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Honeymoon Sales

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  On 10/15/2015 at 3:05 PM, graham4anything said:

Thank God Lana isn't Taylor Swift

If Lana were Taylor Swift, she wouldn't have to copy Lana to be Taylor Swift as Taylor copied Lana to have a new style and song (not to mention Taylor actually did not only fuck her way to the top and then rat out every guy by name she actualy had a mega mega

rich father buy her the charts (and she herself changed the way country music charted to please her.)


I can't stand Taylor Swift but that is patently false about 'sleeping her way to the top' and it sounds sexist too. She just wrote about her relationships and banked on the publicity around them to sell those particular songs but she has not relied on that and she can write, even though I think her music is generally shit. The other stuff about her rich fam is true though, lol. 


Anyway what I took from that quote was that Lana selling 109K in the first week, that is EXCELLENT as even reaching 500K IN A YEAR is like brilliant for major pop artists. Lana isn't one of those and isn't marketed to be like that either.    

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I didn't mean it to be sexist... because for one thing, sleeping to the top isn't only for girls, boys do it too the casting couch in Hollywood goes all ways as does the music industry

(in the past it was covered up more, but the stories are legendary for males).


but one person who didn't was Lana even though she sardonically titled her barb at Lorde "I fucked my way to the top" and wasn't even talking about sex but really about name dropping

and style stealing which is what my Taylor reference was more about.

(so the statement was based on Lana's song)


Yes, it is great sales total Lana is getting, and higher than just about anyone who aren't going for #1 catchy pop hits or rap hits (btw, I only realized yesterday, Drake actually never had a #1 single

in the USA at all where he was the star of the record (think he had one where he was only featured (with Rihanna).


and Lana has a core group of fans she can keep reaching for the next 40 years, because really one only needs to sell about 10,000 to 20,000 independently to keep going forever just by

having an active social media where one tweet or instagram lets people know something new is up to listen to

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Those fans won't always be there for her if she seems so apathetic or if she continues to sabotage her own career by refusing to do interviews, refusing to let the BBC film her during her live Maida Vale session, effectively barring media from her tour, minimal social media interaction and refusing to do any televised performances.


Its been OK so far because the music has been good. However, if she releases a sub-par album and continues in this fashion, I would not be surprised to see her fan base dramatically abandon her.


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  On 10/16/2015 at 4:05 PM, leaked_version said:

Her songs deserve better. They deserve to be heard by more people because they are that good. She wastes her time by writing her songs and than just abandoning them. Without showcasing, it means they will never reach their full potential. A shame.

I guess she doesnt really care about people hearing her music, she said she was selfish and she writes for her. 

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While I understand the desire for a favorite artist to create more art, and the hope that other people will enjoy and be enriched by the music you enjoy, I don't understand the almost pathological obsession by some here with sales figures, promo for promo's sake (or merely for the sake of stimulating sales), or needing your listening choices validated by the general public's purchasing decisions.


Also, aside from the possibility of not recouping an excessive budget (which seems extremely unlikely here), any metric by which an album that went to #2 on the Billboard 200-- a feat achieved by only 36 musicians on the entire planet the previous year-- would be considered a "flop" is kind of absurd.





Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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  On 10/16/2015 at 5:43 PM, evilentity said:

While I understand the desire for a favorite artist to create more art, and the hope that other people will enjoy and be enriched by the music you enjoy, I don't understand the almost pathological obsession by some here with sales figures, promo for promo's sake (or merely for the sake of stimulating sales), or needing your listening choices validated by the general public's purchasing decisions. Also, aside from the possibility of not recouping an excessive budget (which seems extremely unlikely here), any metric by which an album that went to #2 on the Billboard 200-- a feat achieved by only 36 musicians on the entire planet the previous year-- would be considered a "flop" is kind of absurd. jZigJwQ.png

it went #2 but fell off from the charts inmediatly

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Some here still confuse positions with numbers.


Honestly, maybe it is not even Lana's fault. Maybe it is just Interscope / Polydor. If they wanted her to promote because they see potential in her albums doing great, she would have to promote, trust me. But maybe they see no reason for it. She has pointed out and already twice (for Paradise and UV respectively) that they complained that she didn't give them a single, so therefor no chance to push her on pop radio or place her on certain programs.


I mentioned Tori Amos in another thread a few weeks ago. A highly respected artist at her peak in the 1990's and early 2000's who was always making music for the sake of art, but she also promoted and toured a lot. Often a whole year. She released a book a few years ago and mentioned  how Atlantic Records forced her to promote her material despite having her third miscarriage two weeks earlier. And despite the fact that they told her years before that they kept her under contract and unableing her to leave just because they wanted her to get too old to get any relevance back or a chance to be signed by another label. She always refused to make her music more radio friendly and her label simply opted to basically enslave her for years and years. She quick-released three records in a row and managed to fulfil her contract and leave.

For years, they also paid radio stations to play other artists music who were signed to Atlantic Records and offering her tour tickets for free despite her shows always selling out  regardless. Needless to say they never paid them to play her material or even sending it out.


The games that get played in the music business behind the scenes are quite dirty.

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  On 10/16/2015 at 6:21 PM, naachoboy said:

it went #2 but fell off from the charts inmediatly

As I'm sure a number of the albums that hit #1 or #2 do. It's still a pretty exclusive club.


  On 10/16/2015 at 6:59 PM, leaked_version said:

Some here still confuse positions with numbers.

I'm not confusing them, but some here seize on irrelevancies to the point being made. Even if "Honeymoon" is the worst performing #2 of the year, the amount of sales required to achieve that feat, even in the worst sales week of the year for the industry, is still a significant amount of sales, and still places it in pretty exclusive company.


The only way "Honeymoon" can be considered a "flop" is if you had unrealistic expectations to begin with.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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  On 10/16/2015 at 7:25 PM, evilentity said:

As I'm sure a number of the albums that hit #1 or #2 do. It's still a pretty exclusive club.


I'm not confusing them, but some here seize on irrelevancies to the point being made. Even if "Honeymoon" is the worst performing #2 of the year, the amount of sales required to achieve that feat, even in the worst sales week of the year for the industry, is still a significant amount of sales, and still places it in pretty exclusive company.


The only way "Honeymoon" can be considered a "flop" is if you had unrealistic expectations to begin with.

Its a flop tbh, its doing worse than UV with better music videos, but with less hype.

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Lana is a major alternative superstar who is not going for #1 singles.


every single album released by a major star has their best week the first week and sales drop every single week.

Once one starts at #1 or #2, there is no place to go but further down.


If one knows accounting and margins, Lana probably brings home far more profit, than someone who is out on the road 52 weeks a year, releases ONE album every five years

and owes the record company millions of dollars and is soon broke (necessitating again and again that they have to continue doing that thinking they will break even one year

when in fact they never do as the record company is never paid back, same with the vast majority of sport ball players who command $100 million dollar contracts, but in the end,

owe $150million and don't realize it.



Me thinks Leaked-verision is jealous of Lana.

Being that Lana is able to condense her career and still have a life, is rich, lives in a beautiful home, has a great boyfriend,

a great father and mother and brother and sister. Her sister becoming more and more a star in her own right.

Lana has friends and is part of a revolution in music.

And, not only that, has a separate life enjoying things most regular people don't even understand.

And, when she wants someone to know she is outside, she lets people know.
When she doesn't, she is living her life.


Very selfish to demand someone give up their life just to please them with a video.


BTW- how many kids read TS Eliot today? because of Lana I have been reading his poems. Therefore, 50 years after TS Eliot died, people are discovering his poems.

Same with Nina Simone. Honestly, how many Lana fans never heard of Nina before last year? If only a few percent went and listened to other music, (and one can tell because look at any

Youtube and there are hundreds of comments "Lana brought me here".


Lana is bigger than her record company.

Interscope needs her more than she needs them.


btw- Tori Amos never had a #1 album. Lana has had a #1 album and two #2 albums


Tori Amos' chart singles in her 1991-current career are as follows- the following is a list of all the songs that charted & their position in order-




that's it.

Tori had 15 songs on the Top 100 in the US and bubbling under charts.


Lana already has 10 including her duet with Weeknd, which she also co-wrote, and if it is released as a single (that is up to Weeknd and his people and has nothing to do with her), it will being how popular he is, go to #1.


Lana with no major going for airplay has the following chart action

91-22-6-17-79-70-51-47(duet with weekend, plus 3 bubbling under for a total of 11 charters 


So compared to Tori, Lana has gone higher on both the album and CD charts and one can say, Lana has had chart action since 2011 and Tori since 1990.

And Tori is still around.


Show me one person who writes both the music and lyrics, and produces, who doesn't go for singles, and is female, who ever has done better and sold better? There is no one.



me thinks people are jealous. May she never change.

as Lana herself wrote-

"And if you don't like it, you can beat it, beat it baby"


What fuckin' audacity to see the hate is still going strong.


btw leaked-version--- do you consider Matraca Berg a failure? or Dean Dillon? to take two out of there examples. (and I use both as examples to prove a point).

A failure is someone who calls Lana Del Rey's Honeymoon a failure.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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@@leaked_version I've been trying to avoid saying this but I can't hold back any longer: seriously, what is your problem? Honestly, are you only here to argue against people who don't agree with your opinion what is clearly the only true way to see things? "Honeymoon is a flop and if you say otherwise you're wrong. TBD isn't a career highlight because I SAID SO (but I'll pass it off as sarcasm later when I'm getting hate for it)." You're so negative - can you not say something positive without tacking something negative onto the end? What the fuck is your problem? This is a place where we discuss Lana, one of our favourite artists. I honestly think (bare in mind I've only been on the boards for ~ 2 months) that you're like the anomaly in a science experiment that drags all of the data down (except you're the negativity that drags the positivity of this otherwise lovely community). Have you always been like this? Do you genuinely spend your time on the LanaBoards (pretty much 8 months out of the past ~ 2 years) contradicting everyone and trying to get them to see your opinion the only way things can be interpreted? Maybe I'm just extremely naive and you're the biggest troll in the history of forever, but I think the moment I realised you weren't was when you told me that Lana was a pop singer signed to a major label. That's honestly the most vague thing you could ever say. That's the same as saying Lana's a fish in an ocean. If you genuinely spend all of your time in these forums slating Lana, you seriously need to evaluate what you spend your time doing.

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  On 10/16/2015 at 10:29 PM, joshuasean2900 said:

@@leaked_version I've been trying to avoid saying this but I can't hold back any longer: seriously, what is your problem? Honestly, are you only here to argue against people who don't agree with your opinion what is clearly the only true way to see things? "Honeymoon is a flop and if you say otherwise you're wrong. TBD isn't a career highlight because I SAID SO (but I'll pass it off as sarcasm later when I'm getting hate for it)." You're so negative - can you not say something positive without tacking something negative onto the end? What the fuck is your problem? This is a place where we discuss Lana, one of our favourite artists. I honestly think (bare in mind I've only been on the boards for ~ 2 months) that you're like the anomaly in a science experiment that drags all of the data down (except you're the negativity that drags the positivity of this otherwise lovely community). Have you always been like this? Do you genuinely spend your time on the LanaBoards (pretty much 8 months out of the past ~ 2 years) contradicting everyone and trying to get them to see your opinion the only way things can be interpreted? Maybe I'm just extremely naive and you're the biggest troll in the history of forever, but I think the moment I realised you weren't was when you told me that Lana was a pop singer signed to a major label. That's honestly the most vague thing you could ever say. That's the same as saying Lana's a fish in an ocean. If you genuinely spend all of your time in these forums slating Lana, you seriously need to evaluate what you spend your time doing.

To make a long answer pretty short: who the fuck are you? We discuss everything Lana. Sales and charts are a topic here, not started by me. If you can't handle the heat, stay out.

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  On 10/16/2015 at 7:25 PM, evilentity said:

As I'm sure a number of the albums that hit #1 or #2 do. It's still a pretty exclusive club.


I'm not confusing them, but some here seize on irrelevancies to the point being made. Even if "Honeymoon" is the worst performing #2 of the year, the amount of sales required to achieve that feat, even in the worst sales week of the year for the industry, is still a significant amount of sales, and still places it in pretty exclusive company.


The only way "Honeymoon" can be considered a "flop" is if you had unrealistic expectations to begin with.

Look, you are the type of guy who will hunt down every quote, every rarity, everything interesting, dig it out of the net and post it, which is a great contribution to this fandom.


And I am the type of guy who likes some statistics and stuff. It's not important to the actual art to what you listen to now as an outcome, the album, however it is also a part of being a recording artist and does impact if the artist will be able to continue making their art. At least in the way we know her to do it.

As a fan, I am also interested in that aspect since it affects the future. I love following trends, sales, basically everything around it. It does not change my opinion about the music, even if some get that impression.


Her music has not declined in terms of quality, her music has not become too-far-out. She is not making stuff like FKA Twigs for instance. And the decline in sales in general, is also not an explanation. I am sorry, but this is the sales thread, so it makes sense to point that out. 

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  On 10/16/2015 at 10:32 PM, leaked_version said:

To make a long answer pretty short: who the fuck are you? We discuss everything Lana. Sales and charts are a topic here, not started by me. If you can't handle the heat, stay out.

You don't discuss though, that's the thing. You argue, you contradict and you slate. There's no heat here, you're just argumentative and want to get your point across a million times with a million different reasons because, clearly, you think your opinion means a ton more than the rest of ours do. If there is any heat, you're creating it. If you want to make my (not actually that) long answer short, I never said once "who the fuck are you", I asked what your negativity problem is. If anything, you've just proved my point because you haven't actually answered the question I posed to you.

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