Hundred Dollar Bill 21,821 Posted March 8, 2015 I think Katya or Violet will win. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,803 Posted March 8, 2015 I think Katya or Violet will win.Violet is good but like... not good enough. I don't see ha as a winner 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLA to the Moon 138 Posted March 11, 2015 So much shade thrown at Trixie during this week's untucked!!! And Pearl was giving Marilyn Monroe realness. Banging 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,803 Posted March 11, 2015 I liked Jasmine but girl that Trixie shade was weak af and like was it necessary? Nope Anyway can we talk about Katya's lipsync 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drewby 9,251 Posted March 17, 2015 thank god Donkey from Shrek went home tonight 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iseeyouupsidedown 934 Posted March 17, 2015 thank god Donkey from Shrek went home tonight LOL seriously. Really hope Pearl steps her game up because I still adore her. Even though it was deadpan, I thought her acting in the Shakespeare play was hilarious! She was going for a butch lesbian gym teacher vibe! And I love that the one new judge gave Pearl credit for being the only one to be really creative with the runway look, I said the same thing when she walked out! The paper mache was really cool. Pearl is just so artistic and cute <3 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
butterflies 3,042 Posted March 17, 2015 Max out of drag looks like @@European 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drewby 9,251 Posted March 17, 2015 the Untucked actually had drama for once because Kennedy thinks she's great 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mind Melt 10,118 Posted March 17, 2015 ngl in the episode preview when Ru said 'You're all up for elimination' I was shocked bc I thought she meant they all had to lip sync. Trixie is starting to grow on me. I really loved her runway look, she was amazing. I love Pearl, but she really does need to step it up or I don't think she'll last much longer. I really don't like Violet at all. I thought maybe, but nah. But anyway.. I'm really glad Jasmine is gone. Current Top 5: Katya Pearl Ginger Minj Max Trixie 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drewby 9,251 Posted March 17, 2015 Violet is being painted as a bitch for whatever reason. She made a suggestion to Kennedy who shot it down because she doesn't like Violet and the team suffered Violet didn't have issues with her performance and her look was great. I would've called Kennedy out too if I had done the challenge right and the leader didn't do their job 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iseeyouupsidedown 934 Posted March 17, 2015 Violet is being painted as a bitch for whatever reason. She made a suggestion to Kennedy who shot it down because she doesn't like Violet and the team suffered Violet didn't have issues with her performance and her look was great. I would've called Kennedy out too if I had done the challenge right and the leader didn't do their job To be honest that's kind of where even though I HATE Jasmine Masters, I wasn't totally with Ru on her tirade (althought im sure the editing made it appear different than it was). I mean, was Ru aware that Kennedy purposefully have them roles they weren't fit for and then switched them last minute? I get the no excuses thing, but that's kind of an important factor that reflects poorly on Kennedy. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mind Melt 10,118 Posted March 17, 2015 Violet is being painted as a bitch for whatever reason. She made a suggestion to Kennedy who shot it down because she doesn't like Violet and the team suffered Violet didn't have issues with her performance and her look was great. I would've called Kennedy out too if I had done the challenge right and the leader didn't do their job I definitely agree they should have run through it together, and that she called out Kennedy, I just think it's her attitude that's off-putting. Although it's probably editing that makes her seem like that 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drewby 9,251 Posted March 17, 2015 To be honest that's kind of where even though I HATE Jasmine Masters, I wasn't totally with Ru on her tirade (althought im sure the editing made it appear different than it was). I mean, was Ru aware that Kennedy purposefully have them roles they weren't fit for and then switched them last minute? I get the no excuses thing, but that's kind of an important factor that reflects poorly on Kennedy. idk some of the queens at viewing parties last night said not only did Ru blow up at them during the rehearsal we saw for a good 30 mins when she asked them to shut off the cameras and then she was even more angry at the judging with all the excuses. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,803 Posted March 17, 2015 Not gonna lie it was sad to see Jasmine go I disliked her attitude but she's not as bad as people are saying she is [probably just because they hated her for her attitude]. She looked amazing (except that beard girl). I loathe Kennedy tbh she's so full of herself. I don't know what to think of Jaidynn like she's nice but then she's laughing at Kennedy's Miss Fame comment and like ??? I also wanted to see more of Pearl and Katya in this Untucked. Where the hell was Katya? Anyway, MAJOR SPOILER ABOUT NEXT WEEK'S ELIMINATION SO DO NOT OPEN IF YOU DONT WANNA BE SPOILED There are a lot of chances that Trixie is the next one to sashay away 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sitar 22,226 Posted March 18, 2015 @ Jasmine "looked amazing"?! what is wrong with you 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,803 Posted March 18, 2015 @@SitarHero please the dress was amazing and her make up was kinda good. The beard + wig tho... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atom Heart 1,931 Posted March 18, 2015 Pearl, Miss Fame or Whatever Ming will be in the top 5. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hundred Dollar Bill 21,821 Posted March 18, 2015 thank god Donkey from Shrek went home tonight I GASPED 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iseeyouupsidedown 934 Posted March 18, 2015 @@SitarHero please the dress was amazing and her make up was kinda good. The beard + wig tho... The dress actually was pretty, but I would've been more impressed if she didn't hype it up as "the best dress to ever walk down the Rupauls drag race runway" because it was far from it. And her beard was just her chin painted black... Even without gluing anything on her face, she probably could've contiured a better beard out of makeup... On another note, I'm going to disagree with the people who think Miss Fame will make it to the top. Pearl, Violet, Trixie, and Ging will I think. But Miss Fame just isn't talented enough. She's very very pretty, but she can't sing, dance, or act... There's more to being a drag queen than looking gorgeous. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites