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  On 10/26/2018 at 8:25 PM, Hannus said:

well she did in august, not sure if she will in the future though, now that the new album is out

Thank you anyway! I've decided I'm probably not going. Not a big fan of the new album to be honest. I feel like her output has got progressively worse actually. Such a shame because I've been following her since Pilgrim pretty much.  :(

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I'm listening to FN on repeatttt and I just bawled like a baby on West Hollywood. I love her to death, it physically pains my heart. Shaping up to become one of my fav albums ever. Will always love it less than NMTF but whatever it's so fucking good and it really corresponds to my current life and state of mind, I'm not forcing myself to like it I'm just listening attentively and I can totally see her thought process and idk man I just love the music lol. She's rly the big sister I never had I look up to her so hard


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I’m really loving this album, I don’t understand you guys that aren’t happy with it. Blur & Nostalgia are the only skippable songs IMO. I did a rating of each song out of 10 & my personal score for the album is 128/140 which is 91%. This album is a total A- lol! But I just remove the 2 songs I dislike, replace them with some of the singles & I can have the album on repeat for hours. Karen’s voice is just so magical. :flutter:


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FUCK if you listen to the lyrics attentively they're progressive and they make so much sense. For example at the end, in TTBG  (and also as soon as the chorus of Way Down, technically the first track of the record) she says "I just wanna go get high", and my huge theory that I fully support is that PLTSR is actually about lean..... Lean is purple and often mixed with super sugary stuff like drinks and sweets... aka... "sugar in my veins this is what I wanted"... So she literally got high... Because getting high makes me her forget she's getting older and it gives her nostalgia.mp3 of when she was young and getting high. We stan a fucking genius that I love w all my heart


I'd put it on Genius but I don't wanna be slammed again... What do yall think :noparty: I'm kinda considering asking her directly


Also the feel of this record is surreal. It's an American record. NMTF was definitely a Danish record compared to it. Urgh AOTY for me, now I adore every song on it


My most plays are on West Hollywood, Way Down and Blur. It feels correct


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  On 11/7/2018 at 2:15 PM, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

It’s a Japanese bonus track :toofunny:

I meant in the UK/US. The streams from FS would have helped boost the “sales”
  On 11/7/2018 at 9:25 AM, nuclear angel said:

blur ft foster the people coming soon  :)

Thats..........a choice?

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