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Do you think Lana still does drugs?

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I know this has been debated for years on here, but what do you guys think?

After Heroin being on Lust for Life and the tons of drug references on the album, do you think she was a drug addict along with her alcoholism?


sorry if im beating a dead horse

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most likely (tho there's no solid evidence I think) when she was younger and people have posted on here screencaps of that ugly guy that's in her blue jeans/btd video calling her a "speed fairy", I think the only drug she'd do (or does) nowadays is like weed or something


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From what I can gather, there were people and men in Lana's life that were dealing and/or doing drugs. While there are some things that Lana has flatly denied as being fiction or a fascination with a certain group of people (i.e. Being pro-ana/pro-ana culture), drugs has never been one of those things.


I believe that Lana never used anything more than casually or socially, and she was never an addict. Most likely she just indulged with whatever her boyfriend/friends had on hand.


As for what was done, the only ones I can say with certainty (in my mind) are weed, heroin, and crystal meth. Whether she did all of these or not is debatable, but she was definitely around those drugs/people doing those drugs.

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i don't think she ever did heroin that's such an odd drug for her to do and of course she will neither confirm nor deny it because she would either be judged or called a fake/fraud again.


some mod should merge this and the regular drug thread tho since it's literally the same discussion.


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Addiction is a self-diagnosed disease in my opinion. She probably has tried weed before. But maybe not heroin. But she definitely has come across men that use drugs.


But what I get from Heroin is she's moving out of that, and that to me signals that she has used it, got sick of it, and is really stopping


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Addiction is a self-diagnosed disease in my opinion. She probably has tried weed before. But maybe not heroin. But she definitely has come across men that use drugs.


But what I get from Heroin is she's moving out of that, and that to me signals that she has used it, got sick of it, and is really stopping


its not self-diagnosed 

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I highly doubt Lana has used heroin. Heroin, the song, to me seems focused around friends or a lover addicted to it... & maybe how she believes her personal demons are similar to, or connected with drug addiction, but "she'd be lying if she said she wasn't sick of it." Hence, the sequencing leading into Change.

I believe weed, crystal meth, & probably coke. She probably had a problem with alcohol. Do I think it's ever been a serious issue? I'm not sure. Alcohol, probably, but as for the rest... I think Lana's too much of a control freak.

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