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I honestly didn’t expect to like this album but it’s better every time I listen..


Chic Chick, Girls In Bikinis, Am I a Girl?, Play Destroy, Aristocrat, Interlude 1, Time is Up, Hard Feelings... they all slap.


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If everyone universally hates XXXTentacion for being a trashy person and an abuser, why should she be excused? Because she makes """futuristic""" pop music? Double standards is how i see this. & if threads for singers that are exposed for being pedophiles are closed, this one should be too, as well as the xxxtentacion thread et al 


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If everyone universally hates XXXTentacion for being a trashy person and an abuser, why should she be excused? Because she makes """futuristic""" pop music? Double standards is how i see this. & if threads for singers that are exposed for being pedophiles are closed, this one should be too, as well as the xxxtentacion thread et al 

sis people still listen to xxxtentacion on a daily basis and his songs are still charting, no one cares about how shitty/disgusting an artist is. as long as someone likes the music they will still be listening, just get over it.


you don't want to support poppy or listen to her music? fine, that's your choice! but you can't obligate others to do the same, it doesn't matter how wrong it is to support her for you. so stop coming into this thread and just ignore it.

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sis people still listen to xxxtentacion on a daily basis and his songs are still charting, no one cares about how shitty/disgusting an artist is. as long as someone likes the music they will still be listening, just get over it.


you don't want to support poppy or listen to her music? fine, that's your choice! but you can't obligate others to do the same, it doesn't matter how wrong it is to support her for you. so stop coming into this thread and just ignore it.

But like! How do you not feel bad for supporting a shitty person?? 


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If everyone universally hates XXXTentacion for being a trashy person and an abuser, why should she be excused? Because she makes """futuristic""" pop music? Double standards is how i see this. & if threads for singers that are exposed for being pedophiles are closed, this one should be too, as well as the xxxtentacion thread et al 


You really can't compare Poppy and XXXT. The horrific things X did while he was alive are not remotely on the same level of what Poppy's being accused of, working with someone who was manipulative and an asshole to his ex. Yes there are some points to be made regarding whether or not Poppy copied Mars's character. But she didn't beat her until her face broke, or beat a gay man nearly to death for looking at him. Have your problems with Titanic Sinclair for being a weirdo but you simply cannot include Poppy in the ring of music industry abusers.

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Look, I understand y'all not supporting Poppy. I don't either. But you need to let other people do what they want. You can't force somebody to stop listening to an artist. Some people can just separate art from the artist. I am not one of those people, but I can understand where they're coming from.


And honestly, if you don't want to support her but still want to hear the album, you can still stream it. I think 1,000 streams equals to about $8USD on Spotify, so she's not getting much from just those streams.

death grips is online !

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This is how we play
This is how we play DESTROY! (Play destroy!)
Gonna cut your face
And break your favorite toy
Drop the match in the gas tank
Blow up your neighbor's pool
Oh, boy



☆SeaKeen★ // Everything is romantic


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This is how we play

This is how we play DESTROY! (Play destroy!)

Gonna cut your face

And break your favorite toy

Drop the match in the gas tank

Blow up your neighbor's pool

Oh, boy





this song lowkey saved my music taste in 2018 bc i've been listening to more experimental shit ever since Am I A Girl? came out. she really is that bitch

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