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Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.

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The result is so close to 50/50, almost half of the UK is against this decision. I'm almost sure this is gonna lead to another Referendum whether or not Scotland will stay in the UK since they voted pro EU.


I think it's very likely Scotland will get another referendum. This one changes the entire context of Scottish independence, people will be protesting for sure.


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Nicola Sturgeon has said prospect of Scotland being removed from the European Union is “democratically unacceptable” and announced a possible new independence referendum.







Edit: "My source" (haha sounds so arrogant) corrects itself and says that there will be no new elections but rather, Cameron will have to designate a successor and he will then have to maintain the people's vote.


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And I see the majority of the leave voters were 65+. Fuck the greying population I hope life expectancy lowers to 60 you useless out of touch losers who still hold the racist values you were brought up with. This whole result came from the fear monger ing from the media on immigrantion and refugees and the xenophobic attitude from the public I am certain.

THIS. The fucking elderly have been so fucking selfish by voting to leave and our generation are gonna have to fix the mess they caused (again)


Honestly, I want another Scottish Referendum rn cause I'm so done with the UK. We voted to stay a part of this mess?




Edit: "My source" (haha sounds so arrogant) corrects itself and says that there will be no new elections but rather, Cameron will have to designate a successor and he will then have to maintain the people's vote

I LOVE HER SO MUCH. Only politician with a fucking back bone

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Honestly I feel like many of the people who voted Leave were not very educated on what exactly that will entail. Apparently some woman whose farm was subsidised by the EU believed that the UK government will start doing that themselves. There was also another study that showed that most county's/areas that voted Leave were the ones who were the most financially dependent on the EU's money, which makes me believe they all have the same optimistic view on their government. With so many consequences striking UK over this decision already these people are going to have a rude wake up call very soon if not already.

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Did no one think about how this would affect the world over themselves like...


Then I'm disgusted that Trump is saying they just did what he wants America to do, Makes me sick, he makes every fucking tragic/horrible world event about his fucking campaign. I will literally fight tooth and nail to ensure that sack of shit doesn't end up in office


So many things went wrong today, ugh


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I absolutely don't know anything about politics and I have no idea what the consequences will be but out of curiosity, if a lot of down voters were 65+ and it's close to half half, were there a high rate of abstention amongst young people?


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Honestly I feel like many of the people who voted Leave were not very educated on what exactly that will entail. Apparently some woman whose farm was subsidised by the EU believed that the UK government will start doing that themselves. There was also another study that showed that most county's/areas that voted Leave were the ones who were the most financially dependent on the EU's money, which makes me believe they all have the same optimistic view on their government. With so many consequences striking UK over this decision already these people are going to have a rude wake up call very soon if not already.





i love how people exercise their civil rights without realising the full consequences. 



this is the first REAL signal that trump 2016 is the real deal.


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Me and my boyfriend are seriously thinking of moving to South Africa (Where he comes from) BC of the EU exit. I do not want to be apart of a racist far right country.


Other countries like Sweden are already considering having their own referendum BC of the events that took place today. Its a real possibility that the EU may not exist in a decade or two....


We could've won it aswell if they let sixteen year olds have a vote and take part in the referendum as there one of the highest demographic of pro-europeans around in the UK. I can't help but wonder if this was done on purpose tbh An act of deliberate self sabotage committed by my government....


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With results being so close I feel like there should be a second referendum. But that aint happening. 





I'm absolutely pro-democracy and think that the people should hold the ultimate power over the state, but man some of these Leave voters are testing me  :toofunny:

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As a young person in Scotland I am absolutely disgusted. We were told in the 2014 independence referendum that the only way for Scotland to stay a member of the EU was by voting to stay in the UK. Scotland voted to stay in the UK, and voted resoundingly in favour of Remain in the EU, and yet it is undemocratically being dragged out of the EU against our wishes.


I want a new independence referendum, and I would vote Yes in a heartbeat. I don't want to be part of this new UK which is inward-looking, economically weaker than ever before, and consumed by ugly xenophobic rhetoric. I want OUT of the UK, and I want OUT now.


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it's too early to tell the consequences of this, the short-terms ones mean nothing so we'll see... Anyway the results are quite interesting, I wouldn't know the ederly are more eurosceptic than the youth when in countries like France it's the opposite. In Austria too, the FPO candidate didn't win because the old people voted in a large majority for the ecologist.

And bitter populists were already saying they should not vote. Democracy is democracy, I'm disgusted when I read "omg people who do not agree with me are so stupid", we didn't fight against absolutism and totalitarism for this kind of stupid statement that do not bring anything to the debate. I do not have an opinion of Brexit but reading french politicians saying "we should not do a referundum too because the Leave would win" makes me sick. À gouvernement where the people is not listened is not a democracy. There must be only place for rational debate, not for arrogance and comptempt towards lower classes.

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it's too early to tell the consequences of this, the short-terms ones mean nothing so we'll see... Anyway the results are quite interesting, I wouldn't know the ederly are more eurosceptic than the youth when in countries like France it's the opposite. In Austria too, the FPO candidate didn't win because the old people voted in a large majority for the ecologist.

And bitter populists were already saying they should not vote. Democracy is democracy, I'm disgusted when I read "omg people who do not agree with me are so stupid", we didn't fight against absolutism and totalitarism for this kind of stupid statement that do not bring anything to the debate. I do not have an opinion of Brexit but reading french politicians saying "we should not do a referundum too because the Leave would win" makes me sick. À gouvernement where the people is not listened is not a democracy. There must be only place for rational debate, not for arrogance and comptempt towards lower classes.


However a democracy where people vote based on wrong information an without even understanding the basic concept of votecasting is problematic as well, and that do somewhat seem to be the case for Brexit.

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However a democracy where people vote based on wrong information an without even understanding the basic concept of votecasting is problematic as well, and that do somewhat seem to be the case for Brexit.


no. you can't live in a democracy and simultaneously tell people they don't know how to vote, or voted for the wrong reasons, when you don't agree with the results & try to change the rules so you can give it another shot. that is quite simply NOT a democracy & would be the source of far bigger problems than Brexit because it would set an incredibly dangerous precedent. it baffles me how so many people aren't aware of or choose to ignore this.

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