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Which Lana songs do you get stoned to?

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Oh my god people, I'm not talking about people who occasionally smoke it just quitting for awhile, I'm talking about people who are addicted to it. I used to smoke it several times a day every day & it was hard as fuck to quit it, I'd rather go through coke withdraw than weed withdraws any fucking day. You mentally become addicted to it. Like I said before, you can't escape the voice in your head telling you to get high. You can do things to distract you from the shakes & shit you get from quitting other drugs, for me, listening to music, writing & working got me through them, but you can't escape your minds desire to be high. Your mind becomes to used to the morphed sense of reality that weed gives you that it's almost like starting life over when you quit. I doubt any of y'all have had that experience, so for you to say that it's soooo safe & addiction free is a biased opinion based on 'facts' put out there by other pot heads. Unless you go through it, you will never understand it. 


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Ehh I used to self medicate with weed and smoked several times a day, but it was really easy to quit. Nothing like your experience. I think people are just saying the withdrawals are generally nothing compared to hard drugs.


But it affects everyone differently. So back to the main discussion :)

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Guest Dot

I swear to god I hate people who keep saying it's equally harmful as alcohol. Many young kids age 14/15 in my school started smoking weed because they think it's cool or whatever stupid reason they had. Now, weed reaches into effect much faster than alcohol. You have to drink a lot to get drunk, but you don't have to smoke a lot of weed to get high. The problem is, that eventhough they both have similar effects they are even MORE harmful for the brain cells at such a young age and it seems it's becoming more and more popular and that I do not support. This thread glorifies the use of an illegal drug and should be closed ASAP.

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I swear to god I hate people who keep saying it's equally harmful as alcohol. Many young kids age 14/15 in my school started smoking weed because they think it's cool or whatever stupid reason they had. Now, weed reaches into effect much faster than alcohol. You have to drink a lot to get drunk, but you don't have to smoke a lot of weed to get high. The problem is, that eventhough they both have similar effects they are even MORE harmful for the brain cells at such a young age and it seems it's becoming more and more popular and that I do not support. This thread glorifies the use of an illegal drug and should be closed ASAP.


Read an article not on vice/buzzfeed for once in your life and you'll see that you are 100% wrong. all recent scientific studies support the claim that there is no such thing as a physical addiction to marijuana- only psychological- which is why habitual smokers experience withdrawals/cravings when they stop. U can experience addiction to anything done habitually


Of course, with all things there is a fine line b/t abuse and addiction but marijuana has medicinal properties and is actually LESS harmful than alcohol- esp on a long term basis. 

anyway some of you need to take a step outside and not be so myopic

*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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Guest Dot

Read an article not on vice/buzzfeed for once in your life and you'll see that you are 100% wrong. all recent scientific studies support the claim that there is no such thing as a physical addiction to marijuana- only psychological- which is why habitual smokers experience withdrawals/cravings when they stop. U can experience addiction to anything done habitually


Of course, with all things there is a fine line b/t abuse and addiction but marijuana has medicinal properties and is actually LESS harmful than alcohol- esp on a long term basis. 

anyway some of you need to take a step outside and not be so myopic

I wasn't talking about addiction, honey.

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This thread should be closed. We're all overreacting to something stupid. ANYTHING THAT CHANGES YOUR MENTAL BEING SHOULD NOT BE CONSUMED (even alcohol). So let's all pretend this never happened, get back to UV stuff, and if you smoke weed and want to chat about it, make a Twitter account, everyone is accepting there.

Or message me :)

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I swear to god I hate people who keep saying it's equally harmful as alcohol. Many young kids age 14/15 in my school started smoking weed because they think it's cool or whatever stupid reason they had. Now, weed reaches into effect much faster than alcohol. You have to drink a lot to get drunk, but you don't have to smoke a lot of weed to get high. The problem is, that eventhough they both have similar effects they are even MORE harmful for the brain cells at such a young age and it seems it's becoming more and more popular and that I do not support. This thread glorifies the use of an illegal drug and should be closed ASAP.

Do you realise you can drop dead because of alcohol poisoning in just one night right?In contrast with alcohol, it's impossible to overdose on weed lmao.

Btw, alcohol tolerance  depends on the person. I know many ppl who get drunk with just a few drinks but they can't get high on weed .They need to smoke a ton in order to get high so..



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Read an article not on vice/buzzfeed for once in your life and you'll see that you are 100% wrong. all recent scientific studies support the claim that there is no such thing as a physical addiction to marijuana- only psychological- which is why habitual smokers experience withdrawals/cravings when they stop. U can experience addiction to anything done habitually


Of course, with all things there is a fine line b/t abuse and addiction but marijuana has medicinal properties and is actually LESS harmful than alcohol- esp on a long term basis. 

anyway some of you need to take a step outside and not be so myopic


Just to point out, long term marijuana use increases your chances of psychosis, which is pretty much borderline schizophrenia. I'm not saying that it's worse than alcohol in the long run because alcohol fucks up your liver and can just screw up your overall health, but psychosis is pretty bad too mainly because there really is no definitive cure for it. With alcohol, maybe you can fix your liver by getting a transplant. I know that transplants are hard to get and it may not even work because your body can reject the organ, but at least there is a real cure. With psychosis, all a doctor can do is give you medicine to try and balance out your neurotransmitters, but even then that may not completely eradicate the symptoms of psychosis. 


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Opinions are opinions, I'm sure the people on the other side of this argument think that your thoughts are "non value opinions".

why are you even in this thread? do you know that you can get addicted to virtually anything in this world? (shopping, eating, etc.) at least with pot if you stop you don't go through horrible withdrawal symptoms. get off your high horse.


ANYWAY. you & me is great high. 


Probably not the best wording.  :creep:


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Oh my god people, I'm not talking about people who occasionally smoke it just quitting for awhile, I'm talking about people who are addicted to it. I used to smoke it several times a day every day & it was hard as fuck to quit it, I'd rather go through coke withdraw than weed withdraws any fucking day. You mentally become addicted to it. Like I said before, you can't escape the voice in your head telling you to get high. You can do things to distract you from the shakes & shit you get from quitting other drugs, for me, listening to music, writing & working got me through them, but you can't escape your minds desire to be high. Your mind becomes to used to the morphed sense of reality that weed gives you that it's almost like starting life over when you quit. I doubt any of y'all have had that experience, so for you to say that it's soooo safe & addiction free is a biased opinion based on 'facts' put out there by other pot heads. Unless you go through it, you will never understand it. 


longish post so sry



I think addiction is a subjective experience tbh. while of course as tpd said, habitual addiction is common, i feel it's also dependent on your personality. addictive personalities are always going to fall into these vices more than non-addictive ones. it took me so many years to realise that i did easily get addicted to things and moreover, i liked the power the substance had over me. my mother, deep down a very kind woman, was so drawn to drugs and alcohol and cigarettes. even when she was sober she had the personality of a hound dog, perpetually fixated on whatever idea had caught her attention that week. i've never seen anyone so hooked on anything.


by that token, i had recreational drug using friends. i knew people who used harder shit than me and more frequently. some of them had problems of course, they were just junkies masquerading as mislead teens. however, i saw so many of them jump from drug to drug then go stone cold sober and not have it be a problem for them. you see for the most part i don't think it's the drug that's the problem, i think it's peoples will power, maybe something to do with their genetic makeup, my own included. this isn't meant to be at dig at you trayer, or anyone for that matter. i've been thinking about the topic for a while now, tryna figure out where i fucked up, if i fucked up at all. i guess this is just my whole interpretation of the debate



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Just to point out, long term marijuana use increases your chances of psychosis, which is pretty much borderline schizophrenia. [...]


i can't believe we're having this stupid off-topic debate about weed on a lana forum, but you're so off bounds with this. if you have a family history/some other risk factor(s) of schizophrenia, then YES, smoking weed it a really bad idea! but it doesn't just cause psychosis out of nowhere. do your research.

a  -  m  -  e  -  r  -  i  -  c  -  a    /    all i wanna do is   p  l  a  y

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