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Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread

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Part of me wishes she would double down on the production of UV, fully embracing the lo-fi fuzziness, while still using a mic more befitting her budget.


Perhaps this sort of instrumentation, just slower.



Or for something more melodic, like this, with her whisper-y vocals. 

"A true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love." - Che Guevara

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Part of me wishes she would double down on the production of UV, fully embracing the lo-fi fuzziness, while still using a mic more befitting her budget.


Perhaps this sort of instrumentation, just slower.



Or for something more melodic, like this, with her whisper-y vocals. 


The first one is tumblr_m4p49hROGz1ro82hjo1_400_zps4xv08l


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I don't care which genre it will be, as long as it will be autobiographical, I'm fine with it.


Autobiographical ... nah pls not. In Lana's case, this always meant singing about men. I don#t mind love songs, since it's one of her trademarks, but pls no "autobigraphical" stuff anymore. At least not with the goal of being "autobiographical".


more folk stories like how do you know me so well pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease


She said she's writing ~surrealist lyrics so I think they'll be more like AKA

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Hmm in the same week she goes to get her eyebrows done, visits a cosmetologists and posts a photo getting highlights in her hair. prep for a big shoot?  :creep:

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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I kind of just want her to pull a CWYCMA on us and string together a bunch of nonsensical but ~beautiful~ phrases... Fuck cohesive lyricism lmao


This is a bit OT but I just wanted to say that your avatar struck me. The picture only has different colors for her sweater and the background, but they really harmonize and it suits the color scheme I have in mind for the Honeymoon album ... 


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Im still rolling my eyes at those who prefer BTD over UV


no shame



er why? people have their own preferences 

Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea. Summer hail and summer stranger.

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Interesting staff here :thumb2:

I was just testing out whether posting worked because other people are experiencing a glitchy forum!! I definitely don't mean what I wrote!!

you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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and I really liked the photo of her reading the old LIFE magazine, I hope she goes for that style (pink, purple and blue-ish filters/effects) :excited:

As soon as I saw that pic I thought HONEYMOON - dreamy, soft pink and white, maybe add a bit of yellow or purple

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