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My ideal Top 2 would've been Gia and Manila/Latrice. Manila did something so quirky compared to every other performance on variety/talent show from AS2 and AS3, her reveal at the end was fun. Latrice also did something a bit out of the box from the things we've seen and it was really high energy. Gia... I mean, the bitch did THAT. And even if Trinity was still in the top 2, they could've put Gia in there so it could fuel the whole 'shady' editing that Gia vs Trinity was given earlier in the episode. They really missed a oportunity and I feel like it was a bit rigged for Miss Tuck because the song was "funny" (lyrics) but her delivery was so... SNL in the 90s, and that's not good.


As much as I love Naomi, her performance to me was almost like Milk's last year. It was ok at first, and when you watch a second time it's just 'meh'. The gag with the bald wig wasn't enough to put her on the top bc honestly her performance as a whole was really weak.


I really loved Monique, she was stunning, served choreo and she "sang" live (backtrack on the chorus was heaaavyyyy) but honestly it wasn't something gag worthy to be top 2. It really reminded me of Shangie's performance on AS3 but Monique did it live. Also the fact that the judges praised Monique for being on brand with her 'brown cow stunning' shtick, they just straight up torned Monet to pieces for using her 'sponge queen' gimmick. As much as I believe that - yes, Monet really forced her sponges on S10 - still it was a valid point for her to be branding herself with it, just like Monique. But of course, Monet's vocals were so off key it was painful as hell and she deserved to be in the bottom 2 on my POV.


Farrah did not deserved to be in the bottom 2 tbh. Just like the girls were saying during deliberations, she had a concept, her makeup and outfit was flawless, her delivery until the fall was great, she should've been in Monet's place, or who knows, even safe for that matter. They really fucked her up with this placement and I believe it was to somehow infuriate her so she could be a little more cutthroat/bitchy like we saw in the preview with her shutting Gia DOWN. Anyways...



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my two cents is that gia was robbed, latrice should have been in the top, either monet or valentina should have been in the bottom. love jush but her rehash of her old video was a choice, trinity was kinda boring honestly.


the show really has become rupaul's gimmick race

speaking of which, monique probably would have won her lipsync if she kept her damn wig on or had another one underneath 



also a lot of these reads are way funnier

valentina's to latrice is fucking killer, shangela teas

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Monique already did the most with not only a cow jacket but a cow on her hat, sis... we get it 


AND the brown cow song, and saying "America" and "stunning" in every sentence. Like yeah. Brown cow stunning. We know ma. Same with Monet and the sponges. And Naomi and legs. It was funny the first time and now it's really not. 

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question, are people allowed to post leaked spoilers in here? because if so imma avoid this thread cause i’ve been dodging spoilers left n right.

they can and do. tread with caution, i’ve had every season spoiled for me in here

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I'm so excited for Kacey this week. I hope High Horse is the lipsync song since I can see one of the top 2 girls - that we already have spoilers - winning easily with it. I'll be very disappointed if they lipsync to a Ciara song. 


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The snatch game episode, bitch I'm snatched gagged and bound, and Manila is slaying the shit out of me as per usual (her two runways looks OMFG, last one gave me stronggg Marina vibes idk why) but I rly won't be surprised if trinity either 1) wins 2) gets robbed and becomes a fanfav. I also thought Val looked rly pretty in her last one but idk I feel like her attitude changed. Still terrified about the possible tea cuz I'm rllllllly rooting for my graphic designer queen


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I was loving Valentina but on this episode she got on my nerves. Still I don't think it was her time to go because even though she was in the bttm2 once - and honestly I felt like she didn't deserved - she also won once. While Naomi placed safe/high but never won. 


I believe Manila picked Naomi for this reason and Monet picked Valentina. Manila picking Naomi would explain a lot in the future.

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I was loving Valentina but on this episode she got on my nerves. Still I don't think it was her time to go because even though she was in the bttm2 once - and honestly I felt like she didn't deserved - she also won once. While Naomi placed safe/high but never won. 


I believe Manila picked Naomi for this reason and Monet picked Valentina. Manila picking Naomi would explain a lot in the future.

omg Valentina did win once didn't she! I totally forgot  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:


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