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If you look at the amount of shit that Madonna's getting for posting about it, it's pretty clear Lana's best off not getting involved at all.

if ur talking about that joke of a dance video she had her black son do pls stop. as a black fan its disappointing that she went out of her way to make post after post being defensive but NOW when she has the opportunity to stand in solidarity she cant say a damn thing


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And again Lana never said that. She did a messy post, included the name of some black singers and BAM it's racist. Basic reading comprehension is really lacking on the internet. She never said that black women or women wearing sexy clothes can't be soft. This is actively misunderstsnding her to play the OFFENDED-card.


SZA: And another thing . Black women (and men ) work very hard to be seen as soft And non threatening . we want to be seen as GENTLE soft ethereal beings too . Apply this to who it may


FAN: Lana del Rey teas talking about black women can’t be fragile


SZA: That shit really hurt me .


FAN: Yeah she really lost me with that one, especially with mentioning who she mentioned. Women who lay their heart out in their artistry


SZA: Like huh ? Just cause meg wears latex and kehlani got tattoos and bey wore a buret at the Super Bowl ... they not capable of vulnerability sensitivity fear and softness? .. GTFFFFFFFF


Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I don’t think lana should post anything tbh... she never has said anything about BLM and after the whole incident it’d look like she’s only doing it for show. She’d get the same reaction as camila did for posting it, hope she’s doing something behind closed doors though.


Lana did however claim to have care and support for the black community in her instagram video. if someone has millions of dollars and a huge influence on millions of kids around the world, i just don't buy that you get to do nothing with all your power and still claim you advocate for them

And again Lana never said that. She did a messy post, included the name of some black singers and BAM it's racist. Basic reading comprehension is really lacking on the internet. She never said that black women or women wearing sexy clothes can't be soft. This is actively misunderstsnding her to play the OFFENDED-card.



Just because she didn't say word for word BLACK WOMEN CANT BE DELICATE does not mean that it wasn't implicitly suggested 


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SZA (whoever she is idk? sorry) is reaching. Of things to be offended by, she is picking a weird non-existent sentiment that wasn't even implied. You really can twist a statement to mean anything these days I suppose, as long as there is enough public outcry about something else.



On 5/29/2020 at 4:18 PM, sexyslutboy said:

Just because she didn't say word for word BLACK WOMEN CANT BE DELICATE does not mean that it wasn't implicitly suggested 

What is this LUNACY??????????? This is really dangerous logic. Someone having an opinion on something does not automatically mean they assume the absolute binary on other opinions.


For example, if someone thinks women are strong, it does not mean they think men are weak.


Saying artists can be overt and sexualised, does not mean that they cannot be feminine. 


Aggressively reading between the lines and finding a lens to be offended through is absolutely counterproductive to any intelligent conversation or argument because it means that you can disagree with everything for the sake of it without base. It's the logic of flat-earthers who have no scientific evidence to stand on but the rebuttal is 'well we don't know for sure!'. Lana's clumsy first and subsequent tirades do not imply at all that black women are not "GENTLE soft ethereal beings", she is addressing that she feels resentment that she can't explore the same (whether or not that is true is absolutely up for debate, as we have seen).


Consider what you can extrapolate from this statement:

I like the music of Lana del Rey, and London Grammar. I don't like music from Beyonce, I think it's too poppy.


Based on what isn't said here and the 'implied suggestion' argument, here are the things you could say:

  • I only like music from white people
  • I don't like music from black people
  • I only like female singers
  • I hate male singers
  • I only like alternative music
  • I hate pop music
  • I don't like Australian music
  • I'm homophobic as I don't listen to any queer identifying artists

On and on, when I'm just saying some artists I like, and I don't really like Beyoncé.


There are merits to the arguments that the name-dropping of black artists is unfortunate, but purposefully creating reasons to be offended by looking at words that are unsaid is extremely counterproductive, and just give the concession that people are entitled to be offended at everything based on nothing. 


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SZA (whoever she is idk?) is reaching. Of things to be offended by, she is picking a weird non-existent sentiment that wasn't even implied.


You really can twist a statement to mean anything these days I suppose, as long as there is enough public outcry about something else.



Yea. I love SZA, and I don't want to invalidate her feelings but this whole thing was blown SO out of proportion. As @@Electric Body said apparently most people on the internet don't have basic reading comprehension.. So frustrating and upsetting to see all these fans and artists turn against Lana. We all know damn well she isn't racist. People need to stop reading so much into it. Lana wasn't implying anything other than EXACTLY what she said. She could've used white women examples of artists and none of this would've happened. It just so happened most of her favourite female artists are black. It could've been anyone's names up there.


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Lana never said or even meant that black women couldn't be soft or ethereal lol it just so happens the most successful and mainstream artists rn dont perpetuate a dominantly "soft" image. yes at times they can get emotional and sensitive but overall you wouldnt describe them to be soft,sensitive, ethereal. They have moments of it ofc. Just like Lana has her moments being wild, colorful, outgoing like they are generally.



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Just because she didn't say word for word BLACK WOMEN CANT BE DELICATE does not mean that it wasn't implicitly suggested 

It was not. Just because you can try to misunderstand something as hard as possible to be offended, it's not really there or even "implied". "Hey there are some black women mentioned at this point and there is this statement at that point, why not just put it together to a completely new statement that was not included in the initial post at all." That is just so extremely toxic and dangerous and something that usually rigth wingers resort to.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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if ur talking about that joke of a dance video she had her black son do pls stop. as a black fan its disappointing that she went out of her way to make post after post being defensive but NOW when she has the opportunity to stand in solidarity she cant say a damn thing

I'm really sorry :(  I'm watching this from a long way away, and it's just a mess.


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White lanaboards members telling people of color their opinions and experiences of racism are wrong and bad, what's new

Too bad for you, im a woman of color ;C dunno why ur assuming peoples race based on their mindset, seems racist to think all POC have to have the same exact opinion. We are capable of feeling our own independent way ya know!

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White lanaboards members telling people of color their opinions and experiences of racism are wrong and bad, what's new

Exactly. She said it hurt her, and she has a right to feel that way.


Nobody gets to say she's wrong for feeling that way. WTF?

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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White lanaboards members telling people of color their opinions and experiences of racism are wrong and bad, what's new

Yawn. Woke-culture at it's best. "You are not black/gay/trans/female, yet everything you say can easily be invalidated."


Constructing something that was never said out of the fragments of an (admittedly messy and not unproblematic) statement is not an experience of racism. It's a misunderstandig at best and an intentional imputation in the worst case. And it does not matter if I am black or not to point that out.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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It was not. Just because you can try to misunderstand something as hard as possible to be offended, it's not really there or even "implied". "Hey there are some black women mentioned at this point and there is this statement at that point, why not just put it together to a completely new statement that was not included in the initial post at all." That is just so extremely toxic and dangerous and something that usually rigth wingers resort to.


pls. just because you can't comprehend whats so obviously wrong with lanas posts doesn't mean people who can are going out of their way to get mad. Tons of people who are huge fans of her and want the best for her are mad about the post too. Have you bothered trying to get the other perspective on the matter? if you just look it up on youtube there are tons of black women who take apart the statement, clearly show they comprehend lanas intentions, but point out the problems they find with it


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Too bad for you, im a woman of color ;C dunno why ur assuming peoples race based on their mindset, seems racist to think all POC have to have the same exact opinion. We are capable of feeling our own independent way ya know!

And where did I say POC have all the same opinions? Please, please quote where I said that. This whole thread is full of people saying "actually this POC thinking that is racist is wrong" so don't try and come for me because you saw yourself in what I said ;C

locals only

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Exactly. She said it hurt her, and she has a right to feel that way.


Nobody gets to say she's wrong for feeling that way. WTF?

"Hey, I feel like you said something YOU NEVER ACTUALLY DID but that hurt me and therefore it's racism and noone gets to say I'm wrong".


Sorry, but nah. This "let's NOT talk and resort to emotional outlashes" mindset is pretty unhealthy, no matter with which intention it's voiced. Silencing arguments you do not agree with by instantly brandmarking them as racist or x-phobic is not going to help anyone.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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Exactly. She said it hurt her, and she has a right to feel that way.


Nobody gets to say she's wrong for feeling that way. WTF?

Theres nothing wrong with critiquing someones logic, I dont enjoy someone feeling unnecessary pain. If she had understood it correctly she wouldnt have been upset. Her feeling human emotions is perfectly fine, taking offense to things that weren’t meant to be offensive isn’t good.

And where did I say POC have all the same opinions? Please, please quote where I said that. This whole thread is full of people saying "actually this POC thinking that is racist is wrong" so don't try and come for me because you saw yourself in what I said ;C

How did I see myself in it when Im not white? You said that since I dont agree with it Im white. Thus implying POC have to think the same way. What makes you think a POC cant think against the grain? I feel that you may subconsciously feel that POC have to have a particular mindset.

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PSA to everyone who still doesn't see why people find Lanas posts racist. A YouTuber named "for harriet" has a video explaining it. its pretty long but i think she does a good job at explaining everything very cohesively . there are other vidoes explaining the point of view but i think hers is the best


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pls. just because you can't comprehend whats so obviously wrong with lanas posts doesn't mean people who can are going out of their way to get mad. Tons of people who are huge fans of her and want the best for her are mad about the post too. Have you bothered trying to get the other perspective on the matter? if you just look it up on youtube there are tons of black women who take apart the statement, clearly show they comprehend lanas intentions, but point out the problems they find with it

It was a messy, self-centered post with her acting up as if the other woman she mentioned did not get the shit she does and where she narcissistically portrayed herself as the glamorous, delicate victim while being a rich, priviledged and politically superficial white woman in america. Yup.


But making it a big racist issue because the women she mentioned were black and then going in with the "Ok, at this point of the text she mentions Beyonce, who is a black woman, and at this point she is talking some bs about soft women in feminism. SO THAT HAS TO MEAN SHE SAYS BLACK WOMEN CAN''T BE SOFT OMG SO RACIST" is just dump.


"OMG SHE CAME FOR TWIGS!" no she did not. She said that Twigs pole dancing is considered art, while hers is considered whore-ish. The fact she ignores that Twigs gets called a whore aswell is problematic and self-centered but she did not "come for her". If you don't try really hard to see every mention of another person in a non-yass-ing way as an attack, then it's pretty obvious that Lana wanted to state that women dancing should not get called a whore.


And if you stop with this "rightful anger" mindset, you would see that too. Lanas posts were problematic and exposed her as being a narcissist. But they did not expose her as a racist.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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Yawn. Woke-culture at it's best. "You are not black/gay/trans/female, yet everything you say can easily be invalidated."


Constructing something that was never said out of the fragments of an (admittedly messy and not unproblematic) statement is not an experience of racism. It's a misunderstandig at best and an intentional imputation in the worst case. And it does not matter if I am black or not to point that out.

Yeah you dont have to be a POC to analyze and critique a racial matter Lol

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