♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life 130 Posted January 3, 2013 I've never really been a true fan of like, anyone, I don't think. but I feel a bit of a connection with her, in terms of her visual style, her overall demeanor (awkward, but often misconstrued as bitchy or even worse), and her whole 'world' in general (what with the various shades of narcissism, girlish emotional torment, and daddy-heavy love). My focus in school has always been science, but I feel as if she's allowed me to tap into a more creative side of myself (re: fan art). ultimately, despite the depressive and often fucked up undertones, I think she's made me more optimistic about life, and people in general. no easy feat. A long, long time ago I was into science, too...but then I realized that life just goes beyond it... so deep no formulas can enter... 0 Quote http://www.youtube.com/user/lovelanalikelife ♥Music For Lana&Lana's Fans♥ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amadeus 11,335 Posted January 5, 2013 i was sad and lonely and depressed at the start of this year and now, but then i discovered Lana and now 11 months and 108 songs later I'm happier and more certain than i have ever been in my whole life. Lana has filled the hole in my heart that nobody could ever even attempt to fill. she is an angel and has inspired me more than you could even imagine. i live for Lana and i would sacrifice everything for her she means the whole world to me and nobody has ever changed my life as much as she has. it's like we're the same person 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BChed 49 Posted April 12, 2013 she is so unique. ive never heard anything like her. i've always been a fan of retro-lounge-jazz/pop-bigband music of the 20s through the 60s and she updates it in a way that is completely her own. she is one of the most risk-taking vocalists i've ever heard in the pop genre: She has so many tones and sounds she seamlessly plays around with, often within the context of one song or one verse. Her range is incredible both in the notes she can stretch to and stylistically. essentially she utilizes everything i like about all of the genres i listen to and throws away everything that annoys me about those genres while adding many aspects of music i've never heard before. She needs to make music forever. edit: and thats just the music side of her... then when you think about all the cinematic and visual elements of her persona your head will explode from the awesomeness. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creyk 11,833 Posted April 13, 2013 What captured me about her at first, was her beauty, then how shy she was. I loved her attitude in her early interviews! How she always touched her hair, it was fascinating! And, weirdly, her songs never get boring. They just don't. I listened for the new Selena Gomez single for 3 days, and I am kind of getting tired. But I am still not over Paradise. Weird...but her songs last forever, and I really admire that. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DUKE 2,531 Posted April 13, 2013 How come I didn't see this wonderful thread yet? I guess everyone felt attracted to the exquisite quality of her music, which isn't essentially new but yet uncommon these days. I like that she has an eye for the aesthetic of her entire body of work. I like the way she deals with words. I like many things about her, in fact, many aspects remind me of myself. But the reason why I love her? That's a tricky question. I suppose the true reasons why we feel drawn to something or someone are so subconscious that an accurate answer can never be given. And maybe that's where Lana's charm lies: in the subconscious. She stimulates a very certain nerve in me, and I'm sure that's the same for everybody else. It is my interpretation of her work, or misinterpretation if you will, that makes me feel very close to her. Or less alone. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
radiodasirius 638 Posted April 13, 2013 why DON'T I love Lana? i seriously can't even put it into words. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TrailerParkDarling 5,705 Posted April 13, 2013 I love her general aesthetic and how biographical she is. Even if there is a lot we don't know about her, her lyrics are very honest + personal, especially when you compare them to other artists. I like how she can combine deep, philosophical lyrics with something shallow/ a pop culture reference. I love how her favorite music artists and cinema has influenced her + her sound. I like how even though she is a rich girl and comes from a wealthy background, and she always had drive and knew what she wanted to do. Sometimes I think she resented her parent's wealth. I love that a girl with a millionaire father would live in a trailer park. She's in a league of her own. There is no other artist out there right now that has her sound. Anytime I see her compared to another artist it's so unfounded. I.e. Adele.. sure they both sing at a lower register and wear winged liner, but their lyrics and sound couldn't be more different. You might as well compare her to Katy Perry. (Personally, I think Lana sounds a lot like Julie London) Lana is the most genuinely nice celebrity out there, I think. I've never met her but I've never seen one bad thing said about her or read a bad fan encounter. I mean she kisses them on the lips for God's sake.. if you watch any of those videos on youtube w/ other celebrities with their fans, they are usually very distant or don't even give them the time of day. I know some of those people are more well-known than Lana/have been famous longer, but I still think Lana would still act the same if she were at Beyonce's level of fame. I love how you can relate to her lyrics even if you haven't necessarily shared similar experiences. I also like that she's an introvert, cos I can relate to that and I think a little humility is good. Really, I just really admire how humble she is and how much influence she has on her work. She has covered so many genres and has been so successful but she still acts like everyone else, refusing to call her fans 'fans' and referring them as her friends and such. Oh and I love her kitsch! 3 Quote *** People call me crazy but I'm in demand *** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leo 464 Posted April 14, 2013 I can’t REALLY explain to you why I love her so much unless you have ever felt like you wanted to die or that you were useless or not good enough. Because for years i have felt lost and alone in a world full of opportunities and chances, but none of them have lit the spark inside me that makes me WANT to achieve. Lana Del Rey, through her music and thought concept in general has made me realise i have a purpose in my life and that i CAN and WILL be happy. i don't need to impress other people and i don't need to be another standard figure in society. i can climb onto the back of a motorcycle and ride into the desert sun with my best friend hand in hand screaming and escaping reality. i can be wild and free and crazy and just not give a fuck and i thank Lana for making me realise that she makes my dreams seem real and true. she survived a battle with alcohol and rose out of it to become a worldwide controversial icon. she is my role model for every aspect of life. she has been lost and terrified and uncertain of existence just like me and i relate to her so much and if she can pull through all of that shit then so can i. i was sad and lonely and depressed at the start of this year and now, but then i discovered Lana and now 11 months and 108 songs later I'm happier and more certain than i have ever been in my whole life. Lana has filled the hole in my heart that nobody could ever even attempt to fill. she is an angel and has inspired me more than you could even imagine. i live for Lana and i would sacrifice everything for her she means the whole world to me and nobody has ever changed my life as much as she has. so maybe i am a little over obsessive and pathetic but i dont care because i’m happy and free and it’s all thanks to one amazing goddess; Lana Del Rey This was really beautiful, I think you should write this in the "Dear Lana"-fanbook. I'm sure she would be very happy to read this 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sitar 22,226 Posted April 14, 2013 I love how you can relate to her lyrics even if you haven't necessarily shared similar experiences. This is very important. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kittren 209 Posted April 19, 2013 Because she is amazing. Her songs, lyrics, her style and performances are all together and professional. She is unique, mysterious, has strong feelings. She shows a lot, but keep things for herself too. She is everything what a real woman need to be like! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
littleharlot 10 Posted August 9, 2013 I haven't seen a post about why do LB members like Lana Del Rey, so I'v decided to make one. (I'm sorry if there is actually a post about this) So, why do you like LDR? Did Lana somehow change you and insipired you with her words? How? Are there things that she says or does that reminds you of herself? I'm just curious about your answers. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bekim 2,576 Posted August 9, 2013 Her music easily connects with people's emotions.At least me.She is definitley unique and inovative , yet she doesn't do all that ridiculous stuff with her clothes and style to get attention.She appears to be an amazing person.I ADORE HER :defeated: 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yayoop 4,616 Posted August 9, 2013 Because she's finally a celebrity who has had a wealthy background and is looking for danger and loves alcohol and like falls deep in love and omfg .. i can get that ~ i feel that. I can connect to that ~ i don't know. and she has beautiful taste and she seems everything like a movie and i can understand that as well omfg i don't know like i've been drinking so i don't know if that makes sense but yeah omfg now i'm embarrassed 2 Quote " /> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creyk 11,833 Posted August 9, 2013 What first caught me about her is her beauty. The way she looked on that throne in the BTD video....flawless, just amazing. And then, I love her because she make awesome music. Like, the song Born To Die is 2 years old now and I am still not tired of it, I can listen to it again and again and it's still enjoyable. Also, I fucking love how she has like 200 songs, I mean how cool is that? And she is fun in interviews as well. I love her speaking voice. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WarInMyMind 52 Posted August 9, 2013 Because I discovered her when my heart was broken by two people 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mileena 2,696 Posted August 9, 2013 she really changed me as a person (i'm a teenager, no judging ), she gave me a different perspective on things. i wouldn't be the same person i am if it weren't for lana. i truly relate to what she says a lot of the time, especially born to die, i know what it's like to worry about people all the time, and i was overjoyed when i found someone who is like me. i think me and lana are very similar in terms of our personalities, i love having different personas and alter egos, it's so fun. she's inspired me with my art, my music, my writing, just so many things. and then there's the fact that i think lana is a bit of an artistic genius. she's a beautiful woman, both inside and out and i just love so many things about her. seeing her really did make my year, she's the only celebrity i've met with any interest, everything about her interests me. oh god sorry, i got a bit carried away with my fangirling 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MaryTeamLana 32 Posted August 9, 2013 I like this topic! Anyway i was amazed by her beauty when i first saw the BTD video, also the music was very inovative and charming so i went on the internet and looked for more. That's when i completely fell in love with her, her lyrics represent me in a way nothing else do. I totally relate to what she writes about, plus we are pretty much alike for several things 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
COLACNT 5,182 Posted August 9, 2013 cause she's so smart and so beautiful and kinda crazy and she gets me and i get her and she makes me happy and happier with myself her pussy also tastes pretty great with fries 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heaux 1,401 Posted August 9, 2013 hews she? :huh: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greeeeen 37 Posted August 9, 2013 Because gaga was away and i had NO ONE FOR TWO YEARS 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites