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Ever forget how perfect Born To Die is?

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Yes! BTD is an iconic album, the songs blend in perfectly and the production is fantastic. But I also hardly listen to it now, only really in the car or when family friends come over (for some reason my mum always wants people to know about my music taste which is embarrassing).

I actually think the album's underrated by her biggest stans because her unreleased songs seem to be so much easier to listen to because you don't need to listen to it as a whole album plus there's always an unreleased song to fit your mood.


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The reason for me not putting any unreleased songs on my iPod, is to keep myself from taking Born To Die & Paradise for granted. I don't want them  to get lost between the enormous amount of other songs. I do have a lot of unreleased songs on my computer, which I listen to a lot as well though, but the albums have a special place in my heart.

I do have Sirens and AKA on my iPod, but those are albums as well so that makes sense in my world. Lah-di-dah.  

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Yesss! I never know when it's gonna happen, but sure enough all of a sudden when listening to Born to Die I have a revelation about how beautiful and innovative it really is.


I honestly believe that BTD is gonna be one of those generation-defining albums that will get mentioned in music history books in 50+ years and I feel lucky to for once be alive and witness such a career unfold.  

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no way, i still think btd is better than the majority of her unreleased songs. i listen to 'paradise' every single day too.


Yessss, production-wise and musical-wise. It's what got her to where she is today.

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:flutter: I never forgot how perfect BTD is am reminded every day by the giant poster on my wall and the look of lana's face on the album on my bed side table every night  :flutter:

god knows I tried

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I listen to BTD and Paradise every single day at least once or twice, though I usually end up listening to them for the whole day :sluttybunny:  ain't got time nor interest to listen to other artists than Lana tbh  

Unreleased tracks and mixtapes not so much.

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:flutter: I never forgot how perfect BTD is am reminded every day by the giant poster on my wall and the look of lana's face on the album on my bed side table every night  :flutter:

I think that's why I don't appreciate it as much. The first and last thing I see every day is my BTD CD, Paradise box set and massive poster so I've got used to seeing it, it's just an every day part of my life which I (almost) ignore.


Actually, saying that, I just had a 5 minute interval from writing this post to stare at my Lana things so maybe I still can't get over her existence.  :flutter:


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I listen to so many songs from those albums every day.

American, and Body Electric are always played like 6 times a day, and I listen to lots of Born To Die songs all the time, today it was LO, OTTR Lolita and an awesome Video Games remix for example.

It's so fascinating that the album came out more than a year ago and I'm still not bored by any of the songs. With other artists like Katy Kesha or Gaga I just get tired of the songs after a while but with Lana I can just listen to the same songs over and over again and they are just as wonderful as in those early days. :agree:

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its literally perfect. i always come back to it and fall in love with different songs. i have never liked radio or tiwmug but now i love them. i could never relate to lolita tho.

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I think that's why I don't appreciate it as much. The first and last thing I see every day is my BTD CD, Paradise box set and massive poster so I've got used to seeing it, it's just an every day part of my life which I (almost) ignore.


Actually, saying that, I just had a 5 minute interval from writing this post to stare at my Lana things so maybe I still can't get over her existence.  :flutter:


You know what it is, I think it's the fact that before BTD I never really had an album that I really loved and I was always searching and looking for that one piece of music that (not to be cheesy) sort of describes how I'm feeling in every way you know? Partly another reason I can't forget it because my sister brings lana up all the time and denies how much I love BTD  :P Some songs I do forget though. Like I was so obsessed with Radio that at one point it was my password to my phone and I forgot how perfect that song was lol.

god knows I tried

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You know what it is, I think it's the fact that before BTD I never really had an album that I really loved and I was always searching and looking for that one piece of music that (not to be cheesy) sort of describes how I'm feeling in every way you know? Partly another reason I can't forget it because my sister brings lana up all the time and denies how much I love BTD  :P Some songs I do forget though. Like I was so obsessed with Radio that at one point it was my password to my phone and I forgot how perfect that song was lol.

I know, before Lana my music taste was almost non-existent. I never followed an artist's career like Lana's. National Anthem always has a special place in my heart, I always secretly wanted the album to hurry up and get to that song but I still can't bring myself to skip a song  :P


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I don't think I'll ever forget Born to Die because it really gives you the feel of who Lana is as a person, a former bag girl turned hopeless romantic with some wealthy desires, who's dreams came true.


Every song is a near 10, with an 8 or 9 here and there for any specific reason. What the songs lack in production are made up with great lyrics that no one but Lana can do.


To me, and so far, Born to Die is Lana's best work as Lana Del Rey and will give tough competition to any of her future releases, much like it did to Paradise. Born to Die was probably the best debut release that Lana could hope for, with good reason.

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I still listen to the whole album at least once a month. It's really a great record and reminds me of how I started stanning for her in the first place. Overall, Born To Die doesn't really get old. I can still listen to some tracks and get the same feeling I got the first time I listened to them, which is why it's such a great album. I definitely prefer her unreleased tracks over Born To Die, though. 


As for Paradise, I haven't listened to that thing in ages. There's only a few tracks on there I really enjoy. I think Paradise appeals to the general public more than Born To Die did. 


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For me BTD - Paradise Edition is still the best CD I've ever bought. I was searching for years for something like this. It's like a piece of gold for me.

I still listen to this perfect album everyday. Especially in the car when driving home from work. I have a rather stressful job and I calm down when I can listen to Lana's songs.

I have the BTD - Paradise Edition double; one for at home and one in the car. And then also on PC and Ipod.

I'm getting nervous when I start thinking at the next album she'll release in the future. I'm going to be one of the first in this country who's goning to buy it.

Maybe difficult to understand, but Lana's music got me also over my broken 8,5 years relationship. Sometimes I skipped Dark Paradise because it was too heavy to listen to but the other songs and especially Ride was really perfect for me. So I have a special connection with this song. I'm Lana really thankful for this.

I hope she'll have a long singing career and I wish her all the luck in her life. She deserves it.

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