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LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships

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What if K stands for Kent and the character "K" is really an amalgamation of her teenage loves. It would also make a lot of sense in the Golden Grill / Gangster vs Blue Hair Pun Rocker.


Yes! I've always thought this. Like "K" is actually Kent, and just her teenage loves in one. 


For K Part 1 - "I turned down the light, then I heard the sirens interrupt the silence. Is this what you wished, to commit a crime?" This could be Lana when she was still at home in Lake Placid and the "sirens interrupting the silence" could be her hearing of her parents fighting or saying that they're going to send her to boarding school and the "crime" that she "committed" was drinking and being sent to Kent was her punishment. 

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Finally sharing :judgingu2:


I was ready to call The Moldy Peaches the band that was all the rage and maybe even assign Steven Mertens as a semi-famous (read: released a few albums) druggie but they've been on hiatus since 2004. Any side bands he'd be traveling with? Did he ever have blue hair? Drug problems? A best friend with which to sleep with?


She really wasn't lying when she said the men she met along the road. New boyfriends popping up all the time. I remember when I didn't even list Mike in Lanalysis 1.0...Get it, Lanz. She belongs to everybody that she walks by. Everyone's one true love on the side. JFC


Yes! I've always thought this. Like "K" is actually Kent, and just her teenage loves in one. 


For K Part 1 - "I turned down the light, then I heard the sirens interrupt the silence. Is this what you wished, to commit a crime?" This could be Lana when she was still at home in Lake Placid and the "sirens interrupting the silence" could be her hearing of her parents fighting or saying that they're going to send her to boarding school and the "crime" that she "committed" was drinking and being sent to Kent was her punishment. 


"There was a drive-by"

"Double homicide"


For K is blunt--either a blunt fantasy or a blunt reality. But idk how it can be interpreted in another way.

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Finally sharing :judgingu2:


I was ready to call The Moldy Peaches the band that was all the rage and maybe even assign Steven Mertens as a semi-famous (read: released a few albums) druggie but they've been on hiatus since 2004. Any side bands he'd be traveling with? Did he ever have blue hair? Drug problems? A best friend with which to sleep with?


I think they reformed briefly around 2008 or so, and did enjoy a certain resurgence in popularity when they did the 'Juno' soundtrack... I don't think they toured at the time, though.


Completely possible, I believe both Adam & Kimya had drug issues & one of their band mates (Aaron Wilkinson) died of an OD in 2003.


Adam Green? Steven apparently still plays in his backing band... (If it really was Adam Green, I'd puke. :hdu:)

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wow! this is a huge breakthrough! as always, i bow down to thee, @@evilentity ! :worship:

so, yet another link to jeff buckley: steven mertens is friends with & played with parker kindred, who also played with lizzy (http://web.archive.org/web/20081009165342/http://5pointsrecords.com/index.php?pg=31&artist_id=101 ). parker was jeff buckley's drummer circa the "sketches for my sweetheart the drunk" era. steven also played with joan wasser, jeff's last girlfriend. we all know jimmy gnecco briefly met jeff and was profoundly influenced by him, to the point of homage (in sound and in dedicated songs), and her infuatuation with JG is legendary. i'm thinking lizzy was just as obsessed with jeff buckley as i was! :icant:  the fact that reeve carney is gonna play jeff in a biopic is just full circle. she also loves many of JB's cited favorites, and aims to live her life with GRACE :)  and what is the first song in buckley's "grace" album? "mojo pin", whose chorus ends with "black beauty, i love you so"...and now, we have LDR's "black beauty". apart from her vocal inflections live, especially in her lizzy era, we can see that jeff buckley's influence on our dear lana is ongoing ♥

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Ugh.. Xcuse another one of my ridiculous posts but I need an outlet and this is fun sOOOOoooo buckle up kittens + add ur input!




So, we've been thinking that whoever K is must have been Lana's 'big' love.. the one who inspired most of her songs.  However, I think most of Lana's relationships, just based on what we know of her timeline/ geographical location throughout the years, etc., were relatively short term.  I'm not denying K's existence, I'm just saying it may not have been someone Lana dated, however he was there for her throughout her life and I'm sure she listened to his music during hard times~ possibly when one of her boyfriends was incarcerated. 


Elvis, where are you when I need you most? 


♕  K= King ♕ 


Del Rey= King


You my one king, daddy



Lana discovered Elvis when she was very young.  She liked the idea of having a KING and being the QUEEN. The very best of the best.  She references being the QUEEN in so many of her songs (Queen of Saigon, Queen of Coney Island, Queen of Disaster, Queen of Alchemy, Queen of New York, New Jersey Dance Queen, etc.) and no matter who she was dating, Elvis was always her King.  I think she set out to become the female Elvis. Elvis is my daddy.. 




It's also interesting to note how she's a sum of her inspirations, but an anomaly, as well (at least i m o)


"I am definitely interested in the masters of different genres, they're talented and popular for a reason."

- Lana Del Rey


"I write my songs and I make my videos. Elvis had good management and that’s why he looks well-crafted but actually-- other than his custom-made jump suits-- he was always a gentleman, always a star, had a face like a god, and a voice like a dark angel. So he wasn't really contrived-- he was just dead cool. That’s why his legacy lives on, because he was actually perfect."

- Lana Del Rey


 "I knew Elvis' songs would be the soundtrack to my life as soon as I laid eyes on his photograph. I know when I love something as soon as I see it. Then, I write about it."

- Lana Del Rey 





@ 2:10 

(When asked who'd she'd like to work with, from the present or past)


"I'd like to work with Elvis.  I'd like to fucking 'do things' with Elvis.. I'd like to make out with Elvis."

-Lana Del Rey




(Elvis impersonator from Tropico)


Lana lyrics that reference Elvis:




Elvis, where are you when I need you most?


Elvis is my daddy


Elvis is crying


You're bigger than Elvis


King Creole daddy


Elvis is the best, hell yes


Bring that Velvet Elvis over here


One for the money, two for the show






Lana lyrics/song titles, various locations, etc. that MAY reference Elvis, however, not as concrete






- Mississippi (ref. in Raise Me Up)- birth place of Elvis

- Daytona- Elvis played there for one night, stayed at the Copacabana (Copacabana, yes, in my party dress. I'm shimmering in love.. on that crystal meth)

-Tropicana- possibly where the name TROPICO comes from? (Tropicana is where Elvis + Priscilla were rumored to have their wedding reception- it actually took place at the aladdin)



Song Titles:


Young & Beautiful/ Young and Beautiful

Burning Desire/ Burning Love

Elvis' song 'Don't Leave Me Now' - lyric in LDR's 'Ride'

'One for the money, two for the show..'- LDR's 'Million Dollar Man' & Elvis' 'Blue Suede Shoes'

Elvis was known for his obsession with his pink cadillac- ref. in LDR's 'Back to tha Basics'





Lana/Elvis Shared Lyrical Inspirations/Eras/ Various Similarities:




Gangster Lifestyle~ Jailhouse Rock








USA~ National Anthem







Blue Hawaii~ Kill Kill













In the Ghetto~ Trailer Park Darling







Love for motorcycles





Religious Imagery + Themes








Performing in WHITE








Lana is SO obsessed with Elvis that she models herself after Elvis' 'perfect woman', Priscilla Presley (right down to her hair + car)

Priscilla was also 14 years old when she met Elvis, age 24~ Hey Lolita Hey!



















So maybe K stands for King and doesn't always mean Elvis, the King.

But I do think K=King, as in Lana calling her boyfriend the king, as she's referenced herself as the queen and her man as the king in many songs. If you remember when Lana wrote the treatment for the BTD video, she entitled it "The Lonely Queen"


Promise I'll remember you as the king...








(I think she was describing what she saw in her trailer) 


Bring that Velvet Elvis over here








*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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Ugh.. Xcuse another one of my ridiculous posts but I need an outlet and this is fun sOOOOoooo buckle up kittens + add ur input!




So, we've been thinking that whoever K is must have been Lana's 'big' love.. the one who inspired most of her songs.  However, I think most of Lana's relationships, just based on what we know of her timeline/ geographical location throughout the years, etc., were relatively short term.  I'm not denying K's existence, I'm just saying it may not have been someone Lana dated, however he was there for her throughout her life and I'm sure she listened to his music during hard times~ possibly when one of her boyfriends was incarcerated. 


Elvis, where are you when I need you most? 


♕  K= King ♕ 


Del Rey= King


You my one king, daddy



Lana discovered Elvis when she was very young.  She liked the idea of having a KING and being the QUEEN. The very best of the best.  She references being the QUEEN in so many of her songs (Queen of Saigon, Queen of Coney Island, Queen of Disaster, Queen of Alchemy, Queen of New York, New Jersey Dance Queen, etc.) and no matter who she was dating, Elvis was always her King.  I think she set out to become the female Elvis. Elvis is my daddy.. 




It's also interesting to note how she's a sum of her inspirations, but an anomaly, as well (at least i m o)


"I am definitely interested in the masters of different genres, they're talented and popular for a reason."

- Lana Del Rey


"I write my songs and I make my videos. Elvis had good management and that’s why he looks well-crafted but actually-- other than his custom-made jump suits-- he was always a gentleman, always a star, had a face like a god, and a voice like a dark angel. So he wasn't really contrived-- he was just dead cool. That’s why his legacy lives on, because he was actually perfect."

- Lana Del Rey


 "I knew Elvis' songs would be the soundtrack to my life as soon as I laid eyes on his photograph. I know when I love something as soon as I see it. Then, I write about it."

- Lana Del Rey 





@ 2:10 

(When asked who'd she'd like to work with, from the present or past)


"I'd like to work with Elvis.  I'd like to fucking 'do things' with Elvis.. I'd like to make out with Elvis."

-Lana Del Rey




(Elvis impersonator from Tropico)


Lana lyrics that reference Elvis:




Elvis, where are you when I need you most?


Elvis is my daddy


Elvis is crying


You're bigger than Elvis


King Creole daddy


Elvis is the best, hell yes


Bring that Velvet Elvis over here


One for the money, two for the show






Lana lyrics/song titles, various locations, etc. that MAY reference Elvis, however, not as concrete






- Mississippi (ref. in Raise Me Up)- birth place of Elvis

- Daytona- Elvis played there for one night, stayed at the Copacabana (Copacabana, yes, in my party dress. I'm shimmering in love.. on that crystal meth)

-Tropicana- possibly where the name TROPICO comes from? (Tropicana is where Elvis + Priscilla were rumored to have their wedding reception- it actually took place at the aladdin)



Song Titles:


Young & Beautiful/ Young and Beautiful

Burning Desire/ Burning Love

Elvis' song 'Don't Leave Me Now' - lyric in LDR's 'Ride'

'One for the money, two for the show..'- LDR's 'Million Dollar Man' & Elvis' 'Blue Suede Shoes'

Elvis was known for his obsession with his pink cadillac- ref. in LDR's 'Back to tha Basics'





Lana/Elvis Shared Lyrical Inspirations/Eras/ Various Similarities:




Gangster Lifestyle~ Jailhouse Rock








USA~ National Anthem







Blue Hawaii~ Kill Kill













In the Ghetto~ Trailer Park Darling







Love for motorcycles





Religious Imagery + Themes








Performing in WHITE








Lana is SO obsessed with Elvis that she models herself after Elvis' 'perfect woman', Priscilla Presley (right down to her hair + car)

Priscilla was also 14 years old when she met Elvis, age 24~ Hey Lolita Hey!



















So maybe K stands for King and doesn't always mean Elvis, the King.

But I do think K=King, as in Lana calling her boyfriend the king, as she's referenced herself as the queen and her man as the king in many songs. If you remember when Lana wrote the treatment for the BTD video, she entitled it "The Lonely Queen"


Promise I'll remember you as the king...








(I think she was describing what she saw in her trailer) 


Bring that Velvet Elvis over here









Could be tumblr_inline_mrlbq3KYoV1qz4rgp.png

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I know it may sound stupid but what if the K letter referred to the 'special k drug' and it's not the real name's initial letter for Lana's boyfriend? :assad:

I'm crazy :awk:

i was thinking about the same thing  :agree:

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Re: Steven Mertens, I can't remember if someone has found this yet.  Interview with Spacecamp, which Mertens played bass/vocals in


SPACECAMP: Ok this is an awesome question. You know that girl Lana Del Ray? She has about 6,455,290,001 hits on Youtube with her song "Video Games." Well, we were her back up band once cuz her and Steven used to make-out sometimes, for like a year. Well, turns out it wasn't him, it wasn't him, it wasn't all for him cuz she wanted to make-out with someone else one week. I mean look at her. If you had those lips you would want to press them up against a lot of stuff. I would too. So one day Steven comes to practice and tells us he's a bit down cuz he's wondering where she and her mouth had gone off to the night before. I told him he didn't want to know. He agreed and we all started laughing and jamming and we wrote that African influenced song Alibi about Lana and Steven. They're friends now and laugh and joke about where their lips have been.

JK, it's about our friend Lizzy who is a friend of Carly's. She's been looking for an apartment for about three years and her parents are starting to get worried. So we wrote a song for her parents.


*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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Re: Steven Mertens, I can't remember if someone has found this yet.  Interview with Spacecamp, which Mertens played bass/vocals in


SPACECAMP: Ok this is an awesome question. You know that girl Lana Del Ray? She has about 6,455,290,001 hits on Youtube with her song "Video Games." Well, we were her back up band once cuz her and Steven used to make-out sometimes, for like a year. Well, turns out it wasn't him, it wasn't him, it wasn't all for him cuz she wanted to make-out with someone else one week. I mean look at her. If you had those lips you would want to press them up against a lot of stuff. I would too. So one day Steven comes to practice and tells us he's a bit down cuz he's wondering where she and her mouth had gone off to the night before. I told him he didn't want to know. He agreed and we all started laughing and jamming and we wrote that African influenced song Alibi about Lana and Steven. They're friends now and laugh and joke about where their lips have been.

JK, it's about our friend Lizzy who is a friend of Carly's. She's been looking for an apartment for about three years and her parents are starting to get worried. So we wrote a song for her parents.



Hot fucking damn on a skillet!


But hey @ Spacecamp, you have no idea what you're getting into telling us a song's about Lana and then retracting it :republican:

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lately i've been think that "K" stands for Kurt Cobain...

we've already discussed that and i think we came to the conclusion that lana isn't that delusional  :agree:

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Hot fucking damn on a skillet!


But hey @ Spacecamp, you have no idea what you're getting into telling us a song's about Lana and then retracting it :republican:


It isn't actually a retraction, cuz they said it's about Lizzy!  :smile2:

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Well this is a quote I found from 2011 about what the song is about, it's a different interview I can't link it from my phone: The song, which comes from the band’s debut EP, “Alibi,” is equally as enthralling. Lyrically, it tells the tale of a boat captain who is running guns and narcotics from Brazil back to the States via the Florida Keys.


Nothing off about that, but then our boat captain is betrayed by his lover. “His boat is boarded by a group of very good soccer players,” the band explains. “They carry golden revolvers and fight valiantly for their heroine (not the drug), Sister Crystalline, also the Captain’s fraudulent bed-mate.”


Who would guess that a gal named Sister Crystalline wouldn’t be on the up and up? An extremely smooth bass groove seems to level things out, but the plot is further complicated, “by the fact that she is the leader of an ancient-mystic-shamanistic-psychotropic religious society.” Spacecamp assures us that, “She probably means well, even though she behaved badly.”


Golden gun? Heroine/crystal meth reference? Smooth bass player (Arthur lynn) .....

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