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SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"

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I pretty much am sitting on this song for now.

Do I LOVE IT and want to repeat it 800 times in a row like I did when West Coast came out? Not really. The tempo-change in West Coast really hooked me.

But do I HATE IT? No, not at all. I think that maybe this song will make more sense when we hear the entire album as a package.




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Four full listens and I'm warming to it. Man she just keeps getting slower!  I like the fact that she's still a maverick, and her competition (whoever we think they are) are probably scratching their heads right now wondering if they need to worry (assuming they cared enough to listen). I think there is enough technically interesting stuff in this song (not to mention the vocals and emotionality) that this is not a case of the "emperor's new clothes" or more appropriately the "wool of the king". It's nowhere near a single in character, which makes it courageous. A whole album like this would make an interesting niche album (anybody remember Elvis Costello's North?), but would it commercially succeed (and in which genre)?  


However, this gives me hope there will be substantial variety on the album:

from her HM IG comment:

"... there are so many other tracks on the record, 13 others to be exact- Some with a muddy trap energy and some inspired by late-night Miles Davis drives… But I love this song because it encapsulates all of the things that come naturally to me. "

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She has bare feet.

So basically it's not the lead single since she said that there will be glass slippers on the lead single music video.


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@@slang Elvis Costello's North great album

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Not that it matters but from the articles I've read tonight most of the music press/blog sites seem pretty impressed by Honeymoon :)


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pre-chorus part is from Shrek  :toofunny:


lmaoooo that's 2 much. damn i knew shrek OST was awesome but i forgot about that score *dls*


anyway, like most lana tracks there was no instant appeal for me. A few listens later though and i'm feeling it. I really enjoy the jazz kinda vibes, esp in the second half. This makes me really really excited for her Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood cover. Weakest aspect of the song is the lyrics. I was trying to withhold judgement on them till hearing them sung, but there's still a few lines that are really obviously clunky and just not very good. 8/10.


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What really sticks out to me is the strings. They have this kind of Lee Hazelwood vibe about them. The song is very simple, feathery and light. She sounds younger, too. At this point in her career, I don't expect anything new or experimental from her. She's in a very comfortable place. As much as I would love for her to take a risk with it, I know that the chances of it happening are slim. One thing I've always liked about her, especially her voice in this song, was how unintentional creepy she is. The video snippets reminded me of those homemade videos of women who go missing (also pretty interesting when you think about the Honeymoon theme) which kind of gives off the whole trouble in paradise kind of feel. My favorite moment in the song is when she croons out "cruise" and the background vocals come swooning in, and the whole "dreaming away your life" in the end.

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Why is literally no one talking about the first say you want me too? :defeated:


Edit: Oh and I was RIGHT! This is a chamber pop progressive folk masterpiece and @@naachoboy didn't trust me :defeated:

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I liked HM better than I thought I would. These strings are cinematographic and bring me feelings like from an old violent movie. The fact she posted in her personal YT account is cause it's just a ~lyric video~ imo, like she did with the teasers for Tropico...


One thing I've always liked about her, especially her voice in this song, was how unintentional creepy she is.

That's what I mean.

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Funny feelings on this. It's a gorgeous, morphine-drenched waltz, but there's definitely trouble lurking underneath. (I agree re: creepy vibes, but with Lana nothing is unintentional, and I truly believe that horror is one of her unspoken influences. I can totally see her worshipping films like "Eyes Without a Face" and "Persona.")


It's just a tad TOO much like the post-WWII 40s and 50s vocal pop I learned my grandparents as a kid. Stuff like Vera Lynn, or Connie Francis, minus something truly memorable meaning or hook to cling onto. Maybe that will change for me. Bridges and outro are my highlight.




SO excited for the album, though.

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Love love love it  :D Can't wait to get my sister really high then suddenly play this song and scare the shit out of her (she thinks Lana's slow songs like Once Upon A Dream are terrifying) so I'll have fun  :flutter:

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