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You know when you’re at a charli concert and you’re in the pit and you hear the start of vroom vroom or shake it or some other song that goes kinda hard and you’re like oh shit here we go and you brace yourself for wrestle mania, I can’t wait for that horrendous “good god here it comes” feeling when I hear anthems intro at her first show after all this crap


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Best: If I’m being objective it’s visions but if I’m making it personal It’s detonate.


Worst: I hate to pick any but maybe pink diamond.


It’s all so strong, though. I don’t dislike any moment of it.

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For me, the weaker parts of this album aren't found by looking at songs themselves, but elements of them. Weakest moments in my opinion:


1. Pink Dimaond's gutter quality mixing

2. Anthem's botched vacuum sealed sounding mix

3. The volume of the synth's throughout 7 Year's first verse

4. The muddiness of Forever


But besides this, the album is literally perfect. On par with POP2 for my favorite ever Charli project  :party:

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For me, the weaker parts of this album aren't found by looking at songs themselves, but elements of them. Weakest moments in my opinion:


1. Pink Dimaond's gutter quality mixing

2. Anthem's botched vacuum sealed sounding mix

3. The volume of the synth's throughout 7 Year's first verse

4. The muddiness of Forever


But besides this, the album is literally perfect. On par with POP2 for my favorite ever Charli project  :party:

Yeah the production/mixing is definitely more unpolished than her other works in the past years. And I was holding off on complaining about the synths in 7 years but damn they are ear jarring lol. I love 7 years but I hope she puts out the stems so that can be adjusted. forever pales in comparison to the rest of the album to me, but maybe it's cos I listened to it so much


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Sucker is a good album, even if it is a little basic. Doing It is one of my all time fav Charli songs. Sucker, Gold Coins, Famous, Caught in the Middle, and Need Ur Luv are also great. I just see it for what it is; a loud, fun, immature, cute, pop album.

Charli is also a good album. Though I feel like it has high highs and low lows. Imo it starts off really strong, then kinda loses its momentum after Click, but then regains it toward the end. 

Even though i think both albums are great, I agree that they pale in comparison to the rest of her discography. 


As for my rankings for HIFN:

best: p4u

worst: i finally understand

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now that its been 5 days and I have basically the whole thing memorized front to back, I think I can confidently say this really is her best work?

I agree with other users that the lack of collabs makes this SO refreshing from her last 3 projects.


I think it's like if Pop 2 had a sexier and more vulnerable older sister that fully did a shit ton of ketamine. The distortion/production elements are so next level here, she and her producers are always topping themselves. 


I am in awe of how beautiful & real Detonate is, i'm in a situation exactly like these lyrics rn and it's just speaking to me.

What I'm NOT okay with is the slander of 7 years and c2.0????? I think those are both sooo good, 7 years is in my top 3 favs. it deserves praiseeeee!


my ranking is as follows~


1) detonate

2) forever

3) party 4 u

4) anthems

5) 7 years

6) claws

7) c2.0

8)I finally understand

9) pink diamond

10) visions

11) enemy

"7 years is in my top 3 favs. it deserves praiseeeee!"..  ranks it  #5  :lmao:

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sucker is really not good. like its genuinely one of the worst records ive heard and yes im including britney jean in that. i actually unstanned when it was released and didn't restan until post VV. charli is a little too polished and muddled, POP2 is her best work but HIFN is very close second


also party 4 u...kinda doesnt fit on the record

WTF? sucker is amazing. y’all are so annoying

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"so it’s an opportunity to try loads of things we’ve never done before, with an artist we really trust and have a great relationship with and to see where it leads"


quote from co-president of atlantic, ed howard, on HIFN

i want to believe it...

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Honestly if Sucker didn't have those "Edgy tween" lyrics (I don't wanna go to school, i just wanna break the rules...) I feel like it would be way more appreciated in this fandom, because if you're in the mood for cheesy 90s teen movie soundtrack (Jawbreaker, Clueless,...), this album is really great

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Honestly if Sucker didn't have those "Edgy tween" lyrics (I don't wanna go to school, i just wanna break the rules...) I feel like it would be way more appreciated in this fandom, because if you're in the mood for cheesy 90s teen movie soundtrack (Jawbreaker, Clueless,...), this album is really great

That's why I love to be bilingual. I can choose to not understand the lyrics, If that makes sense. I can sing along without focusing on It

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To be fair I can listen to sucker as it’s own body of work, it’s seems so detached from who she is now it’s almost like listening to a completely different artist, body of my own and London queen are still bops when you’re in the mood


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