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Azealia Banks

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  1. Like, I'm about to do something SO fucking petty. You're gonna be gagging all year

  3. Mentioning me is the only thing that will get you attention. Because ur music and nose job are trash


    wait what

all explained!!!1!!1!1



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oh god its part of the doomed slay z album which we most likely wont see as per usual.


she said something about it being out in 9 days or something idk


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I think she meant 9 days 'til The Big Big Beat video.

No she meant Slay Z


she said that Slay Z was being released with the video tho

That was before the Iggy mess, she probably wants to put it out quick so her hype wont die and shit 

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Iggy brought up Azealia in an interview. It's petty that Azealia used the exact same sample in her new song, in a way it's a way to say "I beat you on your own track"


oh omg i'd have never known, who has ever listened to Iggy after those singles really? Messy. Used to Being Alone is amazing :defeated:

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On Twitter she mentioned that she will have a song titled Crown (she previously said this track was one of her best) on Lunice's upcoming album.


Also talked a little more about Red Flame, saying that she'd like to put it out without Gaga's vocals and with a new instrumental since she wrote most of the song herself.

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She discovered PC Music y'all...that would be very interesting...what other genres would you like our genre queen to try out?


I'd like her to not do PC Music


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