anwdelrey 9,295 Posted March 21, 2021 7 minutes ago, FredRed said: This is the article she was referencing. I seriously think she has some stability issues. She just released her record and now she puts this post out. I don't know it is so unfortunate to me. She has been very famous for a long time now. I am not saying it's easy but her public outbursts due to her hyper sensitivity may not end well. I feel bad. I genuinely hope she gets some help. Yeah something’s up for sure. I’m thinking something went down pre-qftc because she’s been off since then. And in her Annie Mac interview and this recent IG live she seems very jumpy and medicated. I’m worried for her. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AphroditeBaby 912 Posted March 21, 2021 4 hours ago, Fetish said: Because they're obviously not real friends. They're her token nonwhite friends. All my extremely close friends, and I've seen this in other multiracial friend groups, talk about race and all that shit very freely. True friendship gives an extremely comfortable amount of freedom that would be horrifyingly uncomfortable for 3rd parties unaccustomed to it who witness it. (idk how to phrase this properly) Good friends want to educate you but in a very shitposty 'i love you but you're dumb as shit' way. I can't explain it. I shitpost racial tropes with my friends all the time. Taking the piss out of life while letting your friends know backhandedly you're aware of the particular racism they face. I think Lana is that one white friend we've all had that feigns this fake wokeness so they seem 'sensitive' and 'compassionate' but you wouldn't trust the bitch when the revolution came. But most woke women do this, they're somehow always dating the type of person they proclaim to hate. 'I hate straight white men' but their bf is the straightest whitest man you've ever seen in your life on top of having the matching personality. Back in 2012, did she not have any friends that were like 'Lana, you can't play dress-up with Native American clothing because you painted houses one time at a reservation.' And donating money to them doesn't change anything. White people are always paying folk to let them be racist towards them lmao. 'I'll give you thousands of dollars, let me call you the n word in my funny skit or my pretentious film.' I guess it's better than just racism huh. (Bonus: her 'im not racist, my best friends are rappers' has the same energy as Biden's 'poor kids are just as smart as white kids' Why are they like this lol) I love Lana's music but boy, is she unbelievably mediocre as a person. Being average is fine but she's convinced she's running with the wolves. ? I don't co-sign all of this, but I think it might just be complicated by her fame tbh. Idk anything about her friends really, and its not like all POC are woke etc, but you definitely have a point about like 'true' friendships and what not... at least thats been my experience as I've gotten into my twenties and re-evaluated my old friendships (for context, I am black) Good friends DO want to educate you, especially when you are wrong. And Good Friends can be receptive to that kind of criticism. My problem with the QFTC reception as an onlooker (and one of the most likely unintended consequences of 'cancel culture') is just its efficacy on an individual level. There are people who say and do racist or sexist or problematic things that we can't forgive, and who are malicious and come from a bad place, and there are those who are ignorant - often painfully so, but believe they are coming from a good place. I think Lana is one of the latter, and even though she doubled down during the QFTC debacle about being misunderstood and made it about her, it just made me want her to realize she was wrong, rather than throw her away for being wrong about it. I knew she had friends of color (some were people even mentioned in the post) and while I don't expect all POC to be woke, educate everyone around them all the time mental labor etc., I was just kind of personally hoping she'd have this kind of backlash again but localized from people who actually know her 1 on 1, because she is very very distrusting of media reception, to an unhealthy amount for sure. I don't think she fakes being woke though, I actually think she just doesn't think about that kind of thing at all in the first place and sees herself as a morally upstanding person, which then absolves her of having to think about things. It's privileged and narcissistic (ironically, the thing she says is tearing America/the world apart) but yeah, that's my take. She's like the most millennial in the way she speaks and in her music, but also kind the worst at social media and being informed on news at the same time, its really interesting actually That being said, it + her being rich and famous and surrounded by yes-men might be another reason for a friend who is a POC to like, avoid calling her out. I've had that white friend who like... definitely could be better about certain issues, but I just don't speak up to them because at the end of the day, its taxing for me and we arent *that* close anyway, like I dont think of us as best friends or friends for life or anything. Sincerely hope she has people like that in her life who can be like 'hey girl, this isn't okay and heres why' with total honesty. Anyway, I didn't really stan Lana as a person ever, mostly her music and her story and how its impacted my life personally, so this doesnt really affect me too much, but she's really pushing it. I don't need to stan her as a person, but I do kind need her to be the kind of person who isn't so awful that it makes me want to distance myself from her entirely for my own sake. I totally understand people who have already done that in this last year and who are going to do that in the future. Just hope I'm not one of them! 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anwdelrey 9,295 Posted March 21, 2021 5 hours ago, Fetish said: Because they're obviously not real friends. They're her token nonwhite friends. All my extremely close friends, and I've seen this in other multiracial friend groups, talk about race and all that shit very freely. True friendship gives an extremely comfortable amount of freedom that would be horrifyingly uncomfortable for 3rd parties unaccustomed to it who witness it. (idk how to phrase this properly) Good friends want to educate you but in a very shitposty 'i love you but you're dumb as shit' way. I can't explain it. I shitpost racial tropes with my friends all the time. Taking the piss out of life while letting your friends know backhandedly you're aware of the particular racism they face. I think Lana is that one white friend we've all had that feigns this fake wokeness so they seem 'sensitive' and 'compassionate' but you wouldn't trust the bitch when the revolution came. But most woke women do this, they're somehow always dating the type of person they proclaim to hate. 'I hate straight white men' but their bf is the straightest whitest man you've ever seen in your life on top of having the matching personality. Back in 2012, did she not have any friends that were like 'Lana, you can't play dress-up with Native American clothing because you painted houses one time at a reservation.' And donating money to them doesn't change anything. White people are always paying folk to let them be racist towards them lmao. 'I'll give you thousands of dollars, let me call you the n word in my funny skit or my pretentious film.' I guess it's better than just racism huh. (Bonus: her 'im not racist, my best friends are rappers' has the same energy as Biden's 'poor kids are just as smart as white kids' Why are they like this lol) I love Lana's music but boy, is she unbelievably mediocre as a person. Being average is fine but she's convinced she's running with the wolves. ? Those friends are not friends. They’re jobless LA socialites who cling onto famous people. And they’ll never call Lana out because she’s Lana Del Rey and they’re them lmao. The reason these group of girls are Lana’s “longest-lasting/realest” friends is because they tell her what she likes to hear (I assume). 12 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anwdelrey 9,295 Posted March 21, 2021 I get that she wants to control her narrative or whatever but calling it “revenge” is so corny. Like a few bizarre criticisms doesn’t take away the fact that many critics had very valid criticisms. She needs to just step away from the spotlight and release music. Or don’t. But this lashing out act is so weird to me. 15 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Churchome Rep 3,400 Posted March 21, 2021 Lana’s “best friend” is Chuck when all is said and done. And Chuck is much more socially conscious, so I hope Chuck levels things with her. On her Instagram Live for the chemtrails promo, she mentioned that she made a lot of “personal strides” in the past year. She never reveals a lot so I’m hoping that these strides aren’t like her poetry book but also some introspection. In a way, if Lana stays in her lane of “white girl sad music,” it will be ok. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paradisetropico 8,028 Posted March 21, 2021 imagine how frustrating and suffocating it MUST feel to have the whole entire world think something about you that is not true , simply for wording her post wrong and not expressing herself in the way she wanted. it must feel like living in hell, so y'all should chill out with the whole "SHES UNSTABLE, SHE NEEDS HELP" and let her fucking vent. like, why should she tiptoe around being decimated intentionally by the media????? HAVE YALL FORGOTTEN 2014.... lol 12 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LanaRayDelMar 2,747 Posted March 21, 2021 the damn article was published almost 2 months ago gurl give it up 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
99centlips 8,526 Posted March 21, 2021 something clearly has been going on for a year now. also she went from saying goodbye to social media to “i’m kinda happy” to “i want revenge” in 5 days time. it’s clear she was very nervous about this album reception, and was bracing for bad news. but why drudge up 2 month old article a day after the album release? that article didn’t even mention cocc, wtf is she going on about? i hope she’s getting help for the demons she’s clearly fighting. i hope those around here realize she’s hurting. Spoiler god i know money isn’t everything but i was that rich, i really wouldn’t have a second thought on what journalists trying to get clicks write 12 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rorman Nockwell 57,502 Posted March 21, 2021 My problem with it is that she seems to have taken it out of context. I'm not saying that she's never received unfair criticism, but the part she underlined was not what Harper's was saying. The entire sentence is, "nobody had significantly criticised Lala for "including" people of colour in her upcoming album" and that's true. Very few people (if any) were criticising her album cover because it lacked POC; they were criticising it for being an IG-esque picture of her and her friends. Yes, there probably were some leftover comments from QftC but I didn't see anyone saying "Oh my. There are no POC on this album cover!" anywhere when she posted the album cover (if anyone else did, please quote me). And the comment about Capital (sic) Hill was also really bizarre, because nobody was saying anything about that, either. So basically, she took the general "she's racist/MAGA/trump supporter" comments directed at her after QftC and then acted like people were applying that to her album and its cover, when that simply wasn't the case. SHE made that association, no one else. And before anyone's all oH bUt sHe'S dEfeNsIvE bEcAuSe It'S aLl sO uNfAir, taking article statements out of context like she did today is not the way to solve the problem. 15 Quote ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BluebirdXO 7,679 Posted March 21, 2021 Can we all stop calling a woman mentally instable when she's just exposing her feelings? This screams misogyny I don't agree with her rants and I think that she should put this energy into her music instead of social media, but it's valid. I just wish she had a PR team to post on her professional IG so she could move her rants to a spam account. Or formulate better for the Gods sake. Even though I have this opinion, her feelings are still valid and real. Artists barely have one original point of view nowadays. Everyone is scared of the backlash from cancel culture 20 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rorman Nockwell 57,502 Posted March 21, 2021 2 minutes ago, 99centlips said: something clearly has been going on for a year now. also she went from saying goodbye to social media to “i’m kinda happy” to “i want revenge” in 5 days time. it’s clear she was very nervous about this album reception, and was bracing for bad news. but why drudge up 2 month old article a day after the album release? that article didn’t even mention cocc, wtf is she going on about? i hope she’s getting help for the demons she’s clearly fighting. i hope those around here realize she’s hurting. Reveal hidden contents god i know money isn’t everything but i was that rich, i really wouldn’t have a second thought on what journalists trying ro get clicks write A friend sent me a ss of something on Reddit (?) and it was basically saying that she probably thought she'd be able to use some disparaging article about COCC, but all of the COCC reviews and articles are good, so she dredged up an old article from January. So the theory is that this was all planned, just like she seemingly planned her response to the album cover non-comments. 9 Quote ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doll Harlow 12,374 Posted March 21, 2021 I feel for Lana. She's either just being way more open with her anger and vulnerabilities (outside of her music) or she really is just feeling all these things to such a strong degree. I hope she is able to find peace and not let criticisms consume her. In the past, I always got the impression that Lana was okay with being misunderstood because she would never really address it. In the past year, that has completely flipped. I wonder what sparked this. 20 Quote You call me lavender, you call me sunshine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
99centlips 8,526 Posted March 21, 2021 4 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said: A friend sent me a ss of something on Reddit (?) and it was basically saying that she probably thought she'd be able to use some disparaging article about COCC, but all of the COCC reviews and articles are good, so she dredged up an old article from January. So the theory is that this was all planned, just like she seemingly planned her response to the album cover non-comments. it’s like she’s trying to get ahead of arguments/attacks that aren’t even happening 13 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rorman Nockwell 57,502 Posted March 21, 2021 5 minutes ago, Doll Harlow said: I feel for Lana. She's either just being way more open with her anger and vulnerabilities (outside of her music) or she really is just feeling all these things to such a strong degree. I hope she is able to find peace and not let criticisms consume her. In the past, I always got the impression that Lana was okay with being misunderstood because she would never really address it. In the past year, that has completely flipped. I wonder what sparked this. Honestly the fact that she very likely reads here rings alarm bells - it's not surprising and I don't blame her for being curious but I don't think it's very healthy for her. Hopefully she can make this album and get it out of her system and then give zero fucks Spoiler Lala dm me and I'll be your PR person. You love Aries energy I know it I'll do it for fun, I'll do it for free 11 Quote ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Churchome Rep 3,400 Posted March 21, 2021 3 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said: A friend sent me a ss of something on Reddit (?) and it was basically saying that she probably thought she'd be able to use some disparaging article about COCC, but all of the COCC reviews and articles are good, so she dredged up an old article from January. So the theory is that this was all planned, just like she seemingly planned her response to the album cover non-comments. I doubt she plans the rollout like that. My theory is that it was because she was so unconfident about COCC that she wouldn’t want to interfere with the reception leading up to it. For the most part, Lana lets her music speak for itself. She could’ve used the Pitchfork review but that article has less salience because it’s so inscrutable for an Instagram story. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rorman Nockwell 57,502 Posted March 21, 2021 The author of that Harper's article is on Twitter talking smack I feel like this isn't going to end well 2 Quote ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doll Harlow 12,374 Posted March 21, 2021 5 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said: The author of that Harper's article is on Twitter talking smack I feel like this isn't going to end well yawn, they're probably secretly happy lana even acknowledged them 8 Quote You call me lavender, you call me sunshine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theweightofthehours 1,836 Posted March 21, 2021 I think we should cut her some slack, let the woman speak what's on her mind without trying to do a psychoanalysis on her. We really shouldn't be spending so much time on these controversies, it leads to nowhere. Let's just enjoy the music. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anwdelrey 9,295 Posted March 21, 2021 I just think she’s being way too reactive. With previous album cycles she’d clap back at critics (for mostly valid reasons) but this time around it just doesn’t feel like she’s the victim. Like she did in fact say that Trump didn’t mean to incite the riots (even if it wasn’t quite what she meaned ?) but whatever, I guess this is her way of reclaiming her narrative or whatever. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guitar Beat 109 Posted March 21, 2021 8 hours ago, Max said: For real though, Iman needs a hobby, these woke open letters about Lana are not it. She's honestly not a good writer... I don't condone any of the attacks on her but she seriously needs to rethink the way she words her articles. Her piece on Lana reads like a shitpost on Popheads Circle Jerk. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites