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CONFIRMED: Lana Del Rey DID NOT deny Kayne West's Request

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maybe she declined bc singing at a proposal is just awkward?? like ive never heard of that?? singing at weddings is one thing but proposals? um   :awkney2:  :wtfney:


It really is stupid.

 But it does happen actually. :tea:

Specially with black people.

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I wouldn't be surprised if there's some unfounded and unwarranted feelings of superiority regarding the Kardashians.


By Lana? Yeah, totally, except for the fact she has like...I don't know...talent??

sort of ~

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By Lana? Yeah, totally, except for the fact she has like...I don't know...talent??


Talent is subjective. 

you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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Talent is subjective. 


You're right.


I mean, 150+ songs, sex tape, becoming famous off own merits, trashy reality show...




Sorry, I can't. There exists like a pseudo hate for Lana on this board and it is so funny. Don't worry, you don't even have to make another post, I got you covered. "Ohhh her lyrics are so bad" "Ohhhhhhhh that outfit is soOoOOOoo terrible what is she thinking" "ohHHHhHHH video games is soooo overrated it's not even a good song" "she thinks she is sooo great and she isn't even greattt lorde is bettttterrrr"


I mean, have your opinions, but jesus christ can we go make another Lana bashing circle jerk thread with actual legitimate points? Trying to say she's conceited by comparing her to the Kardashians is just lazy.  :uh:

sort of ~

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You're right.


I mean, 150+ songs, sex tape, becoming famous off own merits, trashy reality show...




Sorry, I can't. There exists like a pseudo hate for Lana on this board and it is so funny. Don't worry, you don't even have to make another post, I got you covered. "Ohhh her lyrics are so bad" "Ohhhhhhhh that outfit is soOoOOOoo terrible what is she thinking" "ohHHHhHHH video games is soooo overrated it's not even a good song" "she thinks she is sooo great and she isn't even greattt lorde is bettttterrrr"


I mean, have your opinions, but jesus christ can we go make another Lana bashing circle jerk thread with actual legitimate points? Trying to say she's conceited by comparing her to the Kardashians is just lazy.  :uh:



I didn't bash Lana, I merely defended the Kardashians.



you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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You're right.


I mean, 150+ songs, sex tape, becoming famous off own merits, trashy reality show...


Sorry, I can't. There exists like a pseudo hate for Lana on this board and it is so funny. Don't worry, you don't even have to make another post, I got you covered. "Ohhh her lyrics are so bad" "Ohhhhhhhh that outfit is soOoOOOoo terrible what is she thinking" "ohHHHhHHH video games is soooo overrated it's not even a good song" "she thinks she is sooo great and she isn't even greattt lorde is bettttterrrr"


I mean, have your opinions, but jesus christ can we go make another Lana bashing circle jerk thread with actual legitimate points? Trying to say she's conceited by comparing her to the Kardashians is just lazy. 

I think the fact that we're all registered and posting on a Lana Del Rey fan forum kinda contradicts your claim that we secretly hate her. Nobody her hates Lana, we're just more critical of her than the average casual listener but we're all also pretty devoted to her otherwise we wouldn't spending this much time discussing her or listening to her music. Who knows what she thinks of the Kardashians. We don't really need to compare them, it just came up because quite a lot of people have been saying that Lana's too good for them or that she feels to good for them. 

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Talent is subjective. 





I didn't bash Lana, I merely defended the Kardashians.




 I see you norty cat. Trying to put some fire on this sleepy board. I see you doing miawwwwwww :smile:


Just because Lana is a white upper class women (  :omfg2:  ) you have to shade her with a white no class half armenian :candy:


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 I see you norty cat. Trying to put some fire on this sleepy board. I see you doing miawwwwwww :smile:


Just because Lana is a white upper class women (  :omfg2:  ) you have to shade her with a white no class half armenian :candy:

Genuinely not trying to start anything or liven things up, I just don't know why the Kardashians inspire such vitriol. 

you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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Genuinely not trying to start anything or liven things up, I just don't know why the Kardashians inspire such vitriol. 


Oh @@maru please I know you are joking but I will answer anyway. IMO they dont inspire vitrol but a  ewww. The whole thing from the start to the middle and probably to the end is just decadent. A empire that started with a sex tape that was a copycat idea of another empire that started with a sex tape deserves no admiration. Good for the Katarshians for making money with the most stupid show ever created, selling clothes that defy good taste and perfumes that dare allergies. I will not condemn because regardless of what I think was money acquired honestly. But do not ask me to admire, respect or even be interested because it will not happen. IMO their show is shit, the clothes can only be wear by blind people and the fragrances can kill unaware flies


ps: not gonna mention how annoying Kim and the sisters are or that Pimp Mommy is the best cafetina on that side of the Atlantic. Makes Madame Hollywood look like Madre Tereza


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Kind of sick of Kardashian-bashing. Who says you have to ~contribute to society~?


I mean I have to, as much as I'd like to hombre my hair and look at my phone all day too. So jealousy? Yeah.




I didn't bash Lana, I merely defended the Kardashians.




Well one interpretation (mine) of your response is assuming that Lana thinks she's superior to the Kardashians without any real proof of that



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I mean I have to, as much as I'd like to hombre my hair and look at my phone all day too. So jealousy? Yeah.



Well one interpretation (mine) of your response is assuming that Lana thinks she's superior to the Kardashians without any real proof of that



I reread it and I don't really see it as Lana-bashing. I merely made an assumption about her opinion on the Kardashian family based on little interview snippets, and I admittedly poked fun at the silly things she's said in interviews, but full-on bashing? I didn't call her artistry or talent or her merits as a singer into question, like people have been doing here with the Kardashians. 


Also, saying that she may feel superior wasn't intended to be bashing either. I think we all feel superior to someone at some point in our lives. I get that feeling when I look at my Facebook feed :creep:




you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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Talent is subjective.

Yes, but she's not talented in anything I place any value on.


Genuinely not trying to start anything or liven things up, I just don't know why the Kardashians inspire such vitriol.

Genuinely not trying to start anything or liven things up, I just don't know why the Kardashians inspire such a defense.


on antoher subject @@maru congrats on having a "banderinha de São João"  as a symbol of mod hierarchy and power. I call it cultural apropriation tbh but that's fine :flutter:

I see you norty cat. Trying to put some fire on this sleepy board. I see you doing miawwwwwww :smile:


Just because Lana is a white upper class women (  :omfg2:  ) you have to shade her with a white no class half armenian :candy:

Oh @@maru please I know you are joking but I will answer anyway.

@@maru @@Viva Can you guys just fuck already and get it out of your system?



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Yes, but she's not talented in anything I place any value on.


Genuinely not trying to start anything or liven things up, I just don't know why the Kardashians inspire such a defense.



@@maru @@Viva Can you guys just fuck already and get it out of your system?


 Want to join us?? :delish: ? :smile2:


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Yes, but she's not talented in anything I place any value on.

That's cool. We all like and value different things. I'm more concerned with this really unwarranted vitriol that the family seems to elicit in others. They are harmless.


Genuinely not trying to start anything or liven things up, I just don't know why the Kardashians inspire such a defense.

See above. I also don't think the family is responsible for this sort of ~moral decay~ that some like to attribute to them. I also don't think Kim, nor anyone in the family has a moral obligation to ~be a good role model~ like was posed earlier in the thread. Lastly, I think a lot of the critiques of the roots of their fame can be attributed to inadvertent slut-shaming. It's not so much that I like the Kardashians, but more like the arguments people have against the Kardashians are so inane and ridiculous:


When you have young and impressionable girls looking up to you for becoming famous for a sex tape. Even Paris started making music to become an artist. That family, save for Khloe and her volunteer work literally does nothing yet have people worship them. Since when does doing nothing but be rich, dumb and self absorbed make someone a celebrity? This world is fucked because of people like them and the people that call themselves their "fans". All it does is promote narcissism and moves the world in a less compassionate direction. People stop caring about their fellow man and start being vain and in my personal opinion, which had nothing to do with your opinion, the Kardashians are the perfect example of what is wrong with the way society has shifted in the last ten years.


and I can't help but feel the need to say something. Also LOL @ anyone having an obligation to ~contribute to society~. Yeah, I think that's really what I dislike, the idea of obligation to society, whether it be some sort of contribution that must have some sort of ~value or merit~ according to another's standards or the obligation to be some sort of role model. Dafuq? They have no obligations to you, nor I, nor to society. And because of their supposed failure to meet these standards, they are now saddled with some sort of moral decay and a growing lack of compassion in society or some equally inane crap?? Ok there. Just let 'em live their lives and don't get so incensed about it. Just do you. Simple.  :creep: 


@@maru @@Viva Can you guys just fuck already and get it out of your system?

I'd want to, @@Viva is S E X Y icon_idea.gif

you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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That's cool. We all like and value different things. I'm more concerned with this really unwarranted vitriol that the family seems to elicit in others. They are harmless.


See above. I also don't think the family is responsible for this sort of ~moral decay~ that some like to attribute to them. I also don't think Kim, nor anyone in the family has a moral obligation to ~be a good role model~ like was posed earlier in the thread. Lastly, I think a lot of the critiques of the roots of their fame can be attributed to inadvertent slut-shaming. It's not so much that I like the Kardashians, but more like the arguments people have against the Kardashians are so inane and ridiculous:


and I can't help but feel the need to say something. Also LOL @ anyone having an obligation to ~contribute to society~. Yeah, I think that's really what I dislike, the idea of obligation to society, whether it be some sort of contribution that must have some sort of ~value or merit~ according to another's standards or the obligation to be some sort of role model. Dafuq? They have no obligations to you, nor I, nor to society. And because of their supposed failure to meet these standards, they are now saddled with some sort of moral decay and a growing lack of compassion in society or some equally inane crap?? Ok there. Just let 'em live their lives and don't get so incensed about it. Just do you. Simple.  :creep:


But they are glorifying being sluts. I'm assuming you're young and that is why you don't see how it could hurt anyone. Sure, let them be on tv and glamorize doing nothing and getting everything just by whoring themselves out to anyone who will pay, exposing their entire lives without morals for everyone to see. See? You don't need to work hard to earn all the riches you desire... Even though the real world does not work that way. It doesn't hurt anyone right? I think if you had a daughter who wanted to be just like Kim, you'd be disgusted with them as much as I am. Or at least I hope for the sake of the younger generations, you would.


I don't care if they want to be like that behind closed doors.  It's their life, let them do what they want. Let them be shallow, vapid and pretentious fame whores whenever they want in their own circle. However, I do have a problem seeing them become famous and them using that fame to perpetuate their lifestyle and glamorize being lazy/attractive/willing to do anything for fifteen minutes = $ $ $.


I don't care if they never meant to be "rolemodels"; if you attract that much attention, you have an obligation to contribute to society whether you want to or not. At least try and make an effort. No one gets to ride for free.


A good juxtaposition of character would be the Robertsons from Duck Comander, or Duck Dynasty. They are of the same stature of the Kardashians, have the same type of wealth and now fame, yet they use it to promote a strong work ethic, family bonding and love. By contrast, the Kardashians almost promote the opposite (though you can see that they care for each other in their show, just not more than themselves individually)  And again, I'm just defending my opinion of them. You are rightfully entitled to your own.

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i'm somehow reminded of these antiquated arguments that scandalized, puritan people would make in the face of "immoral" change back-in-the-day, and still happens, to a lesser extent (see previous post) :creep:

they are scourge of society! heathens and god-less men that lack Christ's teachings! those disgusting young men and women partaking in pre-marital sex! women that taunt men by exposing their legs! the world is falling apart because of these disgusting, immoral people! 

(i could go on. i mean, i'm no good at making indignant, scandalized and exceedingly dramatic arguments like others here are but i can try my best?)

society hasn't fallen apart yet, despite a lack of church going, enlightened sexuality, and daring to show our ankles. i think we're doing just fine being "bombarded" by reality show stars and celebrities attempting to stretch their 15 min of fame by using provocative means. but of course, some would say that "the world is fucked". 


you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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