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Charli XCX

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girls night out is the 4th track on new music friday UK and the fucking 40th track on new music friday US behind the chainsmokers, chris brown, logic, 6ix9ine, mac miller and kenny chesney smfh 

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girls night out is the 4th track on new music friday UK and the fucking 40th track on new music friday US behind the chainsmokers, chris brown, logic, 6ix9ine, mac miller and kenny chesney smfh 

I lost brain cells reading this list

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..what the fuck? we can't like good songs...? girl shut the fuck up and never say anything like that again LMFAO, you probably listen to Boom Clap (a good song, but mainstream af) and think everything else of Charli's is nasty. 


don't you stan kpop? go listen to LOONA

this makes no sense since i was just trashing the mainstream sound but go off i guess.anyways


.BUY GIRLS NIGHT OUT FUCK STREAMING  donate the coin used monthly to stream spotify/apple music to buying a charli album/mixtape

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Whenever I see someone mention the 2016/2017 incarnation of XCX3, it feels like I'm reading about an urban legend/myth in such a weird way that's hard to describe. It's like... I yearn for something that never really existed, and it only properly exists in Charli's mind. It's trippy and sad.

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