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Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024

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4 minutes ago, jaesana said:

i'm going to take this down if i get flamed for this but i sleuthed a couple years back and found that she's a registered independent in new york - not a democrat. girlie is not a progressive. she doesn't care.

I think you’re taking some big leaps here. That’s most likely an old registration for one. She’s lived in California for more than a decade now. Saying an independent voter is not a progressive person is jumping to conclusions. 


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3 minutes ago, Dark Angel said:


not saying that she's progressive, but i don't think being registered as an independent really says that much about someone's views

it's hard to say. i found an old voter registration in new york but that doesn't mean she's not registered in california now as a democrat


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Just now, jaesana said:

it's hard to say. i found an old voter registration in new york but that doesn't mean she's not registered in california now as a democrat


she's resided in california for quite a few years, so that registration is probably pretty old


regardless, i wouldn't put too much weight on what party someone's registered as, it really doesn't mean that much, even if it's as an independent 


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i’m sure she’s gonna cave into the mess and make some vague and tone deaf statements about the really vile and miseducated stuff he’s posted online in some insta comment section within the next two-three weeks that’ll only make the situation mildly worse - but she’s definitely not gonna be fighting for her man on insta the day after she gets married like :delicious: she’s definitely aware of the situation and is probably logged off of everything rn like she hasn’t even made her relationship with him “officially” public yet. at the end of her day it’s her man and she chose him and we don’t personally know either of them so i don’t really care beyond how it makes her look publicly especially in the middle of this politically heated season. it’s mess af but on the bright side she might get some country voters next awards season to be more inclined to vote for her knowing she got a republican hubby by her side 

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The truth is that deep down in my heart, I believe Lana’s political views changed drastically after Norman. It pains me to say that even the image she presents gives me a different impression. Right after Norman, she recorded Looking for America. She seemed super political and against many of the things that the Trump administration defends today. I don’t know what the turning point was, but something isn’t right, and it worries me. I don’t think this will change my relationship with her music (unless musically she shifts to less pleasant topics), but it’s at least uncomfortable to see someone who has openly spoken about their political views marry a transphobic Trump supporter… it really is! Not to mention that her circle since those gun photos has been exclusively made up of far-right people. Including the Coachella biker guy. 

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10 minutes ago, iphone11 said:

The truth is that deep down in my heart, I believe Lana’s political views changed drastically after Norman. It pains me to say that even the image she presents gives me a different impression. Right after Norman, she recorded Looking for America. She seemed super political and against many of the things that the Trump administration defends today. I don’t know what the turning point was, but something isn’t right, and it worries me. I don’t think this will change my relationship with her music (unless musically she shifts to less pleasant topics), but it’s at least uncomfortable to see someone who has openly spoken about their political views marry a transphobic Trump supporter… it really is! Not to mention that her circle since those gun photos has been exclusively made up of far-right people. Including the Coachella biker guy. 

here is the thing about american politics.

americans are ignorant. we are all notoriously ignorant. that's becuase a) the system is built that way to keep us working and ignoring inequality and b) we have rightwing media (even our "liberal" media is rightwing) that has penetrated our collective zeitgeist, leading to pro-capitalist views, all sprinkled with some american exceptionalism. lana is explicitly a capitalist - she literally said the words "i am a capitalist" and it is clear by her music that she's a believer in american exceptionalism. her preferred aesthetics are old hollywood and southern americana, which doesn't come as a surprise, because both of these aesthetics have a preferred social hierarchy ... patriarchal and anti-black anti-poc. she's a country girl at heart, she grew up in lake placid. a pretty wealthy town, but a small midwestern vibe nontheless.

yes, at one point she seemed super political, but i think that was probably out of character for her. i think deep down she is a center-left democrat, and that basically means she's rightwing. we are a very conservative nation. and the richer you get, the more conservative you get.


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1 minute ago, jaesana said:

here is the thing about american politics.

americans are ignorant. we are all notoriously ignorant. that's becuase a) the system is built that way to keep us working and ignoring inequality and b) we have rightwing media (even our "liberal" media is rightwing) that has penetrated our collective zeitgeist, leading to pro-capitalist views, all sprinkled with some american exceptionalism. lana is explicitly a capitalist - she literally said the words "i am a capitalist" and it is clear by her music that she's a believer in american exceptionalism. her preferred aesthetics are old hollywood and southern americana, which doesn't come as a surprise, because both of these aesthetics have a particularly social hierarchy ... patriarchal and anti-black anti-poc. she's a country girl at heart, she grew up in lake placid. a pretty wealthy town, but a small midwestern vibe nontheless.

yes, at one point she seemed super political, but i think that was probably out of character for her. i think deep down she is a center-left democrat, and that basically means she's rightwing. we are a very conservative nation.

It’s really hard to judge as a Brazilian, but we went through a pretty dark time with a far-right, pro-gun government that shut down all chances for investment in art, education, healthcare, and was all about lies and hate. To us, Brazil’s former president is a lot like Trump. And just like it was painful to see Brazilian artists supporting Bolsonaro, seeing Lana marry a Trump supporter hurts too. It doesn’t mean she’s like that, but the whole image she’s been putting out with shooting clubs, the post-Grammy gun pics, and all that… it all points in a certain direction. Of course, that’s just how I see it as someone who’s not American.

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4 minutes ago, jaesana said:

the only progressive celebrity right now is chappell. azealia banks is correct when she says everyone else just virtue signals.


chappell isn't the only one who's progressive, other celebrities have spoken out in support of palestine, among other things, and honestly she (or other seemingly progressive celebrities) aren't perfect and are capable of being wrong or being misinformed, we shouldn't really put anyone we don't actually know on pedestals


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5 minutes ago, iphone11 said:

It’s really hard to judge as a Brazilian, but we went through a pretty dark time with a far-right, pro-gun government that shut down all chances for investment in art, education, healthcare, and was all about lies and hate. To us, Brazil’s former president is a lot like Trump. And just like it was painful to see Brazilian artists supporting Bolsonaro, seeing Lana marry a Trump supporter hurts too. It doesn’t mean she’s like that, but the whole image she’s been putting out with shooting clubs, the post-Grammy gun pics, and all that… it all points in a certain direction. Of course, that’s just how I see it as someone who’s not American.

I understand. my point is, I think you're thinking that sometime between 2019-2023, there was some sort of shift, and my argument is that I don't think there was ever a shift. since 2008 she's been singing about guns. I think she's been pretty consistent this whole time, and people (including me) were projecting their preferred ideas of who she should be onto her. she's your average american white women with some pretty heinous political takes. 

when all you know from someone is their music, it allows for a lot of interpretation. it takes the person marrying a seemingly far-right person for us to go, oh. yeah. she's not like that.


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I just don't understand this woman sometimes. She's always been so outspoken against Trump and then randomly a few years ago started hanging around the country bumpkins from the midwest, which was pretty tame as they were certainly more "metropolitan" in terms of their political sensibilities (Nikki, even Sean and Clay) but definitely concerning as that culture can be so politically conservative...but this is just bizarre IMO. How could you MARRY someone with political views that are so morally depraved and different from your own??? I get that we don't know the guy at all or what he does or does not support in terms of Trump's policies, but he still outspokenly supports him (that's not up for interpretation or argument) which speaks volumes. What changed for her to think this is okay??? Like yeah her marriage is none of our business and we should be "happy for her" but it's still incredibly disheartening to see your favorite celebrity who has no past of such vile behavior marry a guy who supports that racist misogynistic fascist. She really let her fans down with this one.

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59 minutes ago, jaesana said:

i'm going to take this down if i get flamed for this but i sleuthed a couple years back and found that she's a registered independent in new york - not a democrat. girlie is not a progressive. she doesn't care.

Being registered as independent doesn’t mean shit though. I am registered as independent and I’m a lib (edit: liberal not a libertarian crazy)

it is actually smart bc you can vote in whichever primaries you want 

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I think QFTC and its backlash did more damage than we think. We know Lana’s online and even though she tries to act like she’s above all the criticism we know it gets to her. She’s a hypersensitive person, and if you read between the lines of her output post-QFTC you can tell she felt exiled from the culture. Iirc she said in QFTC her biggest critics were liberal women, so imagine trying for years to be understood by them only to be harshly critiqued time and time again (see Ann Powers’ NPR piece on NFR!, but also critics sabotaging her chances at award recognition, Kim Gordon telling her to k*** herself, etc.).


I don’t think it’s a coincidence she left LA for the South and embraced a… let’s say southern mindset! Like you all say, she’s a white woman with very little to lose, why wouldn’t she embrace a world that is less critical and more accepting of the themes she discusses in her music?


I totally get why some of you are upset though. But I disconnected from Lana the person post-mesh mask. I knew things were headed down a weird path after that.

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