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Defiiiinitely.... ! I was like a bit lost as to why she was slaying the entire population, it just disappointed me and made me sad, like I get how Arya was good running around the city and helped show the view shots of the people, but really, it was pretty pointless.. I mean yeah I get that first point about how the people in King's landing were pretty horrible, I was watching season 7 and it was mentioned w the ed sheeran episode that the people of kings landing were the worst anyway, and Jaime ,referencing how the same people praising Euron, would be clapping the same if his head was a put on a pike. Maybe the show just hasn't really fed us all that obviously.. or, maybe Tyrion just pissed her off, which caused her to go too far? He did reference the bells, which rang, which caused her to get so frustrated . I think I trailed off a bit, but basically yeah, I wanna know what drove her to that point exactly, without the writers having to explain after the episode..


Yeah exactly! this is what 2 incredibly rushed seasons do. We don't understand the depth of the characters anymore because everything has been so forced! We don't know their motivations or what triggers them because we haven't seen it develop.GOT used to be never shy away from tense 10 minute political conversations, cause they knew half the show was all about the depths of every characters thoughts and actions. Now the writers think its all fine and dandy to just tell us what happened and we have to be ok with them filling in the gaps like this. 



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Yeah exactly! this is what 2 incredibly rushed seasons do. We don't understand the depth of the characters anymore because everything has been so forced! We don't know their motivations or what triggers them because we haven't seen it develop.GOT used to be never shy away from tense 10 minute political conversations, cause they knew half the show was all about the depths of every characters thoughts and actions. Now the writers think its all fine and dandy to just tell us what happened and we have to be ok with them filling in the gaps like this. 



They laid waste to the previous seasons 1-4, or wherever the books stopped. Season 6 was ok, but giphy.gif


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They laid waste to the previous seasons 1-4, or wherever the books stopped. Season 6 was ok, but giphy.gif

It was pretty much season 6 that overtook the books, which is where the rushing began. It was a great season but s7 is like s6 but skipping every second scene and s8 is like skipping 2 scenes at a time.


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It was pretty much season 6 that overtook the books, which is where the rushing began. It was a great season but s7 is like s6 but skipping every second scene and s8 is like skipping 2 scenes at a time. giphy.gif

Kinda bad, but not as hyped anymore after last weeks episode. Is that bad? The writers told the viewers they wanted things to not b predictable but after watching ep 5, I think it jus tmight b too obvious what'll happen next and it worries me, everything's been leading to this? They honestly shouldve just not rushed it.


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In honor of the finale tonight, re-upping the greatest Lana / GoT crossover post on this forum:


^ That reminds me of when Byron met Katy Perry Xaro Xhoan Daxos and Pyat Pree:


Also, choosing to remain willfully ignorant that this is photoshopped from a porno. #mophie



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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I am okay with this. I managed to feel sad for Dany, cause she actually believed she was good and was always going to do good things. It portrayed how corrupt people work very well, especially when they are corrupt by their beliefs of destiny and inherent right. Still doesn't explain the madness of last episode- if it was true to her morals, she would not have been so crazy when doing that and they would have showed more of her conflicted emotions when burning the city. 


I am sad for John most, especially because in the end he never had a choice, and he was always forced to kill what he loved, or be forced away from it. At least he got to be with Ghost and his friend in the end. 

I am very happy for Sansa, she looked amazing in her final scenes. 

Arya's ending is nice, but also just left hanging, and I feel like she didn't get enough closure. I wish she had at least said she'll come back one day and tell everyone what she saw instead of straight out 'I'm not coming back'.

The Bran as king confuses me, but whatever, I never cared about who was King of the however many Kingdoms anyway. Happy for Tyrion and everyone else tho. Great that Grey Worm and the Unsullied are going to protect Naath, but what about the Dothraki? I think they'd be even worse without some crazy powerful leader to direct them.

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Even 20 seconds before it ended, I was waiting for something very specific and kind of epic: Jon Snow goes beyond the Wall and Drogon appears, turned into a blue, dead, white walker dragon, since in the book White Walkers are born in a very cold place in the North or whatever. I was waiting for Drogon to fly there and in the last 10 seconds reappear as the dead dragon, and on his back the Night Queen, Daenerys but now dead. It would have been 10 times more epic than what we got, and it would be related to the "history repeats itself" phrase, but it would NOT save the disaster that was the finale.

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