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Lana living in the UK thoughts?

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I just wish she wouldn't leave the US and continue working in America. In reality though British rock and roll and pop musicians got their inspiration from American artists and American music. Rock and roll is American music and so is rap and hip-hop.


Do you ever, like... leave the house? Open the windows, maybe you can get some fresh air :creep: see something new, open up a bit.



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I don't think Lana's creativity will suffer from living in the UK for a while. There are many wonderful places around the world and in my opinion making new experiences can only add to an artist's versatility. 

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She is an America and I wonder if she'll lose her edge living in the UK. I mean the day of their empire is long gone and as a cultural force the UK is through and they only think they are important in world affairs because the US lets them think they are.

I don't get living in the UK though, there's no creative energy in a place where an empire dies and they get their ideas in music from the US anyways but as a devoted fan I want what's best for her and if she's happy in the UK then so be it. 


She's more popular in the UK and Europe so I don't blame her but until you make it big in America you haven't really made it.

:facepalm: I literally don't even know where to begin with this, but I guess I have to start somewhere.


The general tone of ignorant, condescending arrogance aside, which I find most problematic, you're just factually wrong. If the UK isn't important in world affairs, then who would you say is besides the US? Not only has a lot of great literature, music, and art come out of so-called "dying empires", but a lot of it is about loss of empire or the end of colonialism.


In reality though British rock and roll and pop musicians got their inspiration from American artists and American music. Rock and roll is American music and so is rap and hip-hop.

...and along with jazz and blues, they were all African American musical art forms that grew out of musical traditions in Africa. What's your point?


I find this embarrassing as a fellow American. It's this type of shit that feeds the 'Ugly American' stereotype and makes me want to pin a maple leaf on my backpack the next time I go Eurail-ing.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Wow. Okay, well I live in the UK and I've been on holiday in the US a fair few times (going again this year :excited: ) and I love the US and I've never really seen why a lot of people seem to want to move the UK but maybe Lana feels like it's more convenient being in the UK what with Barrie and she has a lot of fans not only the UK but all round Europe so it'd be easier travel for her.


I'm pretty sure she hasn't given up on America! But she seems to have lived all round the USA so she obviously likes travelling and maybe wants feels she wants to try somewhere else. And Barrie has a band so he probably wanted to stay in the UK.


But above all, I'm thrilled Lana wants to stay round here! Of course I am, I'm more likely to meet her. I think someone's jealous? :creep:


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I actually like the fact that she lives in the UK. She says she likes it here and that makes me proud to be from here. Like, I'm from a country that Lana Loves, and thats great! I would feel the same if I were an American. She quite likes America (as a country or the idea or whatever) and i would be proud to be from somewhere that she likes.



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I've always thought what makes Lana's music appealing especially to Europeans is her Americaness. 


She is an America and I wonder if she'll lose her edge living in the UK. I mean the day of their empire is long gone and as a cultural force the UK is through and they only think they are important in world affairs because the US lets them think they are.


Madonna went through a creative wasteland with her time spent in the UK. I'm glad though that Lana recorded and wrote her album in the US.


I don't get living in the UK though, there's no creative energy in a place where an empire dies and they get their ideas in music from the US anyways but as a devoted fan I want what's best for her and if she's happy in the UK then so be it. 


She's more popular in the UK and Europe so I don't blame her but until you make it big in America you haven't really made it.




:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Are you feor real??? HAHHHAH I can't stop laughing at your ignorance :lmao: :lmao: .For real is super funny. Please just post more you are hilariious. Post something to showcase your idiocracy a little more something like "USA is the leader of the free world." That sentence always makes me laugh hard do some post with it. Thank you for being so entertainning. And God bless America you know the freaking continent where USA is located. By the way England where Lana lives is part of the UK and not the UK. :deadbanana:


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I mean the day of their empire is long gone

You are right on that note. The only democratic country playing the "last invade other countries and steal their natural resources"  empire game is USA. England's empire days are really over. These days England  treats other countries in a democratic way. :usrs:


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Apparently the British aren't cultured at all but the Queen still lives in a fucking castle. Windsor Castle was built some time around the year 1070. Yeah, ten seventy and The Queen still lives there half the year. Also, these men are obviously paid to stand outside Buckingham Palace for no reason whatsoever apart from decoration.


And you think we look to America for advice when the UK is clearly further ahead with a lot of laws (eg: gay civil partnerships, gun laws). If anything, the UK should be a huge role model for the US. Yes, I agree that America has pioneered a lot of things but that doesn't mean that they belong exclusively to America. Most of America's population is descended from other countries. Nothing is exclusively American, like Evil said earlier, rap/hip-hip originated from African slaves (rap is just a very developed form of blues).


All music is inspired by something or other from somewhere. Dubstep was a genre that originated from London and now it's in 90% of American pop music. Don't forget that Lana has scottish blood relatives, so the UK is literally in her blood too. Also, it doesn't even matter where Lana lives or not. She can fly over to America and stay for however long she wants there now that she's probably rich as fuck. The California coast isn't going to disappear now that Lana's living in the UK now is it?

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