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CONFIRMED: Lana Del Rey DID NOT deny Kayne West's Request

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My first thought was that Kim was planning her own being-proposed-to and asked her :toofunny:

maybe she's referring to the fact the he had his "people" ask her and not himself personally?

These were my first thoughts too.


I like Kanye's music and he is kinda funny but also such a huge arrogant jerk !! I'm always happy when he doesn't get what he wants  :smokes2:

It's too bad tswift didn't show up and interrupt with Beyonce's "Single Ladies" vid playing in the background and be all like "Yeezy, I'm really happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best proposals of all time from Jay-Z! One of the best proposals of all time!" #PutARingOnIt



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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These were my first thoughts too.


It's too bad tswift didn't show up and interrupt with Beyonce's "Single Ladies" vid playing in the background and be all like "Yeezy, I'm really happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best proposals of all time from Jay-Z! One of the best proposals of all time!" #PutARingOnIt

 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha  :lmao:


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I guess she denied Kim's request. The way she says "I wouldn't deny HIS request" sounds kind of funny. Makes me love her even more imagining she denied that 2 brain cells Kim Katarshian a request to sing in her wedding. The Katarshians are just shit tbh.


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Well it was a complete surprise for kim so she didn''t ask lana. there was an interview and she was like "oh my god he got lana to come for my birthday surprise! but then she didn't come out" (lmfao) so i bet it was kris jenner, a show producer, or, like someone else said, one of kanye's people.


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Well, her silence says a lot more than words ever could. :toofunny: I wonder what her problem with the Kardashians is.



Probably the fact that Lana busted her ass to get where she is and the Kardashians are only famous for being fame whores and literally doing nothing to contribute to society. But that's just my opinion.


The nails, or lack there of, should have been a big clue that it's not. When was the last time Lana didn't have nails on?

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Kind of sick of Kardashian-bashing. Who says you have to ~contribute to society~?

When you have young and impressionable girls looking up to you for becoming famous for a sex tape. Even Paris started making music to become an artist. That family, save for Khloe and her volunteer work literally does nothing yet have people worship them. Since when does doing nothing but be rich, dumb and self absorbed make someone a celebrity? This world is fucked because of people like them and the people that call themselves their "fans". All it does is promote narcissism and moves the world in a less compassionate direction. People stop caring about their fellow man and start being vain and in my personal opinion, which had nothing to do with your opinion, the Kardashians are the perfect example of what is wrong with the way society has shifted in the last ten years.

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When you have young and impressionable girls looking up to you for becoming famous for a sex tape. Even Paris started making music to become an artist. That family, save for Khloe and her volunteer work literally does nothing yet have people worship them. Since when does doing nothing but be rich, dumb and self absorbed make someone a celebrity? This world is fucked because of people like them and the people that call themselves their "fans". All it does is promote narcissism and moves the world in a less compassionate direction. People stop caring about their fellow man and start being vain and in my personal opinion, which had nothing to do with your opinion, the Kardashians are the perfect example of what is wrong with the way society has shifted in the last ten years.

I think you forgot this gif:




you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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I think u guys are forgetting that kim kardashian made this masterpiece:





every time Kim opens her mouth Paris Hilton smiles LOl. Yah see when Kim does masterpieces like that Paris sounds like a good singer and her songs a masterpiece in comparison. When Kim opens her mouth to speak Paris also smiles since in comparison she is a brainiac . Isnt most things in life a matter of relativism and perspective? amusing. Turn it up turn it up


on antoher subject @@maru congrats on having a "banderinha de São João"  as a symbol of mod hierarchy and power. I call it cultural apropriation tbh but that's fine :flutter:






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It's kind of funny that opportunities like this fall into Lana's lap and she just turns them down out of thinking she is better than. I mean like come on, you would have got good money for it, and you would have been in the episode of the show too, bunch of people would have seen you, free promo basically....but no, you just turn it down. :lanasrs:

You can tell she really meant it when she said she sees the rest of her life outside music, she's not fame-hungry (anymore :tsk:)

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It's kind of funny that opportunities like this fall into Lana's lap and she just turns them down out of thinking she is better than. I mean like come on, you would have got good money for it, and you would have been in the episode of the show too, bunch of people would have seen you, free promo basically....but no, you just turn it down. :lanasrs:

You can tell she really meant it when she said she sees the rest of her life outside music, she's not fame-hungry (anymore :tsk:)


Katarshians are something in the US not much out of it. Lana doesnt care/want much with the US so why should she go to such a decadent show as KUWTK? I mean there isnt any artistic value on that thing so why boder? Not even Kenye wants to be associated with that


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Why is everyone assuming that Lana declined because she didn't want to be on the show?

Two things to remember:

  • Kanye is notoriously private and I highly doubt the proposal was filmed for a Keeping Up With the Kardashians episode. 
  • No one in the family knew about the proposal, it was a surprise to all of them, so any speculation that Kris reached out to Lana is unlikely

I also don't think Kanye, nor anyone from his camp asked Lana to perform. IDK, it really just doesn't seem like something Kanye would do, inviting another artist to sing at his proposal. I think if Kanye wanted her to be there, she would be there... but I'm of the opinion that the lone simple orchestra is far more... classy and understated. There's a time and a place for grandiosity, and I don't think the proposal music was the right moment. (LOL @ me writing like I know them ~personally~ :hairflip:) I just thinking inviting another artist that is not a part of/close to the family would have taken away from the moment. 

I also have a sneaking suspicion that Lana shares @@Lanakai's thoughts on the Kardashians. True, Lana likes trashy things, but it's really the kitsch factor of the trashy factors that ultimately draws the appeal... you know, like trailer parks and racing jackets and gold teeth or what have you, not "celebrity trashy". Lana always attempts to appear to be unbothered and above "celebrity" (~cobain fan-gurl~ "i wanna make music that means something~~~") and her recent comments in the Electronic Beat Magazine interview regarding her disenchantment with the music industry -- lololol "true artistry" "no1 cares lyke i do" "omg no, attention to looks is bad lets not place emphasis on that~" -- I wouldn't be surprised if there's some unfounded and unwarranted feelings of superiority regarding the Kardashians.


Yay, also an excuse to use a Kanye tiny hip hop head! uSDiTZS.png

...but do we really need an excuse??




you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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