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She really was the vision of trans excellence in art, such a huge loss to our community in every way I'm gutted man


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I’m having a real hard time accepting the news, like it still hasn’t settled in that she passed away. This is a set back for the music industry, like I truly believe that this girl was about to change the whole music industry with her sound (esp. with the transnation tracks). I’m also mad that in a way she wasn’t celebrated enough during her lifetime. It’ just cluster of emotions that I’m feeling rn and I just want this to be a bad dream or even a sick joke...

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2 minutes ago, monsterdino said:

I’m having a real hard time accepting the news, like it still hasn’t settled in that she passed away. This is a set back for the music industry, like I truly believe that this girl was about to change the whole music industry with her sound (esp. with the transnation tracks). I’m also mad that in a way she wasn’t celebrated enough during her lifetime. It’ just cluster of emotions that I’m feeling rn and I just want this to be a bad dream or even a sick joke...

Omg I think this too.

She has always been casted out in a way or another. XCX World being scrapped for the lack of trust in her sound, Nothing is Promised and the Rihanna tracks too, her production on Bitch I'm Madonna and 1,2,3 Days Up being  overshadowed by other safer producers, and lastly, all her work on Chromatica (that would've been her trampoline to mainstream) completely trashed in favor of Bloodpop basicness.


Now it's too late, even if a postume project ever comes out :poordat:

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it’s really a strange feeling when one of the girls dies. it happens so irregularly and it really faces you with your own mortality. the kind of emotions that come from a situation like this are really complex. i’m really sorry to all of her really big fans, i wish we could bring her back.


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1 hour ago, crematorium said:

Since she died in Athens, her death literally sounds like a myth of a girl trying to reach and talk to the moon. I hope she did see what she wanted. Sophie was indeed a goddess. Love her always and forever

Every full moon I will look up to the sky and think about her
Rest in peace Sophie, you changed my life and many others' forever. This is the first time a celebrity's death affected me this way

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1 minute ago, sophiesmom said:

¿maybe we could organize some type of listening party? I feel like SOPHIE's work and SOPHIE herself should be celebrated. 

This! I hope that we get flooded with every type of art inspired by and for Sophie, because she deserves it...if the GP didn't see what we saw in her before, they're gonna notice her now!

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I just can't stop thinking WHY her? Why Sophie? Out of all the awful people walking on this earth why did we have to lose Sophie? Life makes no sense at all, it's so unfair. She is a legend and I can't express how important she was for what she represented in pop music. I just hope she's in a beautiful place right now, she deserves it.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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2 minutes ago, sophiesmom said:

¿maybe we could organize some type of listening party? I feel like SOPHIE's work and SOPHIE herself should be celebrated. 


maybe it's too soon yet, but i have this urge inside that we owe her so much 

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i cant stop crying. until i heard hard and lemonade and bipp for the first time 6 years ago i had never heard anything like it and it changed my perspective on what music can be forever. i cant believe shes no longer with us. such a loss for music and such a loss for our community.

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1 hour ago, crematorium said:

Since she died in Athens, her death literally sounds like a myth of a girl trying to reach and talk to the moon. I hope she did see what she wanted. Sophie was indeed a goddess. Love her always and forever


In my mind the moon itself came to collect her and now Sophie is living as an entity in space, living her best life and floating through the cosmos :poordat:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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6 minutes ago, Cacciatore said:


In my mind the moon itself came to collect her and now Sophie is living as an entity in space, living her best life and floating through the cosmos :poordat:

this is so beautiful.

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