimmycocoapuff said:

Too soon :icant:


7 hours ago, venice biotch said:

july 30 2024

i don’t get it 😭😭😭

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7 hours ago, Lasso said:

what are these things omfg :judgingu3:

i love the broken rib storyyyy my gramma has a similar story

“When I was young, I had a tree house and in order to get to the top of it, me and my sister had to climb up a satin Christmas ribbon. One day, on my way up the ribbon snapped and I fell 15 feet on to a fire pit. I broke my ribs and never told anyone except my mother. Last year I stopped into a Unitarian church and and a man came up to me out of the blue and told me he was a clairvoyant and that the reason why I had a shallow, breathy voice was because I had fallen out of a tree house 15 years ago. I still can’t get over how strange it is that he knew that.”

- from lovecat magazine 2012

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8 minutes ago, vrsyva said:

omg i’ve never heard abt this before! lana said that l4l has its own timeline and it should’ve been longer so upits abt the ending of l4l?


i don’t get it 😭😭😭

About the LFL B-sides album, the first time a reliable insider talked about it ⬇️

On 6/18/2023 at 5:54 PM, Unknown said:

Silverlake: not much is known about this song. It's a Lana x Rick Nowels song that was recorded during the Lust For Life sessions. After the release of Lust For Life, it was considered for inclusion on an album made up of LFL outtakes but was scrapped when Lana met Jack. No reliable insider has this song but who knows maybe it'll turn up someday. It's also definitely not the "Cali is hot" song - thats called "Everything I Do"...which is also a LFL outtake!


And about that July 30th, 2024 thing - some website codes or tech things in Lana's website suggested there is a soft launch - meaning that there might be an announcement where new things are added to her merch store and the new item is available on August 9th. The announcement on July 30th never happened.


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6 minutes ago, Embach said:

Что касается альбома LFL B-sides, впервые о нем заговорил надежный инсайдер ⬇️


И по поводу этого события 30 июля 2024 года - некоторые коды веб-сайта или технические элементы на веб-сайте Ланы предполагают, что будет мягкий запуск - это означает, что может появиться объявление о добавлении новых товаров в ее магазин, и новый товар будет доступен 9 августа. Анонс от 30 июля так и не состоялся.

OH MY GOSH thank you so much 💘💘💘💘🙏

10 minutes ago, helloheaven said:

мне нравится история о сломанном ребре, у моей бабушки похожая история

“Когда я была маленькой, у меня был домик на дереве, и чтобы забраться на его вершину, нам с сестрой пришлось взбираться по атласной рождественской ленте. Однажды, когда я поднималась наверх, лента лопнула, и я упала с 15 футов в яму для костра. Я сломала ребра и никому не сказала, кроме своей матери. В прошлом году я зашла в унитарианскую церковь, и ко мне ни с того ни с сего подошел мужчина и сказал, что он ясновидящий и что причина, по которой у меня негромкий, с придыханием голос, в том, что я выпала из домика на дереве 15 лет назад. Я до сих пор не могу смириться с тем, как странно, что он это знал. ”

- из журнала lovecat, 2012

shes so like uhmmm😭😭😭 love her

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Lizzy grant edition:

The biker truck magazine photoshoot she did as a craigslist hire which has yet to surface  :hooker:  what the "M" tattoo actually means  :hooker:  joan and bobby :hooker:  rex arrow short film :hooker: snowy handgun video :hooker: myspace zeitgeist cult blog post :hooker: who is K ? :hooker: 

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1 hour ago, southbeachswing said:

Издание Лиззи грант:

Фотосессия для журнала biker truck, которую она сделала в качестве проката в craigslist, о которой еще предстоит узнать, : проститутка: что на самом деле означает татуировка "М" : проститутка: Джоан и Бобби : проститутка: короткометражный фильм "Рекс эрроу" : проститутка: видео со снежным пистолетом : проститутка: запись в культовом блоге духа времени на myspace : проститутка: кто такой К.? : проститутка: 

OMG? thank you so much 💘💘💘

also i can’t open this image can u tell me please how to open it😭🙏 i’m so dumb 

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