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LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships

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you guys, i've been thinking about something...do you really think NOTHING happened between lizzy and jimmy? i'm inclined to believe maybe it was a fling, or not even that, perhaps they just kissed once, but that maybe it was blown out of proportion in her mind because she fell in love and afterwards, when he blew her off, she just couldn't let go. i mean, she posted the obviously-about-jimmy "yayo" on his FB wall! she may have been lovelorn, but was she so out of touch to write songs about a fantasy and share them with him? i have my doubts. our kind source @ that spoke to his son's GF (or someone who knows gnecco) could just have the "official story"...maybe jimmy was in a relationship at the time so his little lizzy affair (or less than) was kept on the down low? how could we possibly know? i just find it hard to fathom that lana would expose herself so much to even use a JG lookalike for 2 of her videos - which jimmy would obviously see - just over an imaginary love! because this isn't like "so legit", which i'm pretty sure was hacked from her email or shared with very close friends because it wasn't meant to be public...this was everywhere, from her demos to her higher profile LDR songs  :rip:


Ive been thinking this for a while, if Jimmy was in an on/off relationship and was with Lizzy in between then maybe he would have kept it on the down low when he got back together with the other woman. I don't think she would have posted it on his fb if she didn't know him.

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Maybe she IS in touch with the disconnect between her feelings and the reality, and this is just her way of saying, well, it meant something to her? ISTM Lana often uses the idea of love as her muse, so I'm not as surprised that she'd be willing to put that sort of self-revelation out there. It seems consistent enough with "making her life a work of art." (Even if family relationships, beefs with friends, etc. wouldn't be as much a part of that vision.)


could be! she has stated that she also writes about how she wishes things had been. re-writing/re-creating one's own history is an artist's prerrogative, and we all know she's done that on many levels :) 

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lizzy was using back then, the yayo could've clouded her judgement

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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So maybe she and Jimmy never had a relationship but he knew she liked him but he mainly wanted to support her music so that's why she facebooked him Yayo? Because obviously You're Gonna Love Me is partially about him, "Jim, I'mma dedicate this whole album to you/You told me to get my way, that's exactly what I'm gonna do" - he told her to do her own thing and maybe Yayo was the start of the AKA era, so she sent it to him because she wanted to show him that he had a positive effect on her career.



I still think Radio is about Jimmy though, when she talked about it she was also talking about people "coming out of the woodworks", so maybe what she meant with him coming back was that he changed his mind, which brings me to Gods & Monsters. She's obviously written a lot of songs about their imaginary relationship and now he's interested in her because life imitates art. It also fit with her stalking admiring him from afar, "a groupie incognito posing as a real singer" and "If I get a little prettier, can I be your baby?". She literally made herself prettier (lips and so on).

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you guys, i've been thinking about something...do you really think NOTHING happened between lizzy and jimmy? i'm inclined to believe maybe it was a fling, or not even that, perhaps they just kissed once, but that maybe it was blown out of proportion in her mind because she fell in love and afterwards, when he blew her off, she just couldn't let go. i mean, she posted the obviously-about-jimmy "yayo" on his FB wall! she may have been lovelorn, but was she so out of touch to write songs about a fantasy and share them with him? i have my doubts. our kind source @ that spoke to his son's GF (or someone who knows gnecco) could just have the "official story"...maybe jimmy was in a relationship at the time so his little lizzy affair (or less than) was kept on the down low? how could we possibly know? i just find it hard to fathom that lana would expose herself so much to even use a JG lookalike for 2 of her videos - which jimmy would obviously see - just over an imaginary love! because this isn't like "so legit", which i'm pretty sure was hacked from her email or shared with very close friends because it wasn't meant to be public...this was everywhere, from her demos to her higher profile LDR songs  :rip:


this could potentially true, it does seem weird for her to use bradley but apparently he did notice lizzy and just didn't care for her. she went to so many of his gigs and stuff that he eventually noticed her, but she was just looked like young blonde fangirl and jimmy was in a serious relationship. I don't know, I just really feel like the whole thing was a fantasy of hers. we can never know 100% but I think speaking to someone who knows jimmy well is a pretty good way of knowing what happened. I'm not saying that your theory isn't true, because maybe something happened and now it's a big secret, but I honestly feel like nothing too significant happened between them  :kiss:


also apparently when asked about lana, jimmy didn't even know who she was so maybe he hasn't seen those videos :/ 

I just feel sorry for lana hahah 


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also apparently when asked about lana, jimmy didn't even know who she was so maybe he hasn't seen those videos :/ 

I just feel sorry for lana hahah 


I don't think that means much, tbh. Maybe at first he just didn't associate sultry, vampy, successful Lana with cute, struggling artist Lizzie? Or maybe he simply doesn't remember a girl he once had a one night stand with or something? Not an uncommon thing for a guy in a rock band, especially one that looks like Jimmy.


My point is, even if he isn't lying it doesn't necessarily mean they never met or had no contact whatsoever with eachother, imo. I kinda believe something happened between them (not even necessarily a fling, she could have just met him one night and thought they shared a 'special connection' or something like that), something that was completely meaningless to him but fuelled (or initiated?) her obsession.

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this is starting to remind me of that one criminal minds episode where a guy falls in love with a woman after she looks at him once and he keep stalking her for ages and sends her presents and stuff and she has to move and he's till convinced she's in love with him and he changes his appearance to what she seems to like and yeah...oh lizzy

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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I don't think that means much, tbh. Maybe at first he just didn't associate sultry, vampy, successful Lana with cute, struggling artist Lizzie? Or maybe he simply doesn't remember a girl he once had a one night stand with or something? Not an uncommon thing for a guy in a rock band, especially one that looks like Jimmy.


My point is, even if he isn't lying it doesn't necessarily mean they never met or had no contact whatsoever with eachother, imo. I kinda believe something happened between them (not even necessarily a fling, she could have just met him one night and thought they shared a 'special connection' or something like that), something that was completely meaningless to him but fuelled (or initiated?) her obsession.


yeah that's what I was trying to say, except you said it better haha! no I definitely think they came into contact, she went to so many of his shows and stuff it would have been hard not to! I just meant he hadn't heard of her as 'lana del rey' 


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yeah that's what I was trying to say, except you said it better haha! no I definitely think they came into contact, she went to so many of his shows and stuff it would have been hard not to! I just meant he hadn't heard of her as 'lana del rey' 


Just read what you'd written and tbh it's me who should learn2readingcomprehension. :facepalm: :eek:

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So maybe she and Jimmy never had a relationship but he knew she liked him but he mainly wanted to support her music so that's why she facebooked him Yayo? Because obviously You're Gonna Love Me is partially about him, "Jim, I'mma dedicate this whole album to you/You told me to get my way, that's exactly what I'm gonna do" - he told her to do her own thing and maybe Yayo was the start of the AKA era, so she sent it to him because she wanted to show him that he had a positive effect on her career.



I still think Radio is about Jimmy though, when she talked about it she was also talking about people "coming out of the woodworks", so maybe what she meant with him coming back was that he changed his mind, which brings me to Gods & Monsters. She's obviously written a lot of songs about their imaginary relationship and now he's interested in her because life imitates art. It also fit with her stalking admiring him from afar, "a groupie incognito posing as a real singer" and "If I get a little prettier, can I be your baby?". She literally made herself prettier (lips and so on).

This is my favourite. This has opened the heavens and shed lavender sunshine upon all theories of Jimmy tbh.

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Really long please forgive me! My Nice Big Jimmy/K Post, i Know it sounds weird but bear with me~



So Lana says she always singing about the same damn person, like an "ultimate love" which i believe to be K, So I'm possibly thinking what if Lana, after K's death, in here deep grievance for the loss of the man she truly believed to be her perfect match, she projected onto Jimmy? 


What if K, who I believe jfK is about, was this one guy she's always on about, but in a sense, Jimmy is also, because she projected the image and needing of K into Jimmy and the kind of person he was, similar to K.


Thinking of JFK here, he was killed in the height of his power (K killed/passed away in the height of there love) Now if I knew what K looked like, or who he even was, this would aid my theory greatly. But if he looked like Jimmy/ acted like Jimmy (Lana does allude to K being pretty badass so it's possible they might look alike if there both emulating that sort of personality) She found Jimmy, and saw him as a younger K, and that was the reason for her obsession with Jimmy.


Thinking about "Is it Wrong" here, 

"Met my local Rockstar and now im seeing visions"

Visions being her seeing K within him, and possibly Why she is questioning herself if its wrong to be thinking this way, but Jimmy was offering a taste of fame, something K didn't quite have, and after having her taste she is hooked on it, while enjoying Jimmy's, wanting it for her own, while she has always pursued music and singing she never wished to be famous, until her "local rockstar" gave her a taste... While she's not wanting to use him, she's enjoying being able to live the life of a famous Hollywood celebrity. (or the life of her local rockstar ahah.)


Firstly looking at the whole Lana/ Jimmy thing, it seems really weird to me, Jimmy Gnecco would be the first song to probably look at for obvious reasons...

If you want it, it's yours, It's free, but of course, You're my sunshine.

Firstly, its like she's saying you can have my love if you want it, but the fact that she's mentioning its free, seems to signify to me that he possibly thought of Lana as possibly using him (coz he was da local rokstaRRR) and she wanted to up her image/ get more publicity/ fame. Also if Lana did see K in him, possibly could be why Jimmy wasn't all for her (the desperation of her needing him, not just wanting him could've been really creepy and obvious/ came across to strong.)


But the whole song seems to be about some dirty dark affair, (i dno about you but kissing in the dark in a park seems to me like they cant be seen by anyone/ have to go somewhere private/ aka dark.)

So possibly the start of the relationship I propose was during the gogo dancing days, both GoGo dancer and Midnite Dancer Girlfriend

"Break up with your girlfriend, let me move in, I see the way you look at me and I loved you since, I put my eyes on you, eyes on you, I'm in it to win"

He had a girlfriend, but the fact he was at the dancing bar at the first place showed he may be willing to stray, this is a possible reason they kept it on the down low, But Lana loved him, wanted more than to be just his on the side, possibly after he did infact break up with his girlfriend she posted YAYO on his wall (?)

If it really was an affair then why post it publicly like that, and not only on his wall, but her myspace, youtube ect. as one of her more early widespread songs, If something didn't happen between them, then Lana is crossing into some creepy stalker Jimmy-Stan-ing there

Also worth mentioning its called Midnite dancer girlfriend FOR A REASON, shes his little midnight booty call *holla*


Like in Jimmy Gnecco the whole song has always seemed like a little girl writing about her crush (kinda why i liked it, i can relate) Consisting of dates at the park.. at nightime... kinda sounds like my year 10 sex life tbh :O I kid, I kid, But it honestly does hint at a secret affair to me, buying her things, distracting her with niceties and then using her for whatever he wants, She was obviously keen on him and as a badass guy, had no problem in using his will to bend her to do whatever he pleased...


"stalking you has kinda become my occupation" 

In Is It Wrong, she's obssesed, she infatuated, and thinks it may be wrong that she's engrossed in his every move but he is what she's been looking for, once she set her eyes on him at the dancer bar she's in for the prize and wants it bad.


In You're Gonna Love Me shes obsessive, she is going to make him love her (as hinted in midnite dancer girlfriend.)

I can tell that you're the type to never trust a beauty queen, But I was never voted for nothing in high school, Never meant anything to anybody, Never ever gave myself away, But even when I'm funny, You think I'm acting

She may be a beauty queen on the outside, but we all know our little Lana is more than that, he won't trust her because he thinks she is trying to use him, for his fame, money, whatever. Lana may act the part but she's a sheep in wolf's clothing, even when they have cute moments, she's being herself and being "funny" he thinks it's part of the charms  she uses (lanas a p-a-r-t-a-y g-u-r-l and shes trying to get her drinks 4 free from u rememba!!)

You say that you don't want to be hypnotized, But baby, I, I don't wanna hypnotize you, There's nothing from you that I wanna take, I just wanna be like you, Maybe love you just a little bit, Please Jim, I'mma dedicate this whole album to you, You told me to get my way, that's exactly what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna strike out, right now, I'm striking out right now with this song, But I can't help myself, I can't do right for long, You know that.

Jimmy thinks shes just trying to charm her way into his love, he's untrusting, or maybe just never had feeling and wanted to seem that involved or eager, this is significant lyrics because again she isn't wanting to take from him, she's fallen, whether she's emulating K through this or not, she just wants his love, she begging and pleading, and by dedicating the album to him, she is "striking out" because she's not supposed to publicise there relationship, she's so in love she dosen't care if it angers him, she won't do the right thing. she wants him and that's all that matters at this stage, but he's told her not to do anything public, not to write about them, not to sing about it, he wants it private and secret, but she is wanting more.


Again in Is it Wrong-

"beauty queen with simple accusitions..now i'm having visions" 

had all the boys after her looks, but the first boy to not see her as a beauty queen, and fall for her charms, made her see past her somewhat "simple" dreams of being beautiful and famous, and want to devote her life to being just his, He's different from the others, and there is always something about the people who see you differently. He's not falling for her charms, and she's confused as to why her love isn't recuperated. 

The funny little thing about love is that you're blind all the time, And even when you think you had enough, You're wanting more, it isn't right but you can't stop.

So he could have been literally blind to her love, couldn't see it and/or didn't want it, Or "Blind" which could be referring to a yayo/alcohol addiction, A slang term I know (atleast me and my friends use it) about being so under the influence your basically paralytic. That she comes to realize that his love can't be real if he's higher than a kite 24/7, and he still wants more drugs, he is addicted and he cant and wont stop, Leaving Lana wishing he had the same kind of want for her.


So I propose that Lana and Jimmy did have a thing, Lana was infatuated and chasing after the love for the wrong reasons at this stage, and Jimmy saw Lana as a play thing/ Booty call, he would have fun with her, entertain her notions, but no truth seemingly are behind his words, In On our Way

You say that we were meant to be,We'll be together finally

This is a very cliche thing to say, backing up my point that he was full of empty words, Saying that it will happen, filling her head up with romance and cheesy lines, while he saw her as an object, for fun and drugs, He became mean and irritable towards her as he harbored no real feeling for her, just seeking to impress her with gifts (Gold Flowered Earrings anyone ;)) and words to caress her into doing as he wanted coz "you're the boss"


In Big Bad Wolf she was warned not to go there (by someone, herself?) she thinks Jimmy "Rocks" and no matter how astray he leads her in his whirlwind of drugs and rock and roll, she wants to be his 

"Big, bad, naughty rock star, Your claws are shining bright in the dark, Lifting up my little red skirt, I know you’ll leave me here in the dirt"

She is aware hes not all hes cracked up to be and, even though she wants to be his, she's seemingly aware that he wants her for a sexual plaything, and he will eventually leave her for someone better,

"Life is like, like a little game that we like to play, Just for fun, just for fun, Yeah, we take nothing seriously, Nothing’s wrong, make me run, all night long, Hide and seek is how you play with me, Oh, you’re tempting me."

This seems very sarcastic, and Jimmy is playing, Lana has been told the relationship is just for fun and to not take it seriously, he's playing hide and seek, (hides when she needs him, will seek her out when he is ready.)


In On Our Way it again almost goes with a whole infatution tone "i think your so cool babe" On Our Way mentions them being on the run, theres many reasons they could be on the run, as mentioned in Back To The Basics 

Everybody's sayin' that, You're not good for me. Your friends all swear, That you've changed but, I still keep it O.G. This tune could be a reminder, Of how it all used to be.

Jimmy could have been dealing drugs, buying her dime bags ect. But things start to get bad, He's a bad influence on her, she misses the days of there simple affair, him being sweet to draw her in, back to the days of them going on road trips and dancing and singing under the stars, buying her cotton candy ect.

When you're not wasted, I know you'll see.

Shes still sticking with him, hoping he will realize that being sober and them being together is nice.

He was only the local rockstar after all, and even if Lana did see him as famous, it could be many other types of "fame" rather than that just of one of a musician (drug dealing fame yeha) He couldve gotten into a bad way, owing people money and in drug debt, and needed to go on the run, and we all know lanas ride or die right. Lana is happy that there "footdown" going on a trip "finally going all the way" because she thinks him going on the run with her is equal to him being her man and "touchdown" she has finally obtained his love and affection.


In Breaking my Heart, she has come to love him, fully infatuated,

"You’re breaking my heart tonight ,Take me for a ride, boy, Don’t leave me on the side, boy, Gold chain, kissing fly, leaning on your chrome ride, Versailles, St. Tropez, lingerie, and yayo, I like, I like, I like this roller coaster ride, ride, Don’t leave me on the side, boy"

She is worried that his fame is building and he is going to leave her, there not on the run anymore and its been a rollercoaster ride, her heart is breaking because she can see the future but she cannot bear to leave him, they have some cash flow and are living a high fast hollywood lifestyle, shes enjoying herself and dosent want it ending, though she can see that all rollercoasters must come to a halt.


"Hello, heaven, you are a tunnel lined, With yellow lights on a dark night, Yayo, Yeah, you, Yayo, Put me onto your black motorcycle, 50s baby doll dress for my "I do", It'll only take two hours to Nevada"

Yayo seems to be a song of fantasy a loverlorn what could have happened to us, if you hadnt gone astray, Possibily why she posted it on his wall, remember this, remember us kind of thing. He rescued her from her trailer park life, but between the drugs (yayo aka cocaine) and there lust filled relationship, shes trying to explain she needs him like he needs drugs, and they should go and get married, in her head a happily ever after that can salvage there decaying relationship, to her heaven is driving around through america with jimmy, in there simpler times, when it was less about drugs and more about the passion.


In Afraid She's cant bear to leave him,

"You make it hard to leave, But it's easier for me to stay, Boy, I'm so afraid, And I've had it up to here, With the fighting, baby we're not, Fooling anyone these days,


But it's not love that keeps me here
And it's not what you want to hear,


You should never come between a
Woman and her dream

He stopped her from singing, and kept the fame to himself, there fighting constantly and the glamour and promise the relationship had before has worn off, she has become scared of him and what he's become through his drug use/ fame and has realized her dreams are more important so she needs to work towards them and up and leave his mean drug abusing violent ass.


 In I'm Tired of singing the Blues
"It's like I got my life stuck, stuck on rewind, Tryin' to make something of myself, life's got something else in mind, I'm fighting a losing game and I'm biding my time, You won't be my man, do I understand? No, stop I don't wanna hear another word about your why not's, I bought Your bullshit all before and now you're trying to sell me more, babe
Shes gotten over her fears and left him, he wants her without having to show her off, he wants her as a dirty little secret and shes over it, shes realized her dreams are more important but she just isnt getting there, she's sick of hearing excuses about why he wont finally take her to be his in front of everyone and shes sick of being behind the spotlight, shes over his stories and shes sick of singing the blues (aka shes sick of the only thing she has to write about personally is sad stories) She isn't listening to his pretty words and promises anymore and is seeing through the lies he's woven around there "relationship"


"Well, I didn't know it would come to this, But that's what happens when you're on your own, And you're alright letting nice things go, Well, I pawned the earrings that you gave me, Gold and metal flowers dangling, And I almost cried as I sold them, oh"

She finally up and left him in Pawn Shop Blues, she needs money to start over for herself/ possibly support a drug addcition, she's fragile, she let the man she loved best go because she was sick of being in a drug fuzed lifestyle, she wanted higher conciousness literally and figurativley (wanted to be bigger than a man lusting woman and chase her dreams) She realizes its not about a man keeping her together and she needs her own sense of peace, shes on her own and shes already lost everything so she dosent mind doing much more, shes poor and needs income to chase her dreams of being a famous singer, shes already let Jimmy one "nice thing" go, so she's saw the earrings and there last monument, she was holding onto that last peice of love but knows its time to let go.


She is in a bad place and possibly seeking the happiness she felt with those she has once loved and lost, she held onto both Jimmy and K for so long but has finally relaized they are both out of her life and blames god for it. She believed in god while dating K, and while with Jimmy, but in loosing Jimmy, she realised K was really gone forever and couldn't in her fantasy anymore as shown in disco

"Prostitute stare, I do what I like , I just don't care, I am my only god,"

now she as she often mentions how she went through a depressing time in her life were her life became consumed by the idea that we were in fact mortals, and able to die, that life was fleeting, Knowing a few users myself (not saying this is strictly the mindset of someone who uses) but I do know that majority of them struggle with existentialist ideas, and after loosing the two men who embodied who she thought to be the perfect man, she lost faith in god, decided she was the holder of her own dreams and future, but in saying that, and loosing everything she needed cash to support her ongoing/ dwindling drug addiction, turned back to prostitution, but the attention that used to make her feel so alive and loved, makes her feel empty that her "polaroid frown" (disco) (a moment that at the time was picture perfect on the outside/ made her feel happy/ a time to take pictures of, When looked back upon was actually empty and sad, and gave her nothing but sadness and nostalgia of the days when it did make her happy and fufilled) 

"Icon, Young Star, Heroin Feind, I'll be your queen, You know how I like that celebrity type, poor me."

It dosen't matter who they are, As long as they fit the type and as long as they give her temporary happiness she can continue to relive the days she was truly happy once again, but since she has come to the conclusion of the failed emulation of K with Jimmy she now knows that this is only fleeting and the happiness is superficial and will not last.

"Boy, you're so dope,Your love is deadly. Tell me life is beautiful, They think that I have it all. I've nothing without you. All my dreams and all the lights mean, Nothing without you.

In Without you she got all she wanted, god is lost to her and has found her own god in the fame she made for herself, she misses Jimmy and realizes that its nothing without him there for her. even though she achevied her dreams she still wishes jIMMY were around to see it. Wich i theorize he came back to her in Radio, since she made it for herself but it wasnt good enough, and now she sees him as trying to use her, shes bitter and triamphunt, happy in her fame and success and moved on from Jimmy.


Its hard to work out if K is real or fantasy, i beleive he was real, the other songs refrencing an older guy/ gangsta with excessive money and crimal background, Maha Maha is my final point to tie in Jimmy was an ultimate obsession as lanas emulated version of K, she was once a gangsta with K, ruling the streets, she lost her crown and fell down after K died, whenever Jimmy walks out and fails to distract her


"Every time you walk out on me, I regress back to the one I can't see. There's someone I have, Never talked about, I know that we'd both be, Dead if you found out.
She cant see K anymore but she always goes back to her love for him, she is her one true love and in everything she sees and does, she cant talk about him because she knows hes a criminal, possibly hiding from Ks associates or Jimmy being territorial, She cant tell him about K for fear of their lives, She loves K and Jimmy is the perfect distraction and replacment, she is happy to emulate him through someone else, and says he is the man she has always waited for.. someone to replace K, Possibly scared that if Jimmy really did find out she was using him for a motive other than love like she has stressed so many times that she's not (to fufill her fantasy life with K) She realizes that in Jimmy constantly walking out and through there relationship, up to the demise that Jimmy while in some elements may emulate K, Jimmy is his own person and not what she's looking for, K was the perfect balance of good and bad and Jimmy wasn't a good fit, nor respectful of her, she's not just any girl and she can and will do better, but then she falls for Jimmys trap again and convinces herself that he is the man she has waited her whole life for.


Thankyou for reading aag i know its super long so if you read it/ agreed/ disagreed or whatever thankyou for bothering to read it, i dno how sitar does this im exhausted, its bed time for me ugh, anyways hope you like my theories and that it makes sense to you guys and im not to crazy, im not the best at english either so forgive me if its bad :P


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Really long please forgive me! My Nice Big Jimmy/K Post, i Know it sounds weird but bear with me~



So Lana says she always singing about the same damn person, like an "ultimate love" which i believe to be K, So I'm possibly thinking what if Lana, after K's death, in here deep grievance for the loss of the man she truly believed to be her perfect match, she projected onto Jimmy? 


What if K, who I believe jfK is about, was this one guy she's always on about, but in a sense, Jimmy is also, because she projected the image and needing of K into Jimmy and the kind of person he was, similar to K.


Thinking of JFK here, he was killed in the height of his power (K killed/passed away in the height of there love) Now if I knew what K looked like, or who he even was, this would aid my theory greatly. But if he looked like Jimmy/ acted like Jimmy (Lana does allude to K being pretty badass so it's possible they might look alike if there both emulating that sort of personality) She found Jimmy, and saw him as a younger K, and that was the reason for her obsession with Jimmy.


Thinking about "Is it Wrong" here, 

"Met my local Rockstar and now im seeing visions"

Visions being her seeing K within him, and possibly Why she is questioning herself if its wrong to be thinking this way, but Jimmy was offering a taste of fame, something K didn't quite have, and after having her taste she is hooked on it, while enjoying Jimmy's, wanting it for her own, while she has always pursued music and singing she never wished to be famous, until her "local rockstar" gave her a taste... While she's not wanting to use him, she's enjoying being able to live the life of a famous Hollywood celebrity. (or the life of her local rockstar ahah.)


Firstly looking at the whole Lana/ Jimmy thing, it seems really weird to me, Jimmy Gnecco would be the first song to probably look at for obvious reasons...

If you want it, it's yours, It's free, but of course, You're my sunshine.

Firstly, its like she's saying you can have my love if you want it, but the fact that she's mentioning its free, seems to signify to me that he possibly thought of Lana as possibly using him (coz he was da local rokstaRRR) and she wanted to up her image/ get more publicity/ fame. Also if Lana did see K in him, possibly could be why Jimmy wasn't all for her (the desperation of her needing him, not just wanting him could've been really creepy and obvious/ came across to strong.)


But the whole song seems to be about some dirty dark affair, (i dno about you but kissing in the dark in a park seems to me like they cant be seen by anyone/ have to go somewhere private/ aka dark.)

So possibly the start of the relationship I propose was during the gogo dancing days, both GoGo dancer and Midnite Dancer Girlfriend

"Break up with your girlfriend, let me move in, I see the way you look at me and I loved you since, I put my eyes on you, eyes on you, I'm in it to win"

He had a girlfriend, but the fact he was at the dancing bar at the first place showed he may be willing to stray, this is a possible reason they kept it on the down low, But Lana loved him, wanted more than to be just his on the side, possibly after he did infact break up with his girlfriend she posted YAYO on his wall (?)

If it really was an affair then why post it publicly like that, and not only on his wall, but her myspace, youtube ect. as one of her more early widespread songs, If something didn't happen between them, then Lana is crossing into some creepy stalker Jimmy-Stan-ing there

Also worth mentioning its called Midnite dancer girlfriend FOR A REASON, shes his little midnight booty call *holla*


Like in Jimmy Gnecco the whole song has always seemed like a little girl writing about her crush (kinda why i liked it, i can relate) Consisting of dates at the park.. at nightime... kinda sounds like my year 10 sex life tbh :O I kid, I kid, But it honestly does hint at a secret affair to me, buying her things, distracting her with niceties and then using her for whatever he wants, She was obviously keen on him and as a badass guy, had no problem in using his will to bend her to do whatever he pleased...


"stalking you has kinda become my occupation" 

In Is It Wrong, she's obssesed, she infatuated, and thinks it may be wrong that she's engrossed in his every move but he is what she's been looking for, once she set her eyes on him at the dancer bar she's in for the prize and wants it bad.


In You're Gonna Love Me shes obsessive, she is going to make him love her (as hinted in midnite dancer girlfriend.)

I can tell that you're the type to never trust a beauty queen, But I was never voted for nothing in high school, Never meant anything to anybody, Never ever gave myself away, But even when I'm funny, You think I'm acting

She may be a beauty queen on the outside, but we all know our little Lana is more than that, he won't trust her because he thinks she is trying to use him, for his fame, money, whatever. Lana may act the part but she's a sheep in wolf's clothing, even when they have cute moments, she's being herself and being "funny" he thinks it's part of the charms  she uses (lanas a p-a-r-t-a-y g-u-r-l and shes trying to get her drinks 4 free from u rememba!!)

You say that you don't want to be hypnotized, But baby, I, I don't wanna hypnotize you, There's nothing from you that I wanna take, I just wanna be like you, Maybe love you just a little bit, Please Jim, I'mma dedicate this whole album to you, You told me to get my way, that's exactly what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna strike out, right now, I'm striking out right now with this song, But I can't help myself, I can't do right for long, You know that.

Jimmy thinks shes just trying to charm her way into his love, he's untrusting, or maybe just never had feeling and wanted to seem that involved or eager, this is significant lyrics because again she isn't wanting to take from him, she's fallen, whether she's emulating K through this or not, she just wants his love, she begging and pleading, and by dedicating the album to him, she is "striking out" because she's not supposed to publicise there relationship, she's so in love she dosen't care if it angers him, she won't do the right thing. she wants him and that's all that matters at this stage, but he's told her not to do anything public, not to write about them, not to sing about it, he wants it private and secret, but she is wanting more.


Again in Is it Wrong-

"beauty queen with simple accusitions..now i'm having visions" 

had all the boys after her looks, but the first boy to not see her as a beauty queen, and fall for her charms, made her see past her somewhat "simple" dreams of being beautiful and famous, and want to devote her life to being just his, He's different from the others, and there is always something about the people who see you differently. He's not falling for her charms, and she's confused as to why her love isn't recuperated. 

The funny little thing about love is that you're blind all the time, And even when you think you had enough, You're wanting more, it isn't right but you can't stop.

So he could have been literally blind to her love, couldn't see it and/or didn't want it, Or "Blind" which could be referring to a yayo/alcohol addiction, A slang term I know (atleast me and my friends use it) about being so under the influence your basically paralytic. That she comes to realize that his love can't be real if he's higher than a kite 24/7, and he still wants more drugs, he is addicted and he cant and wont stop, Leaving Lana wishing he had the same kind of want for her.


So I propose that Lana and Jimmy did have a thing, Lana was infatuated and chasing after the love for the wrong reasons at this stage, and Jimmy saw Lana as a play thing/ Booty call, he would have fun with her, entertain her notions, but no truth seemingly are behind his words, In On our Way

You say that we were meant to be,We'll be together finally

This is a very cliche thing to say, backing up my point that he was full of empty words, Saying that it will happen, filling her head up with romance and cheesy lines, while he saw her as an object, for fun and drugs, He became mean and irritable towards her as he harbored no real feeling for her, just seeking to impress her with gifts (Gold Flowered Earrings anyone ;)) and words to caress her into doing as he wanted coz "you're the boss"


In Big Bad Wolf she was warned not to go there (by someone, herself?) she thinks Jimmy "Rocks" and no matter how astray he leads her in his whirlwind of drugs and rock and roll, she wants to be his 

"Big, bad, naughty rock star, Your claws are shining bright in the dark, Lifting up my little red skirt, I know you’ll leave me here in the dirt"

She is aware hes not all hes cracked up to be and, even though she wants to be his, she's seemingly aware that he wants her for a sexual plaything, and he will eventually leave her for someone better,

"Life is like, like a little game that we like to play, Just for fun, just for fun, Yeah, we take nothing seriously, Nothing’s wrong, make me run, all night long, Hide and seek is how you play with me, Oh, you’re tempting me."

This seems very sarcastic, and Jimmy is playing, Lana has been told the relationship is just for fun and to not take it seriously, he's playing hide and seek, (hides when she needs him, will seek her out when he is ready.)


In On Our Way it again almost goes with a whole infatution tone "i think your so cool babe" On Our Way mentions them being on the run, theres many reasons they could be on the run, as mentioned in Back To The Basics

Everybody's sayin' that, You're not good for me. Your friends all swear, That you've changed but, I still keep it O.G. This tune could be a reminder, Of how it all used to be.

Jimmy could have been dealing drugs, buying her dime bags ect. But things start to get bad, He's a bad influence on her, she misses the days of there simple affair, him being sweet to draw her in, back to the days of them going on road trips and dancing and singing under the stars, buying her cotton candy ect.

When you're not wasted, I know you'll see.

Shes still sticking with him, hoping he will realize that being sober and them being together is nice.

He was only the local rockstar after all, and even if Lana did see him as famous, it could be many other types of "fame" rather than that just of one of a musician (drug dealing fame yeha) He couldve gotten into a bad way, owing people money and in drug debt, and needed to go on the run, and we all know lanas ride or die right. Lana is happy that there "footdown" going on a trip "finally going all the way" because she thinks him going on the run with her is equal to him being her man and "touchdown" she has finally obtained his love and affection.


In Breaking my Heart, she has come to love him, fully infatuated,

"You’re breaking my heart tonight ,Take me for a ride, boy, Don’t leave me on the side, boy, Gold chain, kissing fly, leaning on your chrome ride, Versailles, St. Tropez, lingerie, and yayo, I like, I like, I like this roller coaster ride, ride, Don’t leave me on the side, boy"

She is worried that his fame is building and he is going to leave her, there not on the run anymore and its been a rollercoaster ride, her heart is breaking because she can see the future but she cannot bear to leave him, they have some cash flow and are living a high fast hollywood lifestyle, shes enjoying herself and dosent want it ending, though she can see that all rollercoasters must come to a halt.


"Hello, heaven, you are a tunnel lined, With yellow lights on a dark night, Yayo, Yeah, you, Yayo, Put me onto your black motorcycle, 50s baby doll dress for my "I do", It'll only take two hours to Nevada"

Yayo seems to be a song of fantasy a loverlorn what could have happened to us, if you hadnt gone astray, Possibily why she posted it on his wall, remember this, remember us kind of thing. He rescued her from her trailer park life, but between the drugs (yayo aka cocaine) and there lust filled relationship, shes trying to explain she needs him like he needs drugs, and they should go and get married, in her head a happily ever after that can salvage there decaying relationship, to her heaven is driving around through america with jimmy, in there simpler times, when it was less about drugs and more about the passion.


In Afraid She's cant bear to leave him,

"You make it hard to leave, But it's easier for me to stay, Boy, I'm so afraid, And I've had it up to here, With the fighting, baby we're not, Fooling anyone these days,


But it's not love that keeps me here

And it's not what you want to hear,


You should never come between a

Woman and her dream

He stopped her from singing, and kept the fame to himself, there fighting constantly and the glamour and promise the relationship had before has worn off, she has become scared of him and what he's become through his drug use/ fame and has realized her dreams are more important so she needs to work towards them and up and leave his mean drug abusing violent ass.


 In I'm Tired of singing the Blues
"It's like I got my life stuck, stuck on rewind, Tryin' to make something of myself, life's got something else in mind, I'm fighting a losing game and I'm biding my time, You won't be my man, do I understand? No, stop I don't wanna hear another word about your why not's, I bought Your bullshit all before and now you're trying to sell me more, babe
Shes gotten over her fears and left him, he wants her without having to show her off, he wants her as a dirty little secret and shes over it, shes realized her dreams are more important but she just isnt getting there, she's sick of hearing excuses about why he wont finally take her to be his in front of everyone and shes sick of being behind the spotlight, shes over his stories and shes sick of singing the blues (aka shes sick of the only thing she has to write about personally is sad stories) She isn't listening to his pretty words and promises anymore and is seeing through the lies he's woven around there "relationship"


"Well, I didn't know it would come to this, But that's what happens when you're on your own, And you're alright letting nice things go, Well, I pawned the earrings that you gave me, Gold and metal flowers dangling, And I almost cried as I sold them, oh"

She finally up and left him in Pawn Shop Blues, she needs money to start over for herself/ possibly support a drug addcition, she's fragile, she let the man she loved best go because she was sick of being in a drug fuzed lifestyle, she wanted higher conciousness literally and figurativley (wanted to be bigger than a man lusting woman and chase her dreams) She realizes its not about a man keeping her together and she needs her own sense of peace, shes on her own and shes already lost everything so she dosent mind doing much more, shes poor and needs income to chase her dreams of being a famous singer, shes already let Jimmy one "nice thing" go, so she's saw the earrings and there last monument, she was holding onto that last peice of love but knows its time to let go.


She is in a bad place and possibly seeking the happiness she felt with those she has once loved and lost, she held onto both Jimmy and K for so long but has finally relaized they are both out of her life and blames god for it. She believed in god while dating K, and while with Jimmy, but in loosing Jimmy, she realised K was really gone forever and couldn't in her fantasy anymore as shown in disco

"Prostitute stare, I do what I like , I just don't care, I am my only god,"

now she as she often mentions how she went through a depressing time in her life were her life became consumed by the idea that we were in fact mortals, and able to die, that life was fleeting, Knowing a few users myself (not saying this is strictly the mindset of someone who uses) but I do know that majority of them struggle with existentialist ideas, and after loosing the two men who embodied who she thought to be the perfect man, she lost faith in god, decided she was the holder of her own dreams and future, but in saying that, and loosing everything she needed cash to support her ongoing/ dwindling drug addiction, turned back to prostitution, but the attention that used to make her feel so alive and loved, makes her feel empty that her "polaroid frown" (disco) (a moment that at the time was picture perfect on the outside/ made her feel happy/ a time to take pictures of, When looked back upon was actually empty and sad, and gave her nothing but sadness and nostalgia of the days when it did make her happy and fufilled) 

"Icon, Young Star, Heroin Feind, I'll be your queen, You know how I like that celebrity type, poor me."

It dosen't matter who they are, As long as they fit the type and as long as they give her temporary happiness she can continue to relive the days she was truly happy once again, but since she has come to the conclusion of the failed emulation of K with Jimmy she now knows that this is only fleeting and the happiness is superficial and will not last.

"Boy, you're so dope,Your love is deadly. Tell me life is beautiful, They think that I have it all. I've nothing without you. All my dreams and all the lights mean, Nothing without you.

In Without you she got all she wanted, god is lost to her and has found her own god in the fame she made for herself, she misses Jimmy and realizes that its nothing without him there for her. even though she achevied her dreams she still wishes jIMMY were around to see it. Wich i theorize he came back to her in Radio, since she made it for herself but it wasnt good enough, and now she sees him as trying to use her, shes bitter and triamphunt, happy in her fame and success and moved on from Jimmy.


Its hard to work out if K is real or fantasy, i beleive he was real, the other songs refrencing an older guy/ gangsta with excessive money and crimal background, Maha Maha is my final point to tie in Jimmy was an ultimate obsession as lanas emulated version of K, she was once a gangsta with K, ruling the streets, she lost her crown and fell down after K died, whenever Jimmy walks out and fails to distract her


"Every time you walk out on me, I regress back to the one I can't see. There's someone I have, Never talked about, I know that we'd both be, Dead if you found out.
She cant see K anymore but she always goes back to her love for him, she is her one true love and in everything she sees and does, she cant talk about him because she knows hes a criminal, possibly hiding from Ks associates or Jimmy being territorial, She cant tell him about K for fear of their lives, She loves K and Jimmy is the perfect distraction and replacment, she is happy to emulate him through someone else, and says he is the man she has always waited for.. someone to replace K, Possibly scared that if Jimmy really did find out she was using him for a motive other than love like she has stressed so many times that she's not (to fufill her fantasy life with K) She realizes that in Jimmy constantly walking out and through there relationship, up to the demise that Jimmy while in some elements may emulate K, Jimmy is his own person and not what she's looking for, K was the perfect balance of good and bad and Jimmy wasn't a good fit, nor respectful of her, she's not just any girl and she can and will do better, but then she falls for Jimmys trap again and convinces herself that he is the man she has waited her whole life for.


Thankyou for reading aag i know its super long so if you read it/ agreed/ disagreed or whatever thankyou for bothering to read it, i dno how sitar does this im exhausted, its bed time for me ugh, anyways hope you like my theories and that it makes sense to you guys and im not to crazy, im not the best at english either so forgive me if its bad :P


@@SitarHero YOU ARE FIRED  :hdu:  :hdu:  :hdu:  :hdu:  :hdu:  :hdu:  :hdu:  :hdu:  I'm half way to the end and my mind it's outter space  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana:


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Really long please forgive me! My Nice Big Jimmy/K Post, i Know it sounds weird but bear with me~



So Lana says she always singing about the same damn person, like an "ultimate love" which i believe to be K, So I'm possibly thinking what if Lana, after K's death, in here deep grievance for the loss of the man she truly believed to be her perfect match, she projected onto Jimmy? 


What if K, who I believe jfK is about, was this one guy she's always on about, but in a sense, Jimmy is also, because she projected the image and needing of K into Jimmy and the kind of person he was, similar to K.


Thinking of JFK here, he was killed in the height of his power (K killed/passed away in the height of there love) Now if I knew what K looked like, or who he even was, this would aid my theory greatly. But if he looked like Jimmy/ acted like Jimmy (Lana does allude to K being pretty badass so it's possible they might look alike if there both emulating that sort of personality) She found Jimmy, and saw him as a younger K, and that was the reason for her obsession with Jimmy.


Thinking about "Is it Wrong" here, 

"Met my local Rockstar and now im seeing visions"

Visions being her seeing K within him, and possibly Why she is questioning herself if its wrong to be thinking this way, but Jimmy was offering a taste of fame, something K didn't quite have, and after having her taste she is hooked on it, while enjoying Jimmy's, wanting it for her own, while she has always pursued music and singing she never wished to be famous, until her "local rockstar" gave her a taste... While she's not wanting to use him, she's enjoying being able to live the life of a famous Hollywood celebrity. (or the life of her local rockstar ahah.)


Firstly looking at the whole Lana/ Jimmy thing, it seems really weird to me, Jimmy Gnecco would be the first song to probably look at for obvious reasons...

If you want it, it's yours, It's free, but of course, You're my sunshine.

Firstly, its like she's saying you can have my love if you want it, but the fact that she's mentioning its free, seems to signify to me that he possibly thought of Lana as possibly using him (coz he was da local rokstaRRR) and she wanted to up her image/ get more publicity/ fame. Also if Lana did see K in him, possibly could be why Jimmy wasn't all for her (the desperation of her needing him, not just wanting him could've been really creepy and obvious/ came across to strong.)


But the whole song seems to be about some dirty dark affair, (i dno about you but kissing in the dark in a park seems to me like they cant be seen by anyone/ have to go somewhere private/ aka dark.)

So possibly the start of the relationship I propose was during the gogo dancing days, both GoGo dancer and Midnite Dancer Girlfriend

"Break up with your girlfriend, let me move in, I see the way you look at me and I loved you since, I put my eyes on you, eyes on you, I'm in it to win"

He had a girlfriend, but the fact he was at the dancing bar at the first place showed he may be willing to stray, this is a possible reason they kept it on the down low, But Lana loved him, wanted more than to be just his on the side, possibly after he did infact break up with his girlfriend she posted YAYO on his wall (?)

If it really was an affair then why post it publicly like that, and not only on his wall, but her myspace, youtube ect. as one of her more early widespread songs, If something didn't happen between them, then Lana is crossing into some creepy stalker Jimmy-Stan-ing there

Also worth mentioning its called Midnite dancer girlfriend FOR A REASON, shes his little midnight booty call *holla*


Like in Jimmy Gnecco the whole song has always seemed like a little girl writing about her crush (kinda why i liked it, i can relate) Consisting of dates at the park.. at nightime... kinda sounds like my year 10 sex life tbh :O I kid, I kid, But it honestly does hint at a secret affair to me, buying her things, distracting her with niceties and then using her for whatever he wants, She was obviously keen on him and as a badass guy, had no problem in using his will to bend her to do whatever he pleased...


"stalking you has kinda become my occupation" 

In Is It Wrong, she's obssesed, she infatuated, and thinks it may be wrong that she's engrossed in his every move but he is what she's been looking for, once she set her eyes on him at the dancer bar she's in for the prize and wants it bad.


In You're Gonna Love Me shes obsessive, she is going to make him love her (as hinted in midnite dancer girlfriend.)

I can tell that you're the type to never trust a beauty queen, But I was never voted for nothing in high school, Never meant anything to anybody, Never ever gave myself away, But even when I'm funny, You think I'm acting

She may be a beauty queen on the outside, but we all know our little Lana is more than that, he won't trust her because he thinks she is trying to use him, for his fame, money, whatever. Lana may act the part but she's a sheep in wolf's clothing, even when they have cute moments, she's being herself and being "funny" he thinks it's part of the charms  she uses (lanas a p-a-r-t-a-y g-u-r-l and shes trying to get her drinks 4 free from u rememba!!)

You say that you don't want to be hypnotized, But baby, I, I don't wanna hypnotize you, There's nothing from you that I wanna take, I just wanna be like you, Maybe love you just a little bit, Please Jim, I'mma dedicate this whole album to you, You told me to get my way, that's exactly what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna strike out, right now, I'm striking out right now with this song, But I can't help myself, I can't do right for long, You know that.

Jimmy thinks shes just trying to charm her way into his love, he's untrusting, or maybe just never had feeling and wanted to seem that involved or eager, this is significant lyrics because again she isn't wanting to take from him, she's fallen, whether she's emulating K through this or not, she just wants his love, she begging and pleading, and by dedicating the album to him, she is "striking out" because she's not supposed to publicise there relationship, she's so in love she dosen't care if it angers him, she won't do the right thing. she wants him and that's all that matters at this stage, but he's told her not to do anything public, not to write about them, not to sing about it, he wants it private and secret, but she is wanting more.


Again in Is it Wrong-

"beauty queen with simple accusitions..now i'm having visions" 

had all the boys after her looks, but the first boy to not see her as a beauty queen, and fall for her charms, made her see past her somewhat "simple" dreams of being beautiful and famous, and want to devote her life to being just his, He's different from the others, and there is always something about the people who see you differently. He's not falling for her charms, and she's confused as to why her love isn't recuperated. 

The funny little thing about love is that you're blind all the time, And even when you think you had enough, You're wanting more, it isn't right but you can't stop.

So he could have been literally blind to her love, couldn't see it and/or didn't want it, Or "Blind" which could be referring to a yayo/alcohol addiction, A slang term I know (atleast me and my friends use it) about being so under the influence your basically paralytic. That she comes to realize that his love can't be real if he's higher than a kite 24/7, and he still wants more drugs, he is addicted and he cant and wont stop, Leaving Lana wishing he had the same kind of want for her.


So I propose that Lana and Jimmy did have a thing, Lana was infatuated and chasing after the love for the wrong reasons at this stage, and Jimmy saw Lana as a play thing/ Booty call, he would have fun with her, entertain her notions, but no truth seemingly are behind his words, In On our Way

You say that we were meant to be,We'll be together finally

This is a very cliche thing to say, backing up my point that he was full of empty words, Saying that it will happen, filling her head up with romance and cheesy lines, while he saw her as an object, for fun and drugs, He became mean and irritable towards her as he harbored no real feeling for her, just seeking to impress her with gifts (Gold Flowered Earrings anyone ;)) and words to caress her into doing as he wanted coz "you're the boss"


In Big Bad Wolf she was warned not to go there (by someone, herself?) she thinks Jimmy "Rocks" and no matter how astray he leads her in his whirlwind of drugs and rock and roll, she wants to be his 

"Big, bad, naughty rock star, Your claws are shining bright in the dark, Lifting up my little red skirt, I know you’ll leave me here in the dirt"

She is aware hes not all hes cracked up to be and, even though she wants to be his, she's seemingly aware that he wants her for a sexual plaything, and he will eventually leave her for someone better,

"Life is like, like a little game that we like to play, Just for fun, just for fun, Yeah, we take nothing seriously, Nothing’s wrong, make me run, all night long, Hide and seek is how you play with me, Oh, you’re tempting me."

This seems very sarcastic, and Jimmy is playing, Lana has been told the relationship is just for fun and to not take it seriously, he's playing hide and seek, (hides when she needs him, will seek her out when he is ready.)


In On Our Way it again almost goes with a whole infatution tone "i think your so cool babe" On Our Way mentions them being on the run, theres many reasons they could be on the run, as mentioned in Back To The Basics

Everybody's sayin' that, You're not good for me. Your friends all swear, That you've changed but, I still keep it O.G. This tune could be a reminder, Of how it all used to be.

Jimmy could have been dealing drugs, buying her dime bags ect. But things start to get bad, He's a bad influence on her, she misses the days of there simple affair, him being sweet to draw her in, back to the days of them going on road trips and dancing and singing under the stars, buying her cotton candy ect.

When you're not wasted, I know you'll see.

Shes still sticking with him, hoping he will realize that being sober and them being together is nice.

He was only the local rockstar after all, and even if Lana did see him as famous, it could be many other types of "fame" rather than that just of one of a musician (drug dealing fame yeha) He couldve gotten into a bad way, owing people money and in drug debt, and needed to go on the run, and we all know lanas ride or die right. Lana is happy that there "footdown" going on a trip "finally going all the way" because she thinks him going on the run with her is equal to him being her man and "touchdown" she has finally obtained his love and affection.


In Breaking my Heart, she has come to love him, fully infatuated,

"You’re breaking my heart tonight ,Take me for a ride, boy, Don’t leave me on the side, boy, Gold chain, kissing fly, leaning on your chrome ride, Versailles, St. Tropez, lingerie, and yayo, I like, I like, I like this roller coaster ride, ride, Don’t leave me on the side, boy"

She is worried that his fame is building and he is going to leave her, there not on the run anymore and its been a rollercoaster ride, her heart is breaking because she can see the future but she cannot bear to leave him, they have some cash flow and are living a high fast hollywood lifestyle, shes enjoying herself and dosent want it ending, though she can see that all rollercoasters must come to a halt.


"Hello, heaven, you are a tunnel lined, With yellow lights on a dark night, Yayo, Yeah, you, Yayo, Put me onto your black motorcycle, 50s baby doll dress for my "I do", It'll only take two hours to Nevada"

Yayo seems to be a song of fantasy a loverlorn what could have happened to us, if you hadnt gone astray, Possibily why she posted it on his wall, remember this, remember us kind of thing. He rescued her from her trailer park life, but between the drugs (yayo aka cocaine) and there lust filled relationship, shes trying to explain she needs him like he needs drugs, and they should go and get married, in her head a happily ever after that can salvage there decaying relationship, to her heaven is driving around through america with jimmy, in there simpler times, when it was less about drugs and more about the passion.


In Afraid She's cant bear to leave him,

"You make it hard to leave, But it's easier for me to stay, Boy, I'm so afraid, And I've had it up to here, With the fighting, baby we're not, Fooling anyone these days,


But it's not love that keeps me here

And it's not what you want to hear,


You should never come between a

Woman and her dream

He stopped her from singing, and kept the fame to himself, there fighting constantly and the glamour and promise the relationship had before has worn off, she has become scared of him and what he's become through his drug use/ fame and has realized her dreams are more important so she needs to work towards them and up and leave his mean drug abusing violent ass.


 In I'm Tired of singing the Blues
"It's like I got my life stuck, stuck on rewind, Tryin' to make something of myself, life's got something else in mind, I'm fighting a losing game and I'm biding my time, You won't be my man, do I understand? No, stop I don't wanna hear another word about your why not's, I bought Your bullshit all before and now you're trying to sell me more, babe
Shes gotten over her fears and left him, he wants her without having to show her off, he wants her as a dirty little secret and shes over it, shes realized her dreams are more important but she just isnt getting there, she's sick of hearing excuses about why he wont finally take her to be his in front of everyone and shes sick of being behind the spotlight, shes over his stories and shes sick of singing the blues (aka shes sick of the only thing she has to write about personally is sad stories) She isn't listening to his pretty words and promises anymore and is seeing through the lies he's woven around there "relationship"


"Well, I didn't know it would come to this, But that's what happens when you're on your own, And you're alright letting nice things go, Well, I pawned the earrings that you gave me, Gold and metal flowers dangling, And I almost cried as I sold them, oh"

She finally up and left him in Pawn Shop Blues, she needs money to start over for herself/ possibly support a drug addcition, she's fragile, she let the man she loved best go because she was sick of being in a drug fuzed lifestyle, she wanted higher conciousness literally and figurativley (wanted to be bigger than a man lusting woman and chase her dreams) She realizes its not about a man keeping her together and she needs her own sense of peace, shes on her own and shes already lost everything so she dosent mind doing much more, shes poor and needs income to chase her dreams of being a famous singer, shes already let Jimmy one "nice thing" go, so she's saw the earrings and there last monument, she was holding onto that last peice of love but knows its time to let go.


She is in a bad place and possibly seeking the happiness she felt with those she has once loved and lost, she held onto both Jimmy and K for so long but has finally relaized they are both out of her life and blames god for it. She believed in god while dating K, and while with Jimmy, but in loosing Jimmy, she realised K was really gone forever and couldn't in her fantasy anymore as shown in disco

"Prostitute stare, I do what I like , I just don't care, I am my only god,"

now she as she often mentions how she went through a depressing time in her life were her life became consumed by the idea that we were in fact mortals, and able to die, that life was fleeting, Knowing a few users myself (not saying this is strictly the mindset of someone who uses) but I do know that majority of them struggle with existentialist ideas, and after loosing the two men who embodied who she thought to be the perfect man, she lost faith in god, decided she was the holder of her own dreams and future, but in saying that, and loosing everything she needed cash to support her ongoing/ dwindling drug addiction, turned back to prostitution, but the attention that used to make her feel so alive and loved, makes her feel empty that her "polaroid frown" (disco) (a moment that at the time was picture perfect on the outside/ made her feel happy/ a time to take pictures of, When looked back upon was actually empty and sad, and gave her nothing but sadness and nostalgia of the days when it did make her happy and fufilled) 

"Icon, Young Star, Heroin Feind, I'll be your queen, You know how I like that celebrity type, poor me."

It dosen't matter who they are, As long as they fit the type and as long as they give her temporary happiness she can continue to relive the days she was truly happy once again, but since she has come to the conclusion of the failed emulation of K with Jimmy she now knows that this is only fleeting and the happiness is superficial and will not last.

"Boy, you're so dope,Your love is deadly. Tell me life is beautiful, They think that I have it all. I've nothing without you. All my dreams and all the lights mean, Nothing without you.

In Without you she got all she wanted, god is lost to her and has found her own god in the fame she made for herself, she misses Jimmy and realizes that its nothing without him there for her. even though she achevied her dreams she still wishes jIMMY were around to see it. Wich i theorize he came back to her in Radio, since she made it for herself but it wasnt good enough, and now she sees him as trying to use her, shes bitter and triamphunt, happy in her fame and success and moved on from Jimmy.


Its hard to work out if K is real or fantasy, i beleive he was real, the other songs refrencing an older guy/ gangsta with excessive money and crimal background, Maha Maha is my final point to tie in Jimmy was an ultimate obsession as lanas emulated version of K, she was once a gangsta with K, ruling the streets, she lost her crown and fell down after K died, whenever Jimmy walks out and fails to distract her


"Every time you walk out on me, I regress back to the one I can't see. There's someone I have, Never talked about, I know that we'd both be, Dead if you found out.
She cant see K anymore but she always goes back to her love for him, she is her one true love and in everything she sees and does, she cant talk about him because she knows hes a criminal, possibly hiding from Ks associates or Jimmy being territorial, She cant tell him about K for fear of their lives, She loves K and Jimmy is the perfect distraction and replacment, she is happy to emulate him through someone else, and says he is the man she has always waited for.. someone to replace K, Possibly scared that if Jimmy really did find out she was using him for a motive other than love like she has stressed so many times that she's not (to fufill her fantasy life with K) She realizes that in Jimmy constantly walking out and through there relationship, up to the demise that Jimmy while in some elements may emulate K, Jimmy is his own person and not what she's looking for, K was the perfect balance of good and bad and Jimmy wasn't a good fit, nor respectful of her, she's not just any girl and she can and will do better, but then she falls for Jimmys trap again and convinces herself that he is the man she has waited her whole life for.


Thankyou for reading aag i know its super long so if you read it/ agreed/ disagreed or whatever thankyou for bothering to read it, i dno how sitar does this im exhausted, its bed time for me ugh, anyways hope you like my theories and that it makes sense to you guys and im not to crazy, im not the best at english either so forgive me if its bad :P

most of it makes sense but i kind of doubt that many songs are about jimmy. we don't even have any proof they were actually together and i think mike was the one trying to control lizzy's career

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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omg dont say that i love sitars posts, but yeah im so like looping out right now if i wrote anymore i think my mind would turn inside out, i found i coulda almost put every song to jimmy/k aah :s cant deal 2am brain dead blues hahah


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Really long please forgive me! My Nice Big Jimmy/K Post, i Know it sounds weird but bear with me~



So Lana says she always singing about the same damn person, like an "ultimate love" which i believe to be K, So I'm possibly thinking what if Lana, after K's death, in here deep grievance for the loss of the man she truly believed to be her perfect match, she projected onto Jimmy? 


What if K, who I believe jfK is about, was this one guy she's always on about, but in a sense, Jimmy is also, because she projected the image and needing of K into Jimmy and the kind of person he was, similar to K.


Thinking of JFK here, he was killed in the height of his power (K killed/passed away in the height of there love) Now if I knew what K looked like, or who he even was, this would aid my theory greatly. But if he looked like Jimmy/ acted like Jimmy (Lana does allude to K being pretty badass so it's possible they might look alike if there both emulating that sort of personality) She found Jimmy, and saw him as a younger K, and that was the reason for her obsession with Jimmy.


Thinking about "Is it Wrong" here, 

"Met my local Rockstar and now im seeing visions"

Visions being her seeing K within him, and possibly Why she is questioning herself if its wrong to be thinking this way, but Jimmy was offering a taste of fame, something K didn't quite have, and after having her taste she is hooked on it, while enjoying Jimmy's, wanting it for her own, while she has always pursued music and singing she never wished to be famous, until her "local rockstar" gave her a taste... While she's not wanting to use him, she's enjoying being able to live the life of a famous Hollywood celebrity. (or the life of her local rockstar ahah.)


Firstly looking at the whole Lana/ Jimmy thing, it seems really weird to me, Jimmy Gnecco would be the first song to probably look at for obvious reasons...

If you want it, it's yours, It's free, but of course, You're my sunshine.

Firstly, its like she's saying you can have my love if you want it, but the fact that she's mentioning its free, seems to signify to me that he possibly thought of Lana as possibly using him (coz he was da local rokstaRRR) and she wanted to up her image/ get more publicity/ fame. Also if Lana did see K in him, possibly could be why Jimmy wasn't all for her (the desperation of her needing him, not just wanting him could've been really creepy and obvious/ came across to strong.)


But the whole song seems to be about some dirty dark affair, (i dno about you but kissing in the dark in a park seems to me like they cant be seen by anyone/ have to go somewhere private/ aka dark.)

So possibly the start of the relationship I propose was during the gogo dancing days, both GoGo dancer and Midnite Dancer Girlfriend

"Break up with your girlfriend, let me move in, I see the way you look at me and I loved you since, I put my eyes on you, eyes on you, I'm in it to win"

He had a girlfriend, but the fact he was at the dancing bar at the first place showed he may be willing to stray, this is a possible reason they kept it on the down low, But Lana loved him, wanted more than to be just his on the side, possibly after he did infact break up with his girlfriend she posted YAYO on his wall (?)

If it really was an affair then why post it publicly like that, and not only on his wall, but her myspace, youtube ect. as one of her more early widespread songs, If something didn't happen between them, then Lana is crossing into some creepy stalker Jimmy-Stan-ing there

Also worth mentioning its called Midnite dancer girlfriend FOR A REASON, shes his little midnight booty call *holla*


Like in Jimmy Gnecco the whole song has always seemed like a little girl writing about her crush (kinda why i liked it, i can relate) Consisting of dates at the park.. at nightime... kinda sounds like my year 10 sex life tbh :O I kid, I kid, But it honestly does hint at a secret affair to me, buying her things, distracting her with niceties and then using her for whatever he wants, She was obviously keen on him and as a badass guy, had no problem in using his will to bend her to do whatever he pleased...


"stalking you has kinda become my occupation" 

In Is It Wrong, she's obssesed, she infatuated, and thinks it may be wrong that she's engrossed in his every move but he is what she's been looking for, once she set her eyes on him at the dancer bar she's in for the prize and wants it bad.


In You're Gonna Love Me shes obsessive, she is going to make him love her (as hinted in midnite dancer girlfriend.)

I can tell that you're the type to never trust a beauty queen, But I was never voted for nothing in high school, Never meant anything to anybody, Never ever gave myself away, But even when I'm funny, You think I'm acting

She may be a beauty queen on the outside, but we all know our little Lana is more than that, he won't trust her because he thinks she is trying to use him, for his fame, money, whatever. Lana may act the part but she's a sheep in wolf's clothing, even when they have cute moments, she's being herself and being "funny" he thinks it's part of the charms  she uses (lanas a p-a-r-t-a-y g-u-r-l and shes trying to get her drinks 4 free from u rememba!!)

You say that you don't want to be hypnotized, But baby, I, I don't wanna hypnotize you, There's nothing from you that I wanna take, I just wanna be like you, Maybe love you just a little bit, Please Jim, I'mma dedicate this whole album to you, You told me to get my way, that's exactly what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna strike out, right now, I'm striking out right now with this song, But I can't help myself, I can't do right for long, You know that.

Jimmy thinks shes just trying to charm her way into his love, he's untrusting, or maybe just never had feeling and wanted to seem that involved or eager, this is significant lyrics because again she isn't wanting to take from him, she's fallen, whether she's emulating K through this or not, she just wants his love, she begging and pleading, and by dedicating the album to him, she is "striking out" because she's not supposed to publicise there relationship, she's so in love she dosen't care if it angers him, she won't do the right thing. she wants him and that's all that matters at this stage, but he's told her not to do anything public, not to write about them, not to sing about it, he wants it private and secret, but she is wanting more.


Again in Is it Wrong-

"beauty queen with simple accusitions..now i'm having visions" 

had all the boys after her looks, but the first boy to not see her as a beauty queen, and fall for her charms, made her see past her somewhat "simple" dreams of being beautiful and famous, and want to devote her life to being just his, He's different from the others, and there is always something about the people who see you differently. He's not falling for her charms, and she's confused as to why her love isn't recuperated. 

The funny little thing about love is that you're blind all the time, And even when you think you had enough, You're wanting more, it isn't right but you can't stop.

So he could have been literally blind to her love, couldn't see it and/or didn't want it, Or "Blind" which could be referring to a yayo/alcohol addiction, A slang term I know (atleast me and my friends use it) about being so under the influence your basically paralytic. That she comes to realize that his love can't be real if he's higher than a kite 24/7, and he still wants more drugs, he is addicted and he cant and wont stop, Leaving Lana wishing he had the same kind of want for her.


So I propose that Lana and Jimmy did have a thing, Lana was infatuated and chasing after the love for the wrong reasons at this stage, and Jimmy saw Lana as a play thing/ Booty call, he would have fun with her, entertain her notions, but no truth seemingly are behind his words, In On our Way

You say that we were meant to be,We'll be together finally

This is a very cliche thing to say, backing up my point that he was full of empty words, Saying that it will happen, filling her head up with romance and cheesy lines, while he saw her as an object, for fun and drugs, He became mean and irritable towards her as he harbored no real feeling for her, just seeking to impress her with gifts (Gold Flowered Earrings anyone ;)) and words to caress her into doing as he wanted coz "you're the boss"


In Big Bad Wolf she was warned not to go there (by someone, herself?) she thinks Jimmy "Rocks" and no matter how astray he leads her in his whirlwind of drugs and rock and roll, she wants to be his 

"Big, bad, naughty rock star, Your claws are shining bright in the dark, Lifting up my little red skirt, I know you’ll leave me here in the dirt"

She is aware hes not all hes cracked up to be and, even though she wants to be his, she's seemingly aware that he wants her for a sexual plaything, and he will eventually leave her for someone better,

"Life is like, like a little game that we like to play, Just for fun, just for fun, Yeah, we take nothing seriously, Nothing’s wrong, make me run, all night long, Hide and seek is how you play with me, Oh, you’re tempting me."

This seems very sarcastic, and Jimmy is playing, Lana has been told the relationship is just for fun and to not take it seriously, he's playing hide and seek, (hides when she needs him, will seek her out when he is ready.)


In On Our Way it again almost goes with a whole infatution tone "i think your so cool babe" On Our Way mentions them being on the run, theres many reasons they could be on the run, as mentioned in Back To The Basics 

Everybody's sayin' that, You're not good for me. Your friends all swear, That you've changed but, I still keep it O.G. This tune could be a reminder, Of how it all used to be.

Jimmy could have been dealing drugs, buying her dime bags ect. But things start to get bad, He's a bad influence on her, she misses the days of there simple affair, him being sweet to draw her in, back to the days of them going on road trips and dancing and singing under the stars, buying her cotton candy ect.

When you're not wasted, I know you'll see.

Shes still sticking with him, hoping he will realize that being sober and them being together is nice.

He was only the local rockstar after all, and even if Lana did see him as famous, it could be many other types of "fame" rather than that just of one of a musician (drug dealing fame yeha) He couldve gotten into a bad way, owing people money and in drug debt, and needed to go on the run, and we all know lanas ride or die right. Lana is happy that there "footdown" going on a trip "finally going all the way" because she thinks him going on the run with her is equal to him being her man and "touchdown" she has finally obtained his love and affection.


In Breaking my Heart, she has come to love him, fully infatuated,

"You’re breaking my heart tonight ,Take me for a ride, boy, Don’t leave me on the side, boy, Gold chain, kissing fly, leaning on your chrome ride, Versailles, St. Tropez, lingerie, and yayo, I like, I like, I like this roller coaster ride, ride, Don’t leave me on the side, boy"

She is worried that his fame is building and he is going to leave her, there not on the run anymore and its been a rollercoaster ride, her heart is breaking because she can see the future but she cannot bear to leave him, they have some cash flow and are living a high fast hollywood lifestyle, shes enjoying herself and dosent want it ending, though she can see that all rollercoasters must come to a halt.


"Hello, heaven, you are a tunnel lined, With yellow lights on a dark night, Yayo, Yeah, you, Yayo, Put me onto your black motorcycle, 50s baby doll dress for my "I do", It'll only take two hours to Nevada"

Yayo seems to be a song of fantasy a loverlorn what could have happened to us, if you hadnt gone astray, Possibily why she posted it on his wall, remember this, remember us kind of thing. He rescued her from her trailer park life, but between the drugs (yayo aka cocaine) and there lust filled relationship, shes trying to explain she needs him like he needs drugs, and they should go and get married, in her head a happily ever after that can salvage there decaying relationship, to her heaven is driving around through america with jimmy, in there simpler times, when it was less about drugs and more about the passion.


In Afraid She's cant bear to leave him,

"You make it hard to leave, But it's easier for me to stay, Boy, I'm so afraid, And I've had it up to here, With the fighting, baby we're not, Fooling anyone these days,


But it's not love that keeps me here

And it's not what you want to hear,


You should never come between a

Woman and her dream

He stopped her from singing, and kept the fame to himself, there fighting constantly and the glamour and promise the relationship had before has worn off, she has become scared of him and what he's become through his drug use/ fame and has realized her dreams are more important so she needs to work towards them and up and leave his mean drug abusing violent ass.


 In I'm Tired of singing the Blues
"It's like I got my life stuck, stuck on rewind, Tryin' to make something of myself, life's got something else in mind, I'm fighting a losing game and I'm biding my time, You won't be my man, do I understand? No, stop I don't wanna hear another word about your why not's, I bought Your bullshit all before and now you're trying to sell me more, babe
Shes gotten over her fears and left him, he wants her without having to show her off, he wants her as a dirty little secret and shes over it, shes realized her dreams are more important but she just isnt getting there, she's sick of hearing excuses about why he wont finally take her to be his in front of everyone and shes sick of being behind the spotlight, shes over his stories and shes sick of singing the blues (aka shes sick of the only thing she has to write about personally is sad stories) She isn't listening to his pretty words and promises anymore and is seeing through the lies he's woven around there "relationship"


"Well, I didn't know it would come to this, But that's what happens when you're on your own, And you're alright letting nice things go, Well, I pawned the earrings that you gave me, Gold and metal flowers dangling, And I almost cried as I sold them, oh"

She finally up and left him in Pawn Shop Blues, she needs money to start over for herself/ possibly support a drug addcition, she's fragile, she let the man she loved best go because she was sick of being in a drug fuzed lifestyle, she wanted higher conciousness literally and figurativley (wanted to be bigger than a man lusting woman and chase her dreams) She realizes its not about a man keeping her together and she needs her own sense of peace, shes on her own and shes already lost everything so she dosent mind doing much more, shes poor and needs income to chase her dreams of being a famous singer, shes already let Jimmy one "nice thing" go, so she's saw the earrings and there last monument, she was holding onto that last peice of love but knows its time to let go.


She is in a bad place and possibly seeking the happiness she felt with those she has once loved and lost, she held onto both Jimmy and K for so long but has finally relaized they are both out of her life and blames god for it. She believed in god while dating K, and while with Jimmy, but in loosing Jimmy, she realised K was really gone forever and couldn't in her fantasy anymore as shown in disco

"Prostitute stare, I do what I like , I just don't care, I am my only god,"

now she as she often mentions how she went through a depressing time in her life were her life became consumed by the idea that we were in fact mortals, and able to die, that life was fleeting, Knowing a few users myself (not saying this is strictly the mindset of someone who uses) but I do know that majority of them struggle with existentialist ideas, and after loosing the two men who embodied who she thought to be the perfect man, she lost faith in god, decided she was the holder of her own dreams and future, but in saying that, and loosing everything she needed cash to support her ongoing/ dwindling drug addiction, turned back to prostitution, but the attention that used to make her feel so alive and loved, makes her feel empty that her "polaroid frown" (disco) (a moment that at the time was picture perfect on the outside/ made her feel happy/ a time to take pictures of, When looked back upon was actually empty and sad, and gave her nothing but sadness and nostalgia of the days when it did make her happy and fufilled) 

"Icon, Young Star, Heroin Feind, I'll be your queen, You know how I like that celebrity type, poor me."

It dosen't matter who they are, As long as they fit the type and as long as they give her temporary happiness she can continue to relive the days she was truly happy once again, but since she has come to the conclusion of the failed emulation of K with Jimmy she now knows that this is only fleeting and the happiness is superficial and will not last.

"Boy, you're so dope,Your love is deadly. Tell me life is beautiful, They think that I have it all. I've nothing without you. All my dreams and all the lights mean, Nothing without you.

In Without you she got all she wanted, god is lost to her and has found her own god in the fame she made for herself, she misses Jimmy and realizes that its nothing without him there for her. even though she achevied her dreams she still wishes jIMMY were around to see it. Wich i theorize he came back to her in Radio, since she made it for herself but it wasnt good enough, and now she sees him as trying to use her, shes bitter and triamphunt, happy in her fame and success and moved on from Jimmy.


Its hard to work out if K is real or fantasy, i beleive he was real, the other songs refrencing an older guy/ gangsta with excessive money and crimal background, Maha Maha is my final point to tie in Jimmy was an ultimate obsession as lanas emulated version of K, she was once a gangsta with K, ruling the streets, she lost her crown and fell down after K died, whenever Jimmy walks out and fails to distract her


"Every time you walk out on me, I regress back to the one I can't see. There's someone I have, Never talked about, I know that we'd both be, Dead if you found out.
She cant see K anymore but she always goes back to her love for him, she is her one true love and in everything she sees and does, she cant talk about him because she knows hes a criminal, possibly hiding from Ks associates or Jimmy being territorial, She cant tell him about K for fear of their lives, She loves K and Jimmy is the perfect distraction and replacment, she is happy to emulate him through someone else, and says he is the man she has always waited for.. someone to replace K, Possibly scared that if Jimmy really did find out she was using him for a motive other than love like she has stressed so many times that she's not (to fufill her fantasy life with K) She realizes that in Jimmy constantly walking out and through there relationship, up to the demise that Jimmy while in some elements may emulate K, Jimmy is his own person and not what she's looking for, K was the perfect balance of good and bad and Jimmy wasn't a good fit, nor respectful of her, she's not just any girl and she can and will do better, but then she falls for Jimmys trap again and convinces herself that he is the man she has waited her whole life for.


Thankyou for reading aag i know its super long so if you read it/ agreed/ disagreed or whatever thankyou for bothering to read it, i dno how sitar does this im exhausted, its bed time for me ugh, anyways hope you like my theories and that it makes sense to you guys and im not to crazy, im not the best at english either so forgive me if its bad :P


Now I like what you said about her projecting her one true love on Jimmy and possibly others--certainly on Bradley. However, you lost me at Afraid and Tired of Singing the Blues because I think the storyline in those has privately been confirmed to involve Mike...

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Really long please forgive me! My Nice Big Jimmy/K Post, i Know it sounds weird but bear with me~



So Lana says she always singing about the same damn person, like an "ultimate love" which i believe to be K, So I'm possibly thinking what if Lana, after K's death, in here deep grievance for the loss of the man she truly believed to be her perfect match, she projected onto Jimmy? 


What if K, who I believe jfK is about, was this one guy she's always on about, but in a sense, Jimmy is also, because she projected the image and needing of K into Jimmy and the kind of person he was, similar to K.


Thinking of JFK here, he was killed in the height of his power (K killed/passed away in the height of there love) Now if I knew what K looked like, or who he even was, this would aid my theory greatly. But if he looked like Jimmy/ acted like Jimmy (Lana does allude to K being pretty badass so it's possible they might look alike if there both emulating that sort of personality) She found Jimmy, and saw him as a younger K, and that was the reason for her obsession with Jimmy.


Thinking about "Is it Wrong" here, 

"Met my local Rockstar and now im seeing visions"

Visions being her seeing K within him, and possibly Why she is questioning herself if its wrong to be thinking this way, but Jimmy was offering a taste of fame, something K didn't quite have, and after having her taste she is hooked on it, while enjoying Jimmy's, wanting it for her own, while she has always pursued music and singing she never wished to be famous, until her "local rockstar" gave her a taste... While she's not wanting to use him, she's enjoying being able to live the life of a famous Hollywood celebrity. (or the life of her local rockstar ahah.)


Firstly looking at the whole Lana/ Jimmy thing, it seems really weird to me, Jimmy Gnecco would be the first song to probably look at for obvious reasons...

If you want it, it's yours, It's free, but of course, You're my sunshine.

Firstly, its like she's saying you can have my love if you want it, but the fact that she's mentioning its free, seems to signify to me that he possibly thought of Lana as possibly using him (coz he was da local rokstaRRR) and she wanted to up her image/ get more publicity/ fame. Also if Lana did see K in him, possibly could be why Jimmy wasn't all for her (the desperation of her needing him, not just wanting him could've been really creepy and obvious/ came across to strong.)


But the whole song seems to be about some dirty dark affair, (i dno about you but kissing in the dark in a park seems to me like they cant be seen by anyone/ have to go somewhere private/ aka dark.)

So possibly the start of the relationship I propose was during the gogo dancing days, both GoGo dancer and Midnite Dancer Girlfriend

"Break up with your girlfriend, let me move in, I see the way you look at me and I loved you since, I put my eyes on you, eyes on you, I'm in it to win"

He had a girlfriend, but the fact he was at the dancing bar at the first place showed he may be willing to stray, this is a possible reason they kept it on the down low, But Lana loved him, wanted more than to be just his on the side, possibly after he did infact break up with his girlfriend she posted YAYO on his wall (?)

If it really was an affair then why post it publicly like that, and not only on his wall, but her myspace, youtube ect. as one of her more early widespread songs, If something didn't happen between them, then Lana is crossing into some creepy stalker Jimmy-Stan-ing there

Also worth mentioning its called Midnite dancer girlfriend FOR A REASON, shes his little midnight booty call *holla*


Like in Jimmy Gnecco the whole song has always seemed like a little girl writing about her crush (kinda why i liked it, i can relate) Consisting of dates at the park.. at nightime... kinda sounds like my year 10 sex life tbh :O I kid, I kid, But it honestly does hint at a secret affair to me, buying her things, distracting her with niceties and then using her for whatever he wants, She was obviously keen on him and as a badass guy, had no problem in using his will to bend her to do whatever he pleased...


"stalking you has kinda become my occupation" 

In Is It Wrong, she's obssesed, she infatuated, and thinks it may be wrong that she's engrossed in his every move but he is what she's been looking for, once she set her eyes on him at the dancer bar she's in for the prize and wants it bad.


In You're Gonna Love Me shes obsessive, she is going to make him love her (as hinted in midnite dancer girlfriend.)

I can tell that you're the type to never trust a beauty queen, But I was never voted for nothing in high school, Never meant anything to anybody, Never ever gave myself away, But even when I'm funny, You think I'm acting

She may be a beauty queen on the outside, but we all know our little Lana is more than that, he won't trust her because he thinks she is trying to use him, for his fame, money, whatever. Lana may act the part but she's a sheep in wolf's clothing, even when they have cute moments, she's being herself and being "funny" he thinks it's part of the charms  she uses (lanas a p-a-r-t-a-y g-u-r-l and shes trying to get her drinks 4 free from u rememba!!)

You say that you don't want to be hypnotized, But baby, I, I don't wanna hypnotize you, There's nothing from you that I wanna take, I just wanna be like you, Maybe love you just a little bit, Please Jim, I'mma dedicate this whole album to you, You told me to get my way, that's exactly what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna strike out, right now, I'm striking out right now with this song, But I can't help myself, I can't do right for long, You know that.

Jimmy thinks shes just trying to charm her way into his love, he's untrusting, or maybe just never had feeling and wanted to seem that involved or eager, this is significant lyrics because again she isn't wanting to take from him, she's fallen, whether she's emulating K through this or not, she just wants his love, she begging and pleading, and by dedicating the album to him, she is "striking out" because she's not supposed to publicise there relationship, she's so in love she dosen't care if it angers him, she won't do the right thing. she wants him and that's all that matters at this stage, but he's told her not to do anything public, not to write about them, not to sing about it, he wants it private and secret, but she is wanting more.


Again in Is it Wrong-

"beauty queen with simple accusitions..now i'm having visions" 

had all the boys after her looks, but the first boy to not see her as a beauty queen, and fall for her charms, made her see past her somewhat "simple" dreams of being beautiful and famous, and want to devote her life to being just his, He's different from the others, and there is always something about the people who see you differently. He's not falling for her charms, and she's confused as to why her love isn't recuperated. 

The funny little thing about love is that you're blind all the time, And even when you think you had enough, You're wanting more, it isn't right but you can't stop.

So he could have been literally blind to her love, couldn't see it and/or didn't want it, Or "Blind" which could be referring to a yayo/alcohol addiction, A slang term I know (atleast me and my friends use it) about being so under the influence your basically paralytic. That she comes to realize that his love can't be real if he's higher than a kite 24/7, and he still wants more drugs, he is addicted and he cant and wont stop, Leaving Lana wishing he had the same kind of want for her.


So I propose that Lana and Jimmy did have a thing, Lana was infatuated and chasing after the love for the wrong reasons at this stage, and Jimmy saw Lana as a play thing/ Booty call, he would have fun with her, entertain her notions, but no truth seemingly are behind his words, In On our Way

You say that we were meant to be,We'll be together finally

This is a very cliche thing to say, backing up my point that he was full of empty words, Saying that it will happen, filling her head up with romance and cheesy lines, while he saw her as an object, for fun and drugs, He became mean and irritable towards her as he harbored no real feeling for her, just seeking to impress her with gifts (Gold Flowered Earrings anyone ;)) and words to caress her into doing as he wanted coz "you're the boss"


In Big Bad Wolf she was warned not to go there (by someone, herself?) she thinks Jimmy "Rocks" and no matter how astray he leads her in his whirlwind of drugs and rock and roll, she wants to be his 

"Big, bad, naughty rock star, Your claws are shining bright in the dark, Lifting up my little red skirt, I know you’ll leave me here in the dirt"

She is aware hes not all hes cracked up to be and, even though she wants to be his, she's seemingly aware that he wants her for a sexual plaything, and he will eventually leave her for someone better,

"Life is like, like a little game that we like to play, Just for fun, just for fun, Yeah, we take nothing seriously, Nothing’s wrong, make me run, all night long, Hide and seek is how you play with me, Oh, you’re tempting me."

This seems very sarcastic, and Jimmy is playing, Lana has been told the relationship is just for fun and to not take it seriously, he's playing hide and seek, (hides when she needs him, will seek her out when he is ready.)


In On Our Way it again almost goes with a whole infatution tone "i think your so cool babe" On Our Way mentions them being on the run, theres many reasons they could be on the run, as mentioned in Back To The Basics

Everybody's sayin' that, You're not good for me. Your friends all swear, That you've changed but, I still keep it O.G. This tune could be a reminder, Of how it all used to be.

Jimmy could have been dealing drugs, buying her dime bags ect. But things start to get bad, He's a bad influence on her, she misses the days of there simple affair, him being sweet to draw her in, back to the days of them going on road trips and dancing and singing under the stars, buying her cotton candy ect.

When you're not wasted, I know you'll see.

Shes still sticking with him, hoping he will realize that being sober and them being together is nice.

He was only the local rockstar after all, and even if Lana did see him as famous, it could be many other types of "fame" rather than that just of one of a musician (drug dealing fame yeha) He couldve gotten into a bad way, owing people money and in drug debt, and needed to go on the run, and we all know lanas ride or die right. Lana is happy that there "footdown" going on a trip "finally going all the way" because she thinks him going on the run with her is equal to him being her man and "touchdown" she has finally obtained his love and affection.


In Breaking my Heart, she has come to love him, fully infatuated,

"You’re breaking my heart tonight ,Take me for a ride, boy, Don’t leave me on the side, boy, Gold chain, kissing fly, leaning on your chrome ride, Versailles, St. Tropez, lingerie, and yayo, I like, I like, I like this roller coaster ride, ride, Don’t leave me on the side, boy"

She is worried that his fame is building and he is going to leave her, there not on the run anymore and its been a rollercoaster ride, her heart is breaking because she can see the future but she cannot bear to leave him, they have some cash flow and are living a high fast hollywood lifestyle, shes enjoying herself and dosent want it ending, though she can see that all rollercoasters must come to a halt.


"Hello, heaven, you are a tunnel lined, With yellow lights on a dark night, Yayo, Yeah, you, Yayo, Put me onto your black motorcycle, 50s baby doll dress for my "I do", It'll only take two hours to Nevada"

Yayo seems to be a song of fantasy a loverlorn what could have happened to us, if you hadnt gone astray, Possibily why she posted it on his wall, remember this, remember us kind of thing. He rescued her from her trailer park life, but between the drugs (yayo aka cocaine) and there lust filled relationship, shes trying to explain she needs him like he needs drugs, and they should go and get married, in her head a happily ever after that can salvage there decaying relationship, to her heaven is driving around through america with jimmy, in there simpler times, when it was less about drugs and more about the passion.


In Afraid She's cant bear to leave him,

"You make it hard to leave, But it's easier for me to stay, Boy, I'm so afraid, And I've had it up to here, With the fighting, baby we're not, Fooling anyone these days,


But it's not love that keeps me here

And it's not what you want to hear,


You should never come between a

Woman and her dream

He stopped her from singing, and kept the fame to himself, there fighting constantly and the glamour and promise the relationship had before has worn off, she has become scared of him and what he's become through his drug use/ fame and has realized her dreams are more important so she needs to work towards them and up and leave his mean drug abusing violent ass.


 In I'm Tired of singing the Blues
"It's like I got my life stuck, stuck on rewind, Tryin' to make something of myself, life's got something else in mind, I'm fighting a losing game and I'm biding my time, You won't be my man, do I understand? No, stop I don't wanna hear another word about your why not's, I bought Your bullshit all before and now you're trying to sell me more, babe
Shes gotten over her fears and left him, he wants her without having to show her off, he wants her as a dirty little secret and shes over it, shes realized her dreams are more important but she just isnt getting there, she's sick of hearing excuses about why he wont finally take her to be his in front of everyone and shes sick of being behind the spotlight, shes over his stories and shes sick of singing the blues (aka shes sick of the only thing she has to write about personally is sad stories) She isn't listening to his pretty words and promises anymore and is seeing through the lies he's woven around there "relationship"


"Well, I didn't know it would come to this, But that's what happens when you're on your own, And you're alright letting nice things go, Well, I pawned the earrings that you gave me, Gold and metal flowers dangling, And I almost cried as I sold them, oh"

She finally up and left him in Pawn Shop Blues, she needs money to start over for herself/ possibly support a drug addcition, she's fragile, she let the man she loved best go because she was sick of being in a drug fuzed lifestyle, she wanted higher conciousness literally and figurativley (wanted to be bigger than a man lusting woman and chase her dreams) She realizes its not about a man keeping her together and she needs her own sense of peace, shes on her own and shes already lost everything so she dosent mind doing much more, shes poor and needs income to chase her dreams of being a famous singer, shes already let Jimmy one "nice thing" go, so she's saw the earrings and there last monument, she was holding onto that last peice of love but knows its time to let go.


She is in a bad place and possibly seeking the happiness she felt with those she has once loved and lost, she held onto both Jimmy and K for so long but has finally relaized they are both out of her life and blames god for it. She believed in god while dating K, and while with Jimmy, but in loosing Jimmy, she realised K was really gone forever and couldn't in her fantasy anymore as shown in disco

"Prostitute stare, I do what I like , I just don't care, I am my only god,"

now she as she often mentions how she went through a depressing time in her life were her life became consumed by the idea that we were in fact mortals, and able to die, that life was fleeting, Knowing a few users myself (not saying this is strictly the mindset of someone who uses) but I do know that majority of them struggle with existentialist ideas, and after loosing the two men who embodied who she thought to be the perfect man, she lost faith in god, decided she was the holder of her own dreams and future, but in saying that, and loosing everything she needed cash to support her ongoing/ dwindling drug addiction, turned back to prostitution, but the attention that used to make her feel so alive and loved, makes her feel empty that her "polaroid frown" (disco) (a moment that at the time was picture perfect on the outside/ made her feel happy/ a time to take pictures of, When looked back upon was actually empty and sad, and gave her nothing but sadness and nostalgia of the days when it did make her happy and fufilled) 

"Icon, Young Star, Heroin Feind, I'll be your queen, You know how I like that celebrity type, poor me."

It dosen't matter who they are, As long as they fit the type and as long as they give her temporary happiness she can continue to relive the days she was truly happy once again, but since she has come to the conclusion of the failed emulation of K with Jimmy she now knows that this is only fleeting and the happiness is superficial and will not last.

"Boy, you're so dope,Your love is deadly. Tell me life is beautiful, They think that I have it all. I've nothing without you. All my dreams and all the lights mean, Nothing without you.

In Without you she got all she wanted, god is lost to her and has found her own god in the fame she made for herself, she misses Jimmy and realizes that its nothing without him there for her. even though she achevied her dreams she still wishes jIMMY were around to see it. Wich i theorize he came back to her in Radio, since she made it for herself but it wasnt good enough, and now she sees him as trying to use her, shes bitter and triamphunt, happy in her fame and success and moved on from Jimmy.


Its hard to work out if K is real or fantasy, i beleive he was real, the other songs refrencing an older guy/ gangsta with excessive money and crimal background, Maha Maha is my final point to tie in Jimmy was an ultimate obsession as lanas emulated version of K, she was once a gangsta with K, ruling the streets, she lost her crown and fell down after K died, whenever Jimmy walks out and fails to distract her


"Every time you walk out on me, I regress back to the one I can't see. There's someone I have, Never talked about, I know that we'd both be, Dead if you found out.
She cant see K anymore but she always goes back to her love for him, she is her one true love and in everything she sees and does, she cant talk about him because she knows hes a criminal, possibly hiding from Ks associates or Jimmy being territorial, She cant tell him about K for fear of their lives, She loves K and Jimmy is the perfect distraction and replacment, she is happy to emulate him through someone else, and says he is the man she has always waited for.. someone to replace K, Possibly scared that if Jimmy really did find out she was using him for a motive other than love like she has stressed so many times that she's not (to fufill her fantasy life with K) She realizes that in Jimmy constantly walking out and through there relationship, up to the demise that Jimmy while in some elements may emulate K, Jimmy is his own person and not what she's looking for, K was the perfect balance of good and bad and Jimmy wasn't a good fit, nor respectful of her, she's not just any girl and she can and will do better, but then she falls for Jimmys trap again and convinces herself that he is the man she has waited her whole life for.


Thankyou for reading aag i know its super long so if you read it/ agreed/ disagreed or whatever thankyou for bothering to read it, i dno how sitar does this im exhausted, its bed time for me ugh, anyways hope you like my theories and that it makes sense to you guys and im not to crazy, im not the best at english either so forgive me if its bad :P

Not to mention in the ride monologue she says she was born to be da other woman, so like yeah. 

Great analysis!


They wouldn't have been seen together publicly if she was the other woman for obvious reasons. 

And like,  what usually happens in affairs is the whole girl or other person is like so obsessed with the idea of being the main chick/dude so the cheater is like 'one day babe, yes we will be together! yes! yes!' 


also the person who talked to one of Jimmy's relatives or whatever, i doubt he would speak openly about having affair so maybe they just didn't know. 


like i find it so hard for someone to be writing songs and proclaiming love for someone they don't know. I mean unless lana is really psycho...she did say she was crazy so you know.  :creepna:

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