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Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll


342 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Honeymoon?

    • Honeymoon
    • Music to Watch Boys to
    • Terrence Loves You
    • God Knows I Tried
    • High by the Beach
    • Freak
    • Art Deco
    • Burnt Norton
    • Religion
    • Salvatore
    • The Blackest Day
    • 24
    • Swan Song
    • Don't Let Me be Misunderstood

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Lana does not want to be those 24/7/365 all going for the hit record do anything the media asks artists.

She is an A act that people know, but on her own terms. When I keep comparing her to the acts she is like, same people hate my answer but she is like those acts, not like the flavor of the week that next month will be someone else.


She will tour when she wants to, if she wants to.

If she wants to stay in the studio and release stuff just on her own private youtube she will do just that


Sheesh, you know how many millions of people would die to have a number 2 album in America after having had a Number one album?

Every single person that stands in line for the Voice or X Factor or Idol or plays some club on Karaoke night would die to be what Lana is.


and yet some here want her to be something she is not?


I just want to enjoy the ride. And hope the ride lasts forever.


I sincerely congratulate Lana on her #2 album and there is nobody else that would have beaten Drake this week. Face it.

and I also congratulate Ryan Adams for his 1989 album. And Father John Misty for his quickly removed take off on it.

It's a tribute to Lana in the first place that Taylor made 1989 even if she won't admit it or give Lana a writing credit.


and congratulations to Lana on her duet with Weeknd which she co-wrote and if Weeknd decides to release it as an official single, being that he is so hot now, it will be a #1 song

in spite of it all. (and congratulaitions to Lana on hitting #16 on the R&B/HipHop chart, the only white singer on that chart two weeks ago.


Don't let the bastards get you down ever Lana.

can yall stop with these thousand word comments :awkney2:

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My favourite thing about being a Lana fan is that she's just fucking effortlessly cool.


She doesn't need to make a spectacle of herself on awards shows and talk shows to maintain her career and the media's interest in her.

She doesn't have a godawful cheap-ass perfume, line of clothes, shoes or accessories to extend her 'brand' (ugh).

No terrible, ill-fitting, cringey collaborations with lesser 'singers' to boost her exposure. 

She doesn't smize desperately from every magazine cover and saturate the media with her presence, until everyone's sick of her and willing her to fail.

She's just cool. And seems like a genuinely nice person. And she maintains integrity in the work she does.


OT, Honeymoon is perfect. I'm so pleased she has made no attempt to take a more accessible, radio- or chart-friendly approach.


I love being a fan. 

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I am actually very surprised that Lanz has been in 4 major cities of this earth, and M&G's with not a single pap photo. Thats weird to me.

There used to be half dozen paps running after her everytime she walked in or out of a airport even..let alone all she's done in the past 2 weeks.

Not one photo.


c'mon photogs give us a few real clips or pics even..

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I want to share some thoughts that I have about HM.


I listened only 3 times in full since the album came out. The songs are humming in my head but it’s kind of hard for me to listen to the album in its entirety. It’s just wears me down emotionally. I still think that it’s a better album than UV. But while being just as depressive as UV, HM ads a layer that makes it a very difficult listen: the detachment in her delivery combined with the permeating sadness just numbs me emotionally. This detachment is strangely doubled down by the cover art (and for some reason and can’t get it out of my head) and creates a distance between me and her that is hard to gap while listening to the album.


I think that HM is the final stop on a journey of expressing her depression. It has to be, because I cannot imagine another album from her in the same vein that will gather any interest and I’m convinced that will kill her career for good. I didn’t read the reviews in the first few days because I didn’t want to spoil my experience with the album. I read all the reviews now and I have the impression that the scores are better than the actual evaluation of the album. I have a feeling that HM will be quickly forgot and will not be on the best album lists at the end of the year. UV had a better evaluation despite the lower score. So HM appears to be an album that is in the wrong middle section: dismal sales and mediocre reviews that will hasten its fade. Everybody, critics and fans alike, are polite towards the album but they are basically bored. I preferred the passionate bashings of BTD to these non-invested pieces about HM.


From her public appearances she seems like someone who woke up to some harsh reality, she’s cute and kind with her fans, ready to please them, but she totally lost her cool factor, that specific glamour that made her so intriguing from the beginning. When I saw her wearing them same ugly sandals in LA, I remembered all the public occasions from the past 2-3 years when she seemed to be in a competition for the worst dressed every time. This “I don’t care attitude” unfortunately translated in her interviews and music too and created a bad karma around her that translated in indifference towards her, reflected in the bad sales of HM. I have the feeling that she didn’t appreciated enough that 1% of magic that the music gods blessed her with, that differentiates her from the 99% of the musicians who live their life and art in obscurity. If you lose that you lose everything and even if I don’t think that she lost that magic yet she’s on route to lose it if she doesn’t change something.


So, I listened again to her performance at the BBC1. HBTB was bad and the rest was mediocre. Her voice is trembling and weak, she’s still unprepared and afraid to perform live. She even lost her voice for a moment during TLY. Her stupid smoking shtick is affecting her vocals and this is a part of that “I don’t care attitude that is becoming so jarring now. Her songs are lushly produced and half of them have layered vocals so she needs to rework them to be viable for live singing. It’s doable but she needs to put more effort in to it as she clearly needs a vocal coach. She’s not a natural performer but after 4 years at this level it’s imperative for her to have at least some stage presence and to be able to express emotionally her music on stage. She has no excuses anymore in that department. The only way that she can reverse this negative trend it’s by performing her music boldly. In this way she may reconnect with her fans and with a wider audience. This strategy of throwing out albums on yearly basis and not doing anything significant with your material will not work for her in the future. Sorry for the length 

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I want to share some thoughts that I have about HM.


I listened only 3 times in full since the album came out. The songs are humming in my head but it’s kind of hard for me to listen to the album in its entirety. It’s just wears me down emotionally. I still think that it’s a better album than UV. But while being just as depressive as UV, HM ads a layer that makes it a very difficult listen: the detachment in her delivery combined with the permeating sadness just numbs me emotionally. This detachment is strangely doubled down by the cover art (and for some reason and can’t get it out of my head) and creates a distance between me and her that is hard to gap while listening to the album.


I think that HM is the final stop on a journey of expressing her depression. It has to be, because I cannot imagine another album from her in the same vein that will gather any interest and I’m convinced that will kill her career for good. I didn’t read the reviews in the first few days because I didn’t want to spoil my experience with the album. I read all the reviews now and I have the impression that the scores are better than the actual evaluation of the album. I have a feeling that HM will be quickly forgot and will not be on the best album lists at the end of the year. UV had a better evaluation despite the lower score. So HM appears to be an album that is in the wrong middle section: dismal sales and mediocre reviews that will hasten its fade. Everybody, critics and fans alike, are polite towards the album but they are basically bored. I preferred the passionate bashings of BTD to these non-invested pieces about HM.


From her public appearances she seems like someone who woke up to some harsh reality, she’s cute and kind with her fans, ready to please them, but she totally lost her cool factor, that specific glamour that made her so intriguing from the beginning. When I saw her wearing them same ugly sandals in LA, I remembered all the public occasions from the past 2-3 years when she seemed to be in a competition for the worst dressed every time. This “I don’t care attitude” unfortunately translated in her interviews and music too and created a bad karma around her that translated in indifference towards her, reflected in the bad sales of HM. I have the feeling that she didn’t appreciated enough that 1% of magic that the music gods blessed her with, that differentiates her from the 99% of the musicians who live their life and art in obscurity. If you lose that you lose everything and even if I don’t think that she lost that magic yet she’s on route to lose it if she doesn’t change something.


So, I listened again to her performance at the BBC1. HBTB was bad and the rest was mediocre. Her voice is trembling and weak, she’s still unprepared and afraid to perform live. She even lost her voice for a moment during TLY. Her stupid smoking shtick is affecting her vocals and this is a part of that “I don’t care attitude that is becoming so jarring now. Her songs are lushly produced and half of them have layered vocals so she needs to rework them to be viable for live singing. It’s doable but she needs to put more effort in to it as she clearly needs a vocal coach. She’s not a natural performer but after 4 years at this level it’s imperative for her to have at least some stage presence and to be able to express emotionally her music on stage. She has no excuses anymore in that department. The only way that she can reverse this negative trend it’s by performing her music boldly. In this way she may reconnect with her fans and with a wider audience. This strategy of throwing out albums on yearly basis and not doing anything significant with your material will not work for her in the future. Sorry for the length


Yeah, nah.


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I still love it but I don't want to listen to it because it makes me sad. I'm sick of being sad all the time. Why can't someone put out fun/happy music?

I don't expect lana to do it just another one of my faves to do it.

That's the reason why I love Lana because she's so sad and sweet.


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I still love it but I don't want to listen to it because it makes me sad. I'm sick of being sad all the time. Why can't someone put out fun/happy music?

I don't expect lana to do it just another one of my faves to do it.

That's the reason why I love Lana because she's so sad and sweet.

I don't understand. Songs like Honeymoon, MTWBT, Art Deco, Religion and Freak make you sad?  None of those songs are sad, not even a little.

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I still love it but I don't want to listen to it because it makes me sad. I'm sick of being sad all the time. Why can't someone put out fun/happy music?

I don't expect lana to do it just another one of my faves to do it.

That's the reason why I love Lana because she's so sad and sweet.

Yeah, I get you. She is going to change with her next album. Who else do you enjoy that puts out upbeat music? I'm really excited for Janet Jackson's newie with the latest bop. I still love the album and it doesn't affect me like you but if I'm down, it's not the best to listen to.

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Yeah, I get you. She is going to change with her next album. Who else do you enjoy that puts out upbeat music? I'm really excited for Janet Jackson's newie with the latest bop. I still love the album and it doesn't affect me like you but if I'm down, it's not the best to listen to.

I only look forward to Katy, Colbie and JoJo next year to give me upbeat songs. I don't think the others will deliver it.

I don't understand. Songs like Honeymoon, MTWBT, Art Deco, Religion and Freak make you sad?  None of those songs are sad, not even a little.

Yes they make me sad. I had a terrible Depression last year and I'm so Glad that it ended. Art Deco reflects all the mistakes I made and the others are sad because I fell in love again and they are about him.


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I dont care what anyone and any critic or stan says or thinks. I LOVE ELIZABETH WOOLRIDGE GRANT. Its beyond the music for me.

much beyond. I hope things work out well and she can do WHAT MAKES HER HAPPY. Be it in the music business as a young god,

or not in it at all. Lizzy's in my soul. Not everyone can control how they are, if you're in the entertainment industry (music), everything

is magnifyed, making the negative aspects of your personallity much much worse. Not everyone can be a fucking music God.

Look what she has done and left us. It is what it is. come heaven or hell.

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I don't understand. Songs like Honeymoon, MTWBT, Art Deco, Religion and Freak make you sad? None of those songs are sad, not even a little.

How on earth is Honeymoon not even a slightly sad song lol even the strings are weeping


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I don't understand. Songs like Honeymoon, MTWBT, Art Deco, Religion and Freak make you sad?  None of those songs are sad, not even a little.



I only look forward to Katy, Colbie and JoJo next year to give me upbeat songs. I don't think the others will deliver it.


Yes they make me sad. I had a terrible Depression last year and I'm so Glad that it ended. Art Deco reflects all the mistakes I made and the others are sad because I fell in love again and they are about him.

Music makes people feel and interpret different things. It's art... and that's what art does.

Even a happy song can make you sad because it can act as a trigger of things that went wrong some point in your life.

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I don't understand. Songs like Honeymoon, MTWBT, Art Deco, Religion and Freak make you sad?  None of those songs are sad, not even a little.


Look at the lyrics


Honeymoon: The relationshp seems to be one between her, who knows it's "not fashinable to love her" and a violent, criminal man, who she herself even calls "Mr. Born To Lose" and who seems to be elusive to her.

The whole song is her being in a quite sh*tty situation, clingin on to the idea of a Honeymoon in order to stay somehow happy because she actually shust wants to escape from everything.


Art Deco is about someone who's super unsure and feels misplaced. The "a little party never killed noone" line seems to be something this person's told even though she's not "feeling" it.


Religion is about her being super-obsessive about a man. it seems there have been struggles in her past, maybe in the past relationship, but she just choses to ignore them now. She's completely dependant on a man. The chorus makes it obvious (lyrically and sonically) that she really may "need" him, but you can judge for yourself how healthy a relationship is if you are really dependant on another person and unable to take a little bit private space. The song may be romantic but it's very unsettling at the same time.


MTWBT .. well ok. However, she seems to be quite ... bitter and it sounds like those "higher" parts in the chorus are just stuff she says to boys because it beölongs to "The Game" and not because she actualyl feels so.


And the Freak ... well, it depends on how you see it. If you consider God Knows I Tried being about the dark side of fame, being attacked by the public and harassed by paparazzis then "all you need is loving me to feel like I do" doesn't seem really like a cool thing isn't it? Oh and the bridge doesn't really sounds like a "healthy" relationship either way ....

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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Look at the lyrics


Honeymoon: The relationshp seems to be one between her, who knows it's "not fashinable to love her" and a violent, criminal man, who she herself even calls "Mr. Born To Lose" and who seems to be elusive to her.

The whole song is her being in a quite sh*tty situation, clingin on to the idea of a Honeymoon in order to stay somehow happy because she actually shust wants to escape from everything.


Art Deco is about someone who's super unsure and feels misplaced. The "a little party never killed noone" line seems to be something this person's told even though she's not "feeling" it.


Religion is about her being super-obsessive about a man. it seems there have been struggles in her past, maybe in the past relationship, but she just choses to ignore them now. She's completely dependant on a man. The chorus makes it obvious (lyrically and sonically) that she really may "need" him, but you can judge for yourself how healthy a relationship is if you are really dependant on another person and unable to take a little bit private space. The song may be romantic but it's very unsettling at the same time.


MTWBT .. well ok. However, she seems to be quite ... bitter and it sounds like those "higher" parts in the chorus are just stuff she says to boys because it beölongs to "The Game" and not because she actualyl feels so.


And the Freak ... well, it depends on how you see it. If you consider God Knows I Tried being about the dark side of fame, being attacked by the public and harassed by paparazzis then "all you need is loving me to feel like I do" doesn't seem really like a cool thing isn't it? Oh and the bridge doesn't really sounds like a "healthy" relationship either way ....

Hmm interesting. I didn't think about the songs in this way. I really like your interpretation of Religion.

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