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Father John Misty

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Also, I feel like this is an unpopular opinion, but I love I went to the store one day it always brings me close to tears when he is like "don't let me die in a hospital I'll save the big one for the last time we make love." Like you can just tell he is so in love with his wife

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Also, I feel like this is an unpopular opinion, but I love I went to the store one day it always brings me close to tears when he is like "don't let me die in a hospital I'll save the big one for the last time we make love." Like you can just tell he is so in love with his wife


its in my top 5 songs on the album, its so good

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Im late to the conversation. But i love him. I dont know all of his songs or anything but he's a great musician and i see why lana likes him so much.


My favourites of his are Hollywood Cemetery Forever, True Affection and Strange Encounter. But i cant wait for this new album! Sounds like its gonna kill me

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Also, I feel like this is an unpopular opinion, but I love I went to the store one day it always brings me close to tears when he is like "don't let me die in a hospital I'll save the big one for the last time we make love." Like you can just tell he is so in love with his wife

I had no idea this was unpopular, it's my favourite love song of all time, it's the most simple and subtle and complete way to say I love you this song is life


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I do have to say, his new song Pure Comedy is absolutely brilliant. It creatively and cohesively expresses a lot of my thoughts regarding the US election and political state at the moment, as well as the way I view religious fundamentalists. I love the way he describes religion in the song.


"Oh, their religions are the best,

They worship themselves yet they're totally obsessed

With risen zombies, celestial virgins, magic tricks,

These unbelievable outfits,

And they get terribly upset

When you question their sacred texts

Written by women-hating epileptics"


The "risen zombies" seems to be in reference to the people that Jesus raises from the dead in the Bible, like Lazarus, who are ultimately zombies, in a sense, who are then raised back to life, and the "celestial virgin" is obviously a reference to Mother Mary, who somehow conceives the Son of God despite having no intimate relationships, and the "magic tracks" is probably about all of the miracles that Jesus is able to do, like walking on water, turning water into wine, and so on. Although some people might find it to be an offensive mockery of the Christian religion, I actually find it a very interesting way to view the religion, associating it with mystical and magical fairytale imagery. The way that he describes the religion really does make you question how on earth people actually believe these things literally occurred at some point in time. Being raised a Christian myself, I have always wondered how people blindly believed a book written over 2000 years ago by unknown people, who supported slavery, stoned people for adultery, for being gay, supported the patriarchy which prevented women's rights, and so on. I understand that Christianity has progressed from these archaic perspectives, thankfully, but it's still odd that people are willing to defend every single passage, even though many of them were written regarding a time far from our own, which is why I also love the line about questioning their texts. In my view, it's important that we question everything, rather than blindly believing in something that could all just be a made-up fantasy.

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can't wait for his new album that's gonna be released on my birthday by the way !

i think lyrics/video are john lennon-ish and i'm so into that :defeated: :defeated: :defeated:


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Everything I heard so far sounds like he took the best music aspects of ILYH and made something even better with it. My favourite is Pure Comedy, the video and the song are equally incredible. I'm really excited to hear the album as a whole now, this is starting beautifully


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Literally every song from this album so far is fantastic in my opinion. I've seen a lot of comments from users on this forum saying he's "overrated" and "pretentious" and a whole other heap of insults, but from what I am hearing of his music, I don't really know where these comments are coming from. I'm starting to wonder whether any of these naysayers have even heard a song from FJM. The lyrics in each of these songs are brilliant, they're so philosophical and thought-provoking.

I personally love how in "Two Wildly Different Perspectives" you can apply the lyrics to both liberalism and conservatism, depending on your interpretation. And the repetition of "on both sides" seems to reiterate that theory. I like how in that song he makes a statement about both liberal and conservative ideologies as it seems more balanced and objective in a sense, analyzing the thought processes of both the parties. 


And the melody in "The Ballad of the Dying Man" is just heavenly. I love how he uses his higher register in the refrain, and the ending melodies are just beautiful.


I'm really excited for this album based on the songs we've heard so far, and as a new fan, I'm going to have to look into his other material now to see what I think. 

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I pre ordered the Deluxe vinyl which is a copper colored vinyl and it comes with a 7" of Real Love Baby which is one of my favorite songs to date. I'm so excited  :toofunny:



He always puts so much effort into his packaging and store and merch (i.e. ILYH's tri-colored vinyl & the 7" heart shaped vinyl, and PC's copper colored vinyl and bonus 7"). Honestly Lana should take notes

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Literally every song from this album so far is fantastic in my opinion. I've seen a lot of comments from users on this forum saying he's "overrated" and "pretentious" and a whole other heap of insults, but from what I am hearing of his music, I don't really know where these comments are coming from. I'm starting to wonder whether any of these naysayers have even heard a song from FJM. The lyrics in each of these songs are brilliant, they're so philosophical and thought-provoking.


I personally love how in "Two Wildly Different Perspectives" you can apply the lyrics to both liberalism and conservatism, depending on your interpretation. And the repetition of "on both sides" seems to reiterate that theory. I like how in that song he makes a statement about both liberal and conservative ideologies as it seems more balanced and objective in a sense, analyzing the thought processes of both the parties. 


And the melody in "The Ballad of the Dying Man" is just heavenly. I love how he uses his higher register in the refrain, and the ending melodies are just beautiful.


I'm really excited for this album based on the songs we've heard so far, and as a new fan, I'm going to have to look into his other material now to see what I think.


I'm with you on that. He does get waaaay too much hate, I just think some people like to hop on the bandwagon to fit in with everyone else's opinions.


I love his lyrics too. I particularly love the lines in ILYH 'unless we're getting high on the mattress/while the global market crashes' makes me think of John Lennon and Yoko, LOL. Also 'the neighbours are complaining/that the misanthropes next door are probably conceiving a Damian' now those lines made me laugh.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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