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Christina Grimmie

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A great amazing sweet up and coming singer murdered at fan signing after Orlando concert.

So sad this news. f****** disgusting evil people out there who would kill someone like this?


All musicians should take heed, and stop any meet and greets, fan signing, etc. stay away from your 'fans'.


disgusting news and sad AF

RIP Christina. 

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This is absolutely disgusting. So fucking shameful to the person that did it just to make his suicide 'justifiable'. How fucked up? If this doesn't change something about gun laws in America then I don't know what happens. Imagine if the world gets to a place where artists don't want to go outside and meet fans after shows in fear of being fucking killed? Atrocious


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so sad to here about this. I wasn't a fan of hers, but I can't imagine how upsetting this is to her true fans (and family of course) and it seems like in today's culture it will only be a matter of time before something similar happens to someone I care for immensely :(


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Horrible and yes, guns b gone in America as soon as possible


A ruling in California the other day by the courts is the first step

but the US Supreme Court has to change by having Hillary/Elizabeth Warren win as President/Vice President, and with then the court changing, it can move forward


only reason it has gotten this way in the first place was acorrupt Supreme Court member(Scalia who died recently) re-interpreted the 2nd amendment into something it wasn't,

and the #1 loud mouth lobby group the NRA which needs to be shown for what they are- terrorists with weapons of mass destruction


and it figures it is Florida, home of the asshole who assassinated Mr. Trayvon Martin.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Gun laws will not change any time soon and definitely not because of this girl's murder. It's a tragedy, but it's not going to cause a political revolution

Why not though? This is the problem, a young musician is KILLED outside HER OWN CONCERT and it's 'not going to cause a political revolution'? How disgusting/embarrassing that this shit can continue to happen and nobody does anything about it


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Omg poor girl. I hope the person who did this to her suffers. I just don't get it after everything that has happened because of guns and still no change. Sometimes I just lose respect for my country.


I think he committed suicide quickly after he shot her. Coward.


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A great amazing sweet up and coming singer murdered at fan signing after Orlando concert.

So sad this news. f****** disgusting evil people out there who would kill someone like this?


All musicians should take heed, and stop any meet and greets, fan signing, etc. stay away from your 'fans'.


disgusting news and sad AF

RIP Christina. 


it was her ex-boyfriend. stop. Sadly the same thing happens to non-celebrities too


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The ex bf was disgusting. How can you let a singer who was at her concert living her dream? This should be remembered forever. Hope she will live in her long beautiful dreams. All my prayers to her and her loving family.

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This is so sad :( I never heard of her till today but no one deserves to die this way especially doing the very thing they love. I can't imagine how her poor family and fans must be feeling at the moment...


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Why not though? This is the problem, a young musician is KILLED outside HER OWN CONCERT and it's 'not going to cause a political revolution'? How disgusting/embarrassing that this shit can continue to happen and nobody does anything about it

Florida (where this incident occurred) has one of the least restrictive gun laws in the nation. America's legislative body is composed majorly of a political party that fully supports individual gun rights, and I do not see change happening as long as this party is in control.


+ to be honest, she wasn't well known enough to actually cause people to do something about it

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it's so sad to hear about an event like this. my prayers are with her, her family and friends.


i don't think this will change politics tho, we all have to remember that their president was shot once and yet they still can carry their guns around as casually as their iphones (in some states at least).


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replies to a few above post- including @@Amadeus

at the moment, the Republicans control the Senate, and the senate is the one not giving President Obama (Democratic president) choice Merrick Garland a vote to put him on the court. Scalia died and the court is 4 to 4.

With that 5th justice, one can reinterpret the 2nd amendment which is highly debated.

Vast majority of people want less guns but the conservatives until Nov control the Senate (It is expected the Dem. Party will flip it)


once the court is flipped, then the court, with the right case, can do something without congress (same as the old court allowed the stuff that is going on now


which is why when some in media say both sides are the same, it is a big lie. They are not.


Florida and Texas, South Carolina, Georgia re 4 of the worst states

NY, California, Conn. Mass. are 4of the best states


there are ways to take guns off the street


People are getting fed up here...these things happen nationwide 100s of times a week

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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This story greatly increases my anxiety and paranoia about the world. If it was a random derranged stalker that did it, perhaps a background check could have prevented it; however, I would say pragmatically, it was that Christina wasn't treated like an airport security checkpoint, that caused her to die, more so than the lax gun-control legislation did. I mean I'm very much in favor of gun control; however, the local security is something one can control, whereas gun-control legislation not so much. Obviously, you want to do both. However ANY entertainer SHOULD rethink the simple pragmatics of gun control for events like this, and I'm expecting all of them to do so, because of this tragic event.



I remember Christina Grimmie because I watched the Voice her season. She did an impressive performance of Perry's Dark Horse. She was ultimately a finalist, who got a record deal (I think), so we might eventually hear what was to be her debut record.  


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