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Big Eyes nominated for Best Original Song at 2015 Golden Globes

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I wouldn't be surprised if Weinstein did buy her a place on the nomination list as someone mentioned previously above. I'm happy that she's getting noticed, but I'm disappointed that it had to be "Big Eyes." I was hoping if she'd ever got a nomination it would be for a very haunting ballad (similar to Video Games, Young & Beautiful [Trailer Version], Old Money, Once Upon a Dream). I always wanted her to leave a great impression at these award shows and "Big Eyes" just doesn't do that. It doesn't carry that same weight of cinematic elegance. I've only listened to the song twice and I have no interest in adding it to my playlist, but I have it in a folder for my LDR collection.


Lorde's song is okay and there is a chance that she might win. She has more popularity and is tied in with a popular movie, but Taylor Swift didn't win when she was nominated, so who knows. If both of them don't, then the Annie song "Opportunity" might. I think it's cute.


I'll be very happy for Lana if she does win and I'm sure she'll have a very lovely speech. And as childish as this sounds, I want to see Lorde's fake ass smile watching Lana ascend the stairs to accept the award (Weinstein purchased or not).

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I'll be very happy for Lana if she does win and I'm sure she'll have a very lovely speech. And as childish as this sounds, I want to see Lorde's fake ass smile watching Lana ascend the stairs to accept the award (Weinstein purchased or not).

It would be lovely to see Lana win the golden globe but even if she doesn't she should be very proud that she got nominated at least.


And no it isn't childish I love Lorde too but Christ it would be nice to see her brought down a peg or two tbh


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I agree partly with what toodarktoosee said.(the first part)

Yellow Flicker Beat is actually amazing and I'm not even a Lorde stan (casual fan).

Even if you root for Lorde why do you write it down when you're on a Lana forum :wtf:

I hope she is going to win, it could make her feel more "accepted" and propel her towards putting out even more music :flutter:

Have you ever heard of something called freedom of speech? If everyone kissed Lana's ass this place would be boring. That's why I don't mind the Mariah stan that much.


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Have you ever heard of something called freedom of speech? If everyone kissed Lana's ass this place would be boring. That's why I don't mind the Mariah stan that much.


Still, there are places where it's appropriate to say something and not.

But sure, why not, you should go to a funeral and discuss the sex life of the person who died, you know what, why not throw in stories about the lowest points in their lives too. Then if someone calls you out on it, you can just say: FREEDUM OF SPEECH DUH




I come here because I like Lana, not to cheer for her shitty competition

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Still, there are places where it's appropriate to say something and not.

But sure, why not, you should go to a funeral and discuss the sex life of the person who died, you know what, why not throw in stories about the lowest points in their lives too. Then if someone calls you out on it, you can just say: FREEDUM OF SPEECH DUH


Did you seriously just compare an awards show with a funeral?  If it's fucking appropriate to openly discuss Lana's love life in this forum why isn't it to openly say a song she made is bad? Because it would hurt the feeling of people like prettydrugs? Really? I'm not just going to pretend I'm happy with the song she made just because it's the golden globes. And Yellow Flicker Light is better than Big Eyes (and I don't even like Lorde that much).  


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I hope that Lana wins, but the Lorde's song is really nice, if not better !! :defeated:


The only thing, in my opinion which is in favor of Lana, is the voice: I think that the Lana's voice is more "expressive" ... and that is able to convey more emotions, than that of Lorde, which I find quite "flat" ... (anyway Flicker Yellow Beat is great ^^) (Big Eyes... I liked it enough, but I think Lana, known its excellent quality, could do much better ...) :)

But this is just my opinion ...

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Did you seriously just compare an awards show with a funeral?  If it's fucking appropriate to openly discuss Lana's love life in this forum why isn't it to openly say a song she made is bad? Because it would hurt the feeling of people like prettydrugs? Really? I'm not just going to pretend I'm happy with the song she made just because it's the golden globes. And Yellow Flicker Light is better than Big Eyes (and I don't even like Lorde that much).  

Hurt my feelings?! LOL. this is hilarious... of course u can say whatever u want, i just think what u said is shit. No feelings hurt  :)

let the light in, it's a cruel world

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Big Eyes is her best soundtrack song so far. Ok for those who think that Harvey bought her the nomination..how about BORDE her sing? How in the hell that TRASH of a song get nominated? Seriously, THE WORST hunger games song so far. We Remain, Atlas, And Taylor's song were FAR superior. There is a reason why the song FLOPPED to oblivion and didn't catch on despite HUGE promotional push by her label and the soundtrack sold only like 20k.


The Hanging Tree despite not being the theme of the movie caught on instead, but it's not legible. Poor borde and enough discussion about that golem.


Big Eyes is Lana's most assuring confident song by FAR.


I Can Fly is kinda trash sorry..glad they went with Big Eyes. The lyrics to I Can Fly to a normal person (if u like never heard of lanz and this is your intro to her) might be cute but as a long time fan, it's puke inducing due to the cliche reused lyrics. "Summer", "Birds" "Mid July".. "Crazy"..."Divine" I mean :derpna2:


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Guest Dot

Big Eyes is her best soundtrack song so far. Ok for those who think that Harvey bought her the nomination..how about BORDE her sing? How in the hell that TRASH of a song get nominated? Seriously, THE WORST hunger games song so far. We Remain, Atlas, And Taylor's song were FAR superior. There is a reason why the song FLOPPED to oblivion and didn't catch on despite HUGE promotional push by her label and the soundtrack sold only like 20k.


The Hanging Tree despite not being the theme of the movie caught on instead, but it's not legible. Poor borde and enough discussion about that golem.


Big Eyes is Lana's most assuring confident song by FAR.


I Can Fly is kinda trash sorry..glad they went with Big Eyes. The lyrics to I Can Fly to a normal person (if u like never heard of lanz and this is your intro to her) might be cute but as a long time fan, it's puke inducing due to the cliche reused lyrics. "Summer", "Birds" "Mid July".. "Crazy"..."Divine" I mean :derpna2:



I haven't seen Big Eyes on the charts anywhere. It flopped, so it's automatically shit. :derpna: Also, who are you to talk if the artist you promote in your avi has produced some the worst flop albums of the century and has now lost the last bit of what people used to give her credit for?


Have you even listened to most of Ultraviolence more than once? I highly doubt it.


On other forums this troll would have been flushed long ago. However, I'm glad people on here are finally tolerating freedom of speech for most part but honestly, this is going beyond criticism and negativity this is flamebait and it's not the kind of flamebait I do when I shade Jack. He's trashing 3/4 of Lana's discography, because he enjoyed one album and remains stuck in 2011/2. However, I'm glad you enjoy the two new songs and I hope the same goes for Lana's next release so you finally stop the whining.


Now let me express my doo-doo opinion on this topic:


1. I'm very very glad Lana finally got a nominated. I really hope she'll win but I highly doubt it bc this song is really really repetitive and mediocore.


2. Why? The song starts off a capella, emphasizing the repetetiveness of the chorus that seems even more forced than the chorus of Ultraviolence while adding a really bad reverb effect.


3. 3/4 of the song are orchestral and it really only starts to be good from the bridge onwards, due to th addition of drums and trumpets (sadly the best part of the song).


4. I Can Fly, however is a much more majestetic and empowering song. I agree that it uses some of the typical Lanaisms but the song itself is something we haven't heard from Lana in a long long time. It's positive, it's uplifting and the production is fantastic! I personally think that the use of those Lanaisms but in the past tense imo is clearly intentional. She is literally saying goodbye to the sad and depressed (caged up) persona and starting a new. There is a sense of new vitality in this song and the production perfectly encompasses this.


5. While I Can Fly remains the stronger track, Big Eyes is obviously more suitable as theme song than ICF.

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